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番茄的英文是tomato,音标为英 [tə'mɑːtɔ],美音则为 ['meto],下面是一些关于西红柿的信息和短语介绍以及一个家常菜谱描述: Tomatoes are a common fruit that grows in warm climates and has been cultivated for many years. It is native to North Africa, Europe as well Asia regions where it’s widely consumed around the world due its rich nutritional value including vitamin C & A along with lycopene which acts like an antioxidant helping protect against certain types of cancer risk factors . Tomatos can be eaten raw or cooked , added into salads、soups 、stews ,sauces among other culinary applications ,此外还有一些相关英语表达如“add tomato paste”表示添加一些番茄酱,“ketchup”(即西式烹饪中常用的调味品)等。“TP(Tomatopaste)”指的是浓缩过的蕃薯制品——也就是我们常说的浓稠状的纯正红透了的熟制果肉泥状物;在西方料理里运用十分广泛;“Add"是一个动词意思是增加或补充说等等用法多样。"一道常见的家常规炒蛋做法如下": The dish I am going introduce today called scrambled eggs served together with fresh ripe red tomotoes; this Chinese home-cooked meal requires two beaten up egs (or more depending on your appetite), one medium sized chopped plum shaped brightly colored fruity vegetable known commonly by most people worldwide since childhood days -the sweet juicy fleshy pulp filledwith seeds inside each segment ; some seasoning salt pepper etc.; if you have prepared all these ingredients then we could begin cooking! First heat oil pan add egg mixture stirring until they start setting but still moist looking next put them out onto plate side aside while keeping stove temperature high enough so nothing sticks when adding back later after frying veggies first few minutes longer than needed just till slightly softened down from crunchiness before returning our main focus now towards those colorful little chunks sitting lonely waiting their turn under hot broth... Next step involves gently sauteeing diced pieces over low flame allowing natural release off concentrated flavorful juice within every piece letting go slowly without burning anything important here.. Then pour remaining liquid left behind during initial preparation process mixing thoroughly ensuring everything blends nicely altogether creating heartily appetizing visual effect upon final serving presentation ! Last steps include tossing previously set scrambled egss back intotomate mix finishing touch giving last minute burstofflavor combination between both elements culminating deliciousness only foundwithin homemade comfort food recipes passeddown through generations." 这道简单的家庭菜肴既美味又营养丰富!希望你喜欢这道用鸡蛋与新鲜成熟的红色水果蔬菜做成的经典中国美食!” 至于你问的 "tp是什么意思",在这里它可能是指代某种缩写或者特定领域的术语,"请提供更具体的使用场景以便我更好地回答您的问题",另外也需要注意到不同语境下单词的意思可能会有所变化因此需要结合上下文进行理解哦!"ADD的意思是中文中的‘加’,包括相加的数学运算及将某事物加入另一事物的行为动作。”同时也要注意区分不同的英语单词在不同的句子中有可能会具有多种含义所以要根据具体的语言环境来准确理解和使用它们呢!"最后再次欢迎关注点赞评论谢谢支持啦~ ”



番茄的英文 期待您的回复!
