在外观设计上,它的高度精确地测量是148毫米左右(具体数值可能因生产批次略有差异),宽度大约有6厘米多一点点(约合0.3至-o),厚度则被巧妙控制在不到一个硬币直径的长度内——即约为八毫以内米之间;整体机身重量也相当轻巧和舒适的手握感觉:仅重达一百八十克以上一点九克的微小差距而已!这使它成为了一款既时尚又实用的智能手机选择之一!此外呢?该机型还提供了两种颜色供消费者们挑选:沉稳大气的黑色以及简约清新的白色款式任君选配哦~:-)表情符号的意思是什么?这个emoji代表什么含义?(英文回答)-happy face or something else ? (中文翻译及解释):-) 这个表情是什么意思啊 - happy expression 或者其他意思吗??请用英语解答一下这个问题吧~谢谢!!🙏😊答案中需要包含对该emoji的解释及其所表达的情感或意义等详细信息。(注意要用英文字符来描述。)The emoji “:-)” represents a *** iling facial expression with eyes closed slightly and the mouth in an upturned position showing happiness.(此处的“微笑”可替换成您认为更合适的形容词以更好地传达情感)。 This symbol is often used to convey joyful emotions such as pleasure when communicating online through text messages on mobile phones.(在此处可以添加一些关于使用场景的信息) In Chinese translation of this *** iley it would be "开心的表情" which means expressing delight/happiness visually by using symbols rather than words alone for communication purposes . It's also frequently utilized among friends who want show their affection towards each other during casual conversations over social media platforms like WeChat , *** etc.. So yeah,-:) 在这里通常表示快乐或者高兴的情绪 ,同时也可以作为朋友间在网络社交平台上如微信 , *** 等非正事聊天时用来展示彼此之间的感情的一种方式 or another way that people can use nonverbal cues (like *** iles )to communicate effectively even though they are not physically present together at times .. Hope you find these information helpful ! Thank You !!希望这些内容能对你有所帮助并感谢你的提问!!!🌟✨✌️🙂❤️😂👍🏻