MSN是Microsoft Corporation的简称,而微软是一家总部位于美国的跨国科技公司。它们之间的关系体现在多个方面,如在操作系统、办公软件、硬件设备和云计算等方面的合作。,,MSN在2008年被出售给了腾讯,后者成为其主要股东之一。但目前,由于搜索引擎排名问题和市场环境的变化,MSN在全球市场的影响力正在逐步减弱。
"Live now is an active brand": "Live now is now an active brand in its own right, MSNMessenger being one of the most famous products. This is due to its status as being renamed from MSNMessenger to WindowsLiveMesenger, although it was originally called MSNSpaces."
"早期的微软还有一款浏览器": "早期的微软还有一款浏览器: MSNMessenger. The former MSNSpaces later changed to LiveSpaces and eventually the blog service was canceled, which was then redirected to WordPress (where新浪博客在中国也能够接管). Now Live offers Hotmail, Messenger, Skydrive among other services."