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  5/PM10 细微颗粒

global warming 全球变暖

greenhouse effect 温室效应

air pollution 空气污染

sustainable development 可持续开展

exhaust gas 废气

weather forecast 气候预报

public hazard 公共危害

deforestation 砍伐丛林

desertification 戈壁化

unclear and impure 浑浊不清

industrial waste 工业废料

make joint hand 联袂

acid rain 酸雨

chemical plant 化工场

fight against 匹敌

ever-accelerated 不竭开展

destroy the ozone layer 毁坏臭氧层

endanger existing species 危害现存物种

be plagued with 遭到污染

suffer a great deal from 深受其害

set up a foundation 成立一笔基金

appeal to the government 向政府呼吁

punish severely by the law 依法严惩

encourage city-residents 鼓舞市民

extremely serious problem 极其严峻的问题

adopt several strong measures 采纳积极办法

take control over our environment 控造我们的情况

raise people’s awareness of the environment 进步人们的情况意识

deterioration of the ecology 生态恶化

break the ecological balance 毁坏生态平衡

enhance the quality of life 进步生活量量

for the future generations / for our descendants 为了子孙后代

bring about a lot of losses / disasters 形成庞大丧失/灾难

pursue one’s short-term interest 逃求面前利益

let this situation go as it is 任由态势开展。


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