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  信赖有许多玩家整沉浸在自由度爆棚的《半人马之星》游戏中,作者对游戏进行了版本更新,更新之后的版本为v0。2,因为游戏还没正式发布,现在的版本为测试版本,下面是v0。2版本更新内容。官方原文:Hello everyone!Update Prototype v0。

  2 with Agriculture! (Remember Humble Bundle need a few days to validate the new version and allow you to download)Changes/Additions:AgricultureNew weapon : The boomerangAttacks no longer hit through wallsAutomatic mode for digging (Can be switched on with the Ctrl key)Small plants and grass now grow again on plainsYou can now put decorations on platformsIt can now rain on plains。

  Less monsters spawn during the first days on the plainsA new trap was addedTraps now do damage to blocksBuffs now have a colored aura according to their rarity levelAdded a console (Displays some logs)When a player dies, lost souls stay on the map (But don't stay on saving and leaving the game)Souls now stack when there are too many of them at the same placeYou can now remove empty chestsSome monsters can now inflict status ailmentsNew dropsNew craftsNew potionsBug fixes:Spells didn't appear for some playersCrash when the player dropped a spell using the right click in the inventoryCrash when trying to equip the wrong items as vanity gearCrash when trying to place a cube on the edge of a decorationDoors no longer make blocks disappear and cannot be opened or closed with a solid object blocking their pathTraps can no longer be destroyedBlack particles no longer appear when mining wood or a closed chestThe craft offset glitch should be fixedFixed some assetsZombies sometimes gave the impression of spawning from another block than dirtFixed offset doors中文翻译:修改/添加: 武器:回力棒进攻不再穿墙可以开启自动模式挖掘(Ctrl键)小植物和草会自动生长在平原上你现在可以把装饰平台平原会下雨了系统会将第一天的刷怪量减少防止新手感到困难(然并卵)添加了一个新的陷阱(有一段不知道什么鬼随便看看就好)添加了一个掌握台(展示一些日志) 当玩家死亡,你的灵魂会保持在地图上村庄?当有多的人在同一个地方您现在可以删除空箱子现在一些怪物可以造成疾病状态新怪 新工艺 新药剂(重点啊)缺陷修正:一些玩家的法术出现崩溃有些门不能开/关时装放错位会导致崩溃最后 僵尸会破坏门。



《半人马之星》v0.2版本更新内容 期待您的回复!
