北京用什么查天气比较准?平均低温-4℃ 1次降水 今天 01/31 晴转多云 14/-3℃ 良 周三、周四、周五 多云北京用什么查天气比较准?推举几个优质天气app吧 1.彩云天气 使用自主天气源,实时天气比较正确,玛雅天气、几何天气、速知天气、更准天气。这是一款检测天气的卫星地图软件,软件将全球天气展示在主界面的3d地球动画上。
2.北京 2023/01/31 ~ 2023/02/14 未来15天,平均高温5℃,平均低温-4℃ 1次降水 今天 01/31 晴转多云 14/-3℃ 良 周三、周四、周五 多云
推举几个优质天气app吧 1.彩云天气 使用自主天气源,实时天气比较正确,专注短时预告,街道级精准定位 使用该天气源的app有: 玛雅天气、几何天气、速知天气、更准天气 。
The weather in Bejing
The weather in Bejing is not predictable,but strongly linked to air polution.In July,a friend from California told me" the air is so heavy that a knife can't cut through it".He described the weather in July exactly.In August,he visited Beijing again and told me " the air is much light than it was in July".I agreed and feeled like I can enjoy the best season in Beijing.Now,with the approching of September,the steaming hot air revisits Beijing.Feeling hard to breathe.