Do Violent Video Games Actually Cause Violence?: A Comprehensive Exploration

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In recent years, violent video games have been a controversial topic with many people claiming that they lead to an increase in real-life violence. However, the relationship between violent video games and violence is complex and not fully understood. This essay seeks to explore the issue from various angles and answer the question: do violent video games actually cause violence?


Do Violent Video Games Actually Cause Violence?: A Comprehensive Exploration

Violent video games are games that contain depictions of violence, including but not limited to fighting, killing, or injuring characters. Some of the most popular violent video games include Mortal Kombat, Call of Duty, and Grand Theft Auto. These games have been the subject of much debate and research over the past few decades, with some studies suggesting a link between violent video games and aggression and others showing no significant correlation.

Research and Studies

Numerous studies have been conducted to try and determine whether violent video games lead to violent behavior in real life. Some studies, such as the one conducted by Anderson and Dill in 2000, found that playing violent video games increased aggression in players. However, these studies have also been criticized for not taking into account other factors that could contribute to violent behavior, such as upbringing, mental health, and exposure to real-life violence.

On the other hand, many studies have found no link between violent video games and violent behavior. For example, a meta- *** ysis by Ferguson and Kilburn in 2009 concluded that there was no evidence to suggest that playing violent video games leads to violent behavior. Similarly, a 2011 study by Markey and colleagues found that playing violent video games did not predict violent behavior in college students.


Some argue that the desensitization to violence that can result from playing violent video games can lead to an increased likelihood of violent behavior. Additionally, the argument that violent video games are simply a reflection of real-life violence and do not cause it is also up for debate, as there is no clear consensus on the extent to which violent media can influence behavior.


In conclusion, the relationship between violent video games and violence is complex and not fully understood. While some studies suggest a link between the two, others show no significant correlation. It is important to remember that violent video games are just one of many potential factors that could contribute to violent behavior. Therefore, further research is necessary to fully understand the relationship between violent video games and real-life violence.


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