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首先,我们来看2021年12月的英语四级作文真题:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Online Learning. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 现在很多学生通过网络进行学习;

2. 网络学习的利弊;

3. 我对网络学习的看法。


My View on Online Learning

With the widespread use of the Internet, online learning has become increasingly popular among students. There are both advantages and disadvantages of online learning.

On the one hand, online learning allows students to learn anytime and anywhere. They can access the course materials at their own pace, which is convenient and flexible for those who have busy schedules. Moreover, online learning can offer a wide range of resources and opportunities for students to interact with others from diverse backgrounds.

On the other hand, online learning may lead to a lack of motivation and discipline for some students. Without face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers, students may lack the motivation to keep up with the course and may even procrastinate. Moreover, online learning may not be suitable for some courses, such as lab-based courses, which require hands-on experience.

Personally, I think online learning can be a good supplement to traditional classroom learning. It is a great way to expand our knowledge and access to resources. However, we should also be aware of its limitations and use it wisely.


1. 认真审题:遵循题目给出的要求,按照提纲写作,注重字数限制;

2. 分段写作:可以将文章分为引言、主体、结论三部分;

3. 语言表达:要注重使用妥当的词汇、语法和句式;

4. 注重细节:排版整洁、拼写正确、标点符号妥当。



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