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What is the English word for "承担"?

When it comes to the word "承担" in Chinese, it refers to taking responsibility for something or bearing the burden of a certain task or duty. In English, there are several words that can be used to express this concept, depending on the context and the level of responsibility involved.


One common translation for "承担" is "to undertake". This word implies that the person is willingly accepting the responsibility and is committed to fulfilling it to the best of their abilities. For example, a company may undertake a project to develop a new product, or a student may undertake a research project for their degree.

Another possible translation is "to shoulder". This word suggests a heavier burden, as if the person is carrying a weight on their shoulders. For instance, a parent may need to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of their sick child, or a leader may need to shoulder the burden of making difficult decisions for their team.

A third option is "to assume". This word conveys a sense of taking on a responsibility that was not originally yours, perhaps due to circumstances beyond your control. For instance, a manager may need to assume the responsibility of a team member who suddenly quits, or a citizen may need to assume the responsibility of reporting a crime they witnessed.

Regardless of which word you choose, the key concept behind "承担" is the willingness to take on responsibility and see it through to the end. It is a sign of maturity, integrity, and reliability, and is essential for success in both personal and professional settings.


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