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1. 暗示原因

- There are several reasons why/for...

- The main/primary reason for... is...

- One of the most significant reasons why/for... is...

例如:There are several reasons why people choose to live in the city. Firstly, the city provides more job opportunities. Secondly, the city offers better education and healthcare resources. Lastly, the city has a more diverse and vibrant culture.

2. 暗示比力

- Compared with/to..., ...

- In contrast to..., ...

- While... is... , ... is...

例如:Compared with traditional classrooms, online learning has several advantages. Firstly, online learning can save time and money for commuting. Secondly, online learning provides more flexibility for students to schedule their study time. Lastly, online learning offers a wider range of courses for students to choose from.

3. 暗示重要性

- It is essential/vital/critical to...

- It is important to note that...

- There is no doubt that...

例如:It is essential to develop good study habits in order to achieve academic success. Students who have effective study habits can manage their time wisely, avoid procrastination, and retain information better.

4. 暗示处理问题

- One solution to... is...

- A possible way to solve/address... is...

- To tackle/cope with..., we can...

例如:One solution to the problem of air pollution is to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Governments can promote the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and encourage people to use public transportation or electric vehicles.



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