1. 问题处理型模板
问题描述:In recent years, online shopping has become increasingly popular in China.
原因和影响:However, it has also led to a series of problems, such as the spread of fake products and the decline of traditional retail businesses.
处理计划:To tackle these problems, the government should strengthen regulations on online shopping platforms and promote the development of offline retail businesses.
2. 论证型模板
概念提出:In my opinion, college students should be encouraged to participate in volunteer work.
原因和证据:This not only helps them develop a sense of social responsibility, but also provides them with valuable practical experience and networking opportunities.
结论:Therefore, colleges and universities should offer more opportunities and resources for students to engage in volunteer work.
3. 比照型模板
比照对象介绍:When it comes to choosing a mode of transportation, people have two options: driving or taking public transportation.
优缺点阐发:Driving offers more convenience and flexibility, but it also contributes to traffic congestion and air pollution. Public transportation, on the other hand, may be less convenient, but it is more environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
结论:Therefore, people should consider both the advantages and disadvantages of each option before making a decision.