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Keywords: 对峙到底的英文,对峙到底的英文短语, perseverance, persistence

When it comes to expressing the concept of “对峙到底” in English, there are a few different phrases that can be used. Here are some options:

1. Perseverance: This word means to continue doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. It implies a sense of determination and resilience in the face of challenges. For example, “He showed perseverance in his studies, and eventually graduated with honors.”

2. Persistence: Similar to perseverance, persistence refers to the act of continuing to do something even when it’s difficult or seems impossible. It suggests a sense of doggedness and tenacity. For instance, “She persisted in her efforts to start her own business, even when others doubted her.”

3. Stick-to-itiveness: This is a colloquial term that means the same thing as perseverance or persistence. It’s often used humorously or informally. For example, “His stick-to-itiveness paid off when he finally landed his dream job.”

Overall, the idea of “对峙到底” can be expressed in English through a variety of phrases that emphasize determination and resilience in the face of challenges. Whether you use the word “perseverance,” “persistence,” or “stick-to-itiveness,” the message is the same: keep going, even when it’s tough.


如何用英文表达“坚持到底”? 期待您的回复!
