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1、时髦 美语第二百二十门课 2、vulgar 是什么意思 3、时髦 美语第342课:take it easy 时髦 美语第二百二十堂课

Larry和李华在议论州长竞选的问题。 李华会学到两个常用语toast和wiggle room.

LL: If the Governor doesn't change his education policies, Li Hua, I think he is toast.

LH: 你说什么? 如果州长不改动他的教导 政策,他就会怎么呐?Toast不是烤面包吗?我想那必定是一种比方, 不外,He is toast事实是什么意思呢?

LL: When I said "toast" I meant that he would be finished or done for. Basically, I think he will lose the election.

LH: 噢, He is toast就是他没有期看 了,完了。 Toast那个说法很生动。就像烤面包一样, 面包烤好了就会被弹出来, 政府官员落第就像面包被弹出来一样。

LL: That is exactly right.

LH: 我们仔纯州的那位州长政绩不错,期看 他能被选蝉联。 I hope he's not toast.

LL: Well, I'll agree with you that the Governor is very effective in many ways. But after he decided to raise taxes, most Americans were pretty dissatisfied. He's toast, I tell you.

LH: 我认为他不会落第。你不是也认为州念埋咐长在各方面都很有效率吗?增加税收也是为了改进 教导 呀。我倒觉得他的竞选敌手不可,他既不诚恳 ,也税收方面也没有什么好主意。

LL: I can see you and I aren't going to agree on this. Good friends shouldn't talk about politics. We don't want our friendship to be toast!

LH: Larry, 你说的没错,再谈政治我们两个非成为敌人不成。 我们换个话题吧。你比来似乎 很忙, 在忙什么呢?

LL: Well, since you asked, Li Hua, if I don't finish the budget report I am working on by Thursday, then I am toast!

LH: 什么?你要在木曜日以前完成预算陈述。今天已经礼拜三了。看来你是要完了。我如果你,今天无论若何不睡觉也要把陈述写出来。

LL: That is the best way to avoid being toast. Say, Li Hua, what about you?Don't you need to turn in a chapter from your dissertation to your advisor?

LH: 没错,琼斯传授说了我非得在月底以前把我论文的第一章交给他,否则就算我那学期不及格。那我就完了。Then I'm toast.

LL: You *will* be toast, Li Hua. You won'液蚂t be able to look for a job next year, and I know your parents will be very unhappy.

LH: 就是呀,书没念好,父母不兴奋 ,我就实的完了。I will be toast!


LL: Did you see the candidates' debate last night, Li Hua? The Governor really didn't leave himself any wiggle room on the tax issue.

LH: Wiggle room? Wiggle有摇动,摆动的意思。 Room是房间。你说州长在房间里说话的时候摇来摆往 ?

LL: No, I meant that on the issue of taxes he left himself very little room to shift his position later.

LH: 你是说他在争论 税收问题的时候没有给本身留下盘旋的余地。他都说了什么呢?

LL: He promised during the debate that if he was reelected he would not raise taxes.

LH: 他说被选后不会进步税收?他其实不该当做出那个。 假设 碰着 天然灾害 、战争 或是经济恶化,政府怎么能不进步税收呢?

LL: You are exactly right. I can see he didn't leave himself any wiggle room there. Say, Li Hua, how is your dissertation chapter coming?

LH: 我的博士论文写得怎么样了?哎,说起来很羞愧,我不断没有时间写。 时间表排得满满的,没有一点盘旋的余地。

LL: I know how that is, Li Hua. I am going to be working on my budget project right up until the last minute. I haven't left myself much wiggle room, either.

LH: 我看你是得赶紧写那预算陈述,要能在最初一分钟写出来就算你命运。 我那礼拜必然得写完论文第一章。下学期我想削减教书的时间,如许就会有多一点的时间来写论文了。

LL: While having some wiggle room in your schedule is a good thing, are you worried about losing some of your income?

LH: 是啊,少教些书是会让我有更多时间,不外我也担忧收进 就会削减。

LL: I'm not very good at sticking to a budget. I always like to have some wiggle room in my budget for extra expenses.

LH: 我晓得,规定本身一个月花几钱是很难遵守的,总有要额外买些工具的时候。所以我总给本身留一些余地,免得到时候没有没办法 。

LL: Yeah, I guess we can skip going out for ice cream for a while.

LH: 食 冰淇淋花得了几钱!We have a lot of wiggle room for ice cream.

今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是toast,意思是失败,或是俗话说完蛋。另一个是wiggle room,意思是盘旋或调整的余地。

vulgar 是什么意思


1、手升adj. 粗鄙的;通俗的;本土的

2、n. 布衣,苍生

【读音】英 [ˈvʌlɡə(r)]  美 [ˈvʌlɡər]


1、vulgar fraction [数] 通俗分数 ; 分数

2、Vulgar Pigeons 粗鄙鸽子

3、Carnivore vulgar 肉食者鄙

4、Vulgar culture 低俗文化

5、vulgar ambition 卑鄙的野心

6、Vulgar Fu 俗赋




【读音】英 [ˈpɒpjələ(r)]  美 [ˈpɑːpjələr]

【意思】adj. 时髦 的,通俗的;受欢送的;群众的;普及的


1、popular sovereignty 人民主权论 ; 人民主权 ; 主权在民 ; 大数卜寡主权

2、popular goods 快货

3、Popular element 时髦 元素 ; 流行元素 ; 流行元素

4、popular literature 民间文学 ; 通俗文学

5、Popular Party 人民党 ; 公众党 ; 近日

6、popular American 时髦 美语 ; 时髦 美语教学 ; 流行美语 ; 上海世界图书出书公司

时髦 美语第342课:take it easy

李华前段时间通过了驾驶执照的测验, 如今能够本身开车了。迈可也坐在她的车里,从他们二人的对话中,李华学到了两个常用语: take it easy和to chew out.

L: 考完试了,如今有了驾照实好。我裂派觉得我可以往 任何地乱顷方,做 任何想做的事了。

M: I know what you mean. American kids feel the same way when they turn 16 and get their licenses. Too bad you don't have a car.

L: 那有什么关系,我能够跟你借啊,对不合错误?哎呀 Hey! What do you think you are doing? Do you want to be killed? Michael,你看阿谁 骑自行车的孩子,我差点儿碰了他!

M: Hey, hey, take it easy Li Hua! You really scared that kid. He looked really scared.

L: Michael, 你适才说什么?什么easy?

M: I said take it easy! That means you need to calm down, not get too excited.

L: Take it easy? Take it easy是沉着 下来,别太气了的意思? Take是T- A-K-E. It是I-T. Easy是E-A-S-Y,对吧?

M: Yes, you've got it. That boy was almost in a very bad accident, and he was startled. You don't need to make him feel worse.

L: 你说的不错,看样子他都快哭了。

M: Hey, Li Hua, you're going to be driving on your own soon. I hope you learn to take it easy and not get angry at everyone.

L: 你说的对。如果我沉着 开车的话,也许我的车会开的更好。

M: I'm sure you will. You just finished a difficult test. You should take it easy. Let's go get some lunch, my treat.

L: 你要请客啊?行,我是应该放松放松了。 我要好好享受今肆陪贺天生 下的时间。

M: Man, Li Hua, you really chewed that kid out.

L: 你指的是适才骑车的阿谁小孩?你说我对他怎么了?

M: You chewed him out! I mean you yelled and got angry at him. Chewed, C-H-E-W-E-D; Out, O-U-T.

L: 噢,你是说我发脾性大骂了阿谁孩子,是吧?

M: That's right. If someone gets angry and yells at you, and starts criticizing your behavior, they are chewing you out.

L: 本来如斯,我也不晓得为什么我大骂阿谁小孩,可能 是其时我也 恐惧 的缘故。

M: Are you upset about something else? You seem to have a bad temper today.

L: 我是有点气,因为今天刘传授对我生气。因为我该教中文的课, 我往 晚了五分钟。刘传授就对我大发脾性。

M: That's too bad. I don't like being chewed out like that either. Especially when I know I was wrong.

L: Hey, 那可不是我的错,我自行车的链子又脱落了。 为什么发作 那类工作你老是怪我?

M: Hey, take it easy, Li Hua! Don't chew me out! I was talking about myself, not you.

L: 我的天,是我不合错误,不晓得我今天是怎么回事。我想跟每小我 发脾性。

M: You must be stressed. First, Professor Liu chewed you out, then you almost ran over the kid on the bike.

L: 你说的对,我实不应对任何人都发脾性。我应该开高兴心的。

M: At least you should be happier than I am. Yesterday, my roommate chewed me out. He said I always make a mess in the living room, and he is tired of cleaning up after me.

L: 也许你是把房子弄得很乱,可是你室友也不应对你发脾性啊。

M: He was right, though. I really need to get rid of my bad habits.

今天李华学到了两个常用语,一个是Take it easy,意思是沉着 下来,或者放轻松些。另一个是to chew out,意思是发脾性骂人。


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