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1、Joan Osborne的《Crazy Baby》 歌词 2、Joan Osborne简介~~急需!~ 3、Joan Osborne的《Spider Web》 歌词 Joan Osborne的《Crazy Baby》 歌词

歌曲名:Crazy Baby

歌手:Joan Osborne


Crazy Baby

Joan Osborne

Crazy Baby Lyrics

Artist(Band):Joan Osborne

And your hands are really shakin' somethin' awful

As you light your twenty-seventh cigarette

Oh, how long have you been sittin' in the darkness

You forget...

Oh, you know you're gettin' really hard to be with

And you're cryin' every time you turn around

And you wonder why you cannot pick your head up

Off the ground...

Oh, my crazy baby

Try to hold on tight

Don't put out the light...

The light, the light, the light

And they look at you like they don't speak your language

And you're living at the bottom of a well

And you've swallowed all the awful bloody secrets

But you can't tell...

Oh, you know you ought to get yourself together

But you cannot bear to walk outside your door

No, you cannot bear to look into the mirror


As your worries climb around inside your clothes

Oh, how long will you be sittin' in the darkness

Heaven knows...

The light...

Joan Osborne简介~~急需!~

Joan Osborne

别名 : 琼安 奥斯朋

职业 : 演唱

所属地域: 美国

出生地 : 美国

生日 : 1963年7月8日

1963年7月8日出生于阿拉斯加南部的安克雷奇。90年代早期来到纽约,就读于纽约大学片子学院。一个偶尔的时机琼在本地一家小酒吧中演唱了爵士歌后比莉-郝乐迪的名曲“天主保佑孩子”,自此人生的轨迹完全被改动。她起头处置音乐事业,模仿 本身所喜好的埃特-詹姆斯以及蕾-查尔斯等人停止演出。最后奥斯本不肯受大唱片公司的左右,本身成立了厂牌“女性欢唤 ”(Womanly Hips),并推出《灵魂展现》(Soul Show)如许一张唱片,还与其他艺人一路举办音乐会。1995年,她末于熟悉 到贸易协做 的重要性,就与Mercury公司签约,第二张《意味》(Relish)由此发行。颠末将近一年时间的期待,公家觉察了那张专辑的价值,单曲《我们中的一个》(One Of Us)成为排行榜首,并使她在1996和1997年获得诸多格莱美奖提名。

琼-奥斯本是一名十分具有社会责任感的女艺人,音乐创做之余,经常参与到一些认为重要的公家事业傍边往 。选举、投票、节育、妇女权益都是她感兴致 的主题。

女歌手Joan Osborne经由水星公司推出了本身的首张专辑《Relish》,此中的单曲"One of Us"不只传遍全球也为她博得了歌迷的喜欢。同时那张布鲁斯风气 的专辑还给她带来了五项格莱美奖提名,此中更佳新人的提名具有非分特别严重的意义。尔后的两年中,Osborne为妥帖 《Relish》而走遍世界,其间她也履历了"One of Us"和"St. Teresa"所带来的宗教纠纷。一切完毕后,Osborne再次重返灌音棚起头造造 下张专辑《Righteous Love》,因为没有唱片公司的帮助,她自掏腰包创做并录造新歌,也恰是因为那个原因,新专辑包罗了从东方风情、宗教风气 到地道的布鲁斯等浩瀚音乐形式。

Joan Osborne的《Spider Web》 歌词

歌曲名:Spider Web

歌手:Joan Osborne

专辑:The Best Of Joan Osborne 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection

Matt Pokora - Spiderweb

Tossin' and turnin'

Every night been tryin' to sleep

It ain't the rain against my window keeping me

Awake, weak inside lady I begin to shake

When I turn and look at your face

This ain't the way we started

Not how it's supposed to go

Nor did I ever think

You have true colors you were true

Thought I was living the dream

But I'm a fly in a spiderweb

Thought I was living the dream, yeah

I'm running

Keep gunning

No, I'm caught in a spiderweb

I'm caught in a spiderweb


One shot

Can't get out

No, I'm caught in a spiderweb

I'm caught in a spiderweb


Can someone save me?

Can someone save me from this hell

I gotta break free

I gotta break free from myself

I've been racking my brain

Thinking how to get out

Screaming is useless when no one can hear you shout

It's just a matter of time

Before I break

Break apart in a mistake

This ain't the way we started

Not how it's supposed to go

Nor did I ever think

You have true colors you were true

Thought I was living the dream

But I'm a fly in a spiderweb

Thought I was living the dream, yeah

I'm running

Keep gunning

No, I'm caught in a spiderweb

I'm caught in a spiderweb


One shot

Can't get out

No, I'm caught in a spiderweb

I'm caught in a spiderweb


Can someone save me?

Can someone save me from this hell

I gotta break free

I gotta break free from myself

Can't get out x7

I'm running

Keep gunning

No, I'm caught in a spiderweb

I'm caught in a spiderweb


One shot

Can't get out

No, I'm caught in a spiderweb

I'm caught in a spiderweb


Can someone save me?

Can someone save me from this hell

I gotta break free

I gotta break free from myself


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