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1、2020年中级bec实题谜底解析 2、BEC中级阅读实题解析 3、我想考剑桥BEC中级,请问阿谁实题集的二三四辑是什么意思啊? 4、求BEC中级的实题集中12345辑那五本材料的区别及其各自感化,能否必需?BEC中级什么复习材料比力好? 5、剑桥BEC中级实题集第一、二、三、四辑都要买么? 2020年中级bec实题谜底解析

bec实题能够让我们提早领会bec往年的测验范畴 ,题型和内容,对我们有很大的参考价值,为了便利各人备考,下面我给各人带来2020年中级bec实题谜底解析。


Read the article below about the changing role of human resources departments.

The best person for the job

Employees can make a business succeed or fail, so the people who choose themhave a vital role to play.

Employees are a company's new ideas, its public face and its main asset. Hiring the right people is therefore a significant factor in a company's success.(0) G If the human resources department makes mistakes with hiring, keeping and dismissing staff, a business can disappear overnight. Many companies now realise that recruiting the best recruiters is the key to success.

Sarah Choi, Head of HR at Enco pic, believes that thinking commercially is a key quality in HR. Every decision an HR manager makes needs to be relevant to advancing the business. (8) ...C.....That's no longer the case. HR managers have to think more strategically these days. They continually need to think about the impact of their decisions on the bottom line. (9).....F... For example,a chief executive will expect the HR department to advise on everything from the headcount to whether to proceed with an acquisition.

Why do people go into HR in the first place? Choi has a ready answer. I think most people in the profession are attracted by a long-term goal.(10)....D......Nothing happens in the company which isn't affected by or doesn't impact on its employees, so the HR department is a crucial part of any business.

Not all operational managers agree. An informal survey of attitudes to HR departments that was carried out last year by a leading business journal received comments such as "What do they actually contribute?"(11).....A..... As Choi points out, salaries have never been higher and, in addition, HR managers often receive substantial annual bonuses.

Despite the financial rewards, HR managers often feel undervalued, and this is a major reason for many leaving their jobs.(12)...E......However, a lack of training and development is a more significant factor. These days, good professional development opportunities are considered an essential part of an attractive package,Choi explains.

A But rising levels of remuneration demonstrate that the profession's growing importance is widely recognised.

B At one time, a professional qualification was required in order to progress to the top of HR.

C Other departments and senior executives used to see HR managers as having a purely administrative role.

D Since it's one of the few areas where you can see the whole operation, it can lead to an influential role on the board.

E Being seen as someone who just ticks off other people's leave and sick days does not help build a sense of loyalty.

F They therefore need to be competent in many aspects of a company's operations.

G On the other hand, recruiting the wrong staff can lead to disaster.


那篇 文章 的题目有些misleading,“The best people for the job”,还认为是招人的原则 。其实那篇文章是关于Human resource的,所以仍是要恰当存眷文章前的阐明 :the article below about the changing role of human resources departments.

第八题,空格后面的“That's no longer the case”是很重要的提醒。因为空格前面不断在强调commercial和business,所以在空缺的处所应该是和另一个方 面相 关的内容。选项C的administrative role正好称心 那个要求。前后辞意思搭配在一路完全吻合。

第九题,后面的for example的很关键 ,是对前面的填补 阐明 。“For example,a chief executive will expect the HR department to advise on everything from the headcount to whether to proceed with an acquisition.”总裁期看 人力资本司理对一件工作提出定见 ,从人数统计到能否停止收买。那种要求就需要人力资本司理具备良多才气。所以F的 句子 填在那里最适宜 。

第十题,谜底略微不那么明显,不外D句中的an influential role能够和第十题的空格后的a crucial part相对应,算是谜底信号。要从整体上掌握第三段,那里认为HR manager 的影响是全局的、持久的,所以D句的“see the whole operation”契合情状 。

第十一题,理解前后文的意思,前面说过往 的operational managers不那么承认HR manager的感化,后面指出HR managers挣得多,所以中间是转折的意思。A句的But是个信号,“上涨的薪酬程度意味着那个职位逐步增加的重要性得到了普遍的承认。”意思和前后都吻合,所以是准确谜底。

第十二题,空格前说HR managers觉得本身的感化被低估了,所以leaving。空格后一个However,所以空格处应该仍是和leaving有关的,为什么 去职 。E句的意思是“被视做仅仅对他人的分开和生病的日子划勾的人是没法搀扶帮助 成立忠实感的。”填进 此处正好。

BEC 商务英语 测验考生须知



剑桥商务英语证书测验(BEC)是 教导 部测验中心和英国剑桥大学测验委员会协做 ,于1993年起举办的测验。该系列测验是一项语言程度测验,根据 公事或商务工做的现实需要,对考生在一般工做情况下和商务活动中利用英语的才能从听、说、读、写四个方面停止全面考察,对功效 及格者供给由英国剑桥大学测验委员会颁布的原则 同一的功效 证书。测验设有三个级别:初级(BEC Preliminary)、中级(BEC Vantage)和高级(BEC Higher)。分为纸笔测验(阅读、写做和听力)和白话测验(两个考生和两个考官面临面的形式)。目前每年别离 在5月和11月举办两次测验。教导 部测验中心海外测验报名信息网独家供给有关报名、测验时间安放 、考点散布、测验规定、测验征询等信息和办事。



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3.4、答题数据反常 情状 的处置


答题数据反常 并断定有违规行为的,将不出具功效 ,不退还考费;

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bec实题能够让我们提早领会bec往年的测验范畴 ,题型和内容,对我们有很大的参考价值,为了便利各人备考,下面我给各人带来BEC中级阅读实题解析。


Finding the right people

When a small company grows, managers must take on many new roles. Besides the day-to-day running of the business, they find themselves responsible for, among other things, relations with outside investors, increased levels of cashflow and, hardest of all, recruitment.

For most managers of small and medium-sized enterprises, the job of searching for, interviewing and selecting staff is difficult and time-consuming. (0) ... .G... . Interviewing, for example, is a highly skilled activity in itself.

'We have found the whole process very hard,' says Dan Baker, founding partner of a PR company. 'In seven years we have grown from five to eighteen staff, but we have not found it easy to locate and recruit the right people.' (8).........As Dan Baker explains, 'We went to one for our first recruitment drive, but they took a lot of money in advance and didn't put forward anybody suitable. In the end we had to do it ourselves.'

Most recruitment decisions are based on a pile of CVs, a couple of short interviews and two cautious references. David Rowe, a business psychologist, studied how appointments were made in five small companies. He claims that selection was rarely based on clear criteria. (9).........This kind of approach to recruitment often has unhappy consequences for both employers and new recruits.

Small companies often know what kind of person they are looking for. (10)......... According to David Rowe, this means that small company managers themselves have to devote more time and energy to recruitment. It shouldn't be something that is left to the evenings or weekends.

Many companies start the recruitment process with over-optimistic ideas about the type of person that will fit into their team. 'It's very easy to say you must have the best people in the top positions,' says Alex Jones, managing partner of an executive recruitment company. 'But someone who is excellent in one company may not do so well in another environment.(11).........You can never guarantee a successful transfer of skills.'

Whatever the candidate's qualifications, their personal qualities are just as important since they will have to integrate with existing members of staff. This is where, the recruitment industry argues, they can really help.

According to Alex Jones, 'A good recruitment agency will visit your company and ask a lot of questions. (12).........They can ask applicants all sorts of questions you don't like to ask and present you with a shortlist of people who not only have the skills, but who are likely to fit in with your company's way of doing things.'

A finance director in a big company, for example, will often make a terrible small company finance director because he or she is used to having a team doing the day-to-day jobs.

B More often than not, the people making the choice prioritised different qualities in candidates or relied on guesswork.

C Recruitment would seem an obvious task to outsource, but the company's experience of recruitment agencies was not encouraging.

D They need paying for that, of course, but you will have them working for you and not for the candidate.

E They are usually in very specific markets and the problem they face is that recruitment agencies may not really understand the sector.

F This means that companies cannot spend more than the standard ten minutes interviewing each applicant.

G Yet few are trained and competent for all aspects of the task

Finding the right people,觅 觅 适宜 的人。是说的小公司在起步开展阶段找到适宜 人才的难度和重要性。第一段总论小公司的司理们往往身兼数职,而此中最有难度的,仍是招人。 文章 介绍了找到适宜 的人应该重视 的问题,而且说招人那种事不成能过度寄期看 于雇用机构。

第八题,那一题的前面说招人相当 的困难,后面一个as Dan Baker explains,说曾经找过雇用机构,成果人家要提早收钱而且也没有供给适宜 的人,最初仍是得靠本身。从那里的as …explains和后面的阐明 能够看出,第八空的内容应该是和雇用机构有关,雇用机构其实不能称心 公司的需要。选项C正好称心 那一特征 :雇用看起来像是个很明显的合适交外打点的使命,但是那个公司同雇用机构打交道的履历不那么的鼓励人。was not encouraging是关键 点。

第九题,那一段都是讲招人的决策不敷科学。基于 简历 或者是简短的 面试 ,很少有明白的原则。第九空的后面是This kind of approach to recruitment often has unhappy consequences。可见第九空的内容仍是和雇用的 办法 有关,而且是负面的。B选项契合那一前提:凡是(more often than not是often的意思,插进 语),做决定的人将候选人身上的差别程度 按优先挨次给排好,或者依靠 于揣测 。

第十题,那一题的后面说this means the small company managers themselves have to devote more time and energy to recruitment。那意味着小公司本身要多花时间和精神在招人上。那里的this means的this是个表示,能够看出第十题那里应该填进 的是一些不太有利的因素,使得公司只要本身往 招人。E选项契合那一要求:他们凡是处于一些特殊 市场上,面对的问题是雇用机构其实不实正理解那一行业。

第十一题,那一段是讲招的人能否适应公司的情况的问题。那一空前面说的很明白:But someone who is excellent in one company may not do so well in another environment。在一个公司超卓的人其实不必然能在另一个情况里干的好。那一空的后面一句也是填补 阐明 那一看 点的。可见第十一空的内容仍然是那个,没有转折。A选项填进 正好,是举例阐明 11空前面的看 点:例如说,一个大公司的财政总监在小公司往往会干的很蹩脚,原因是他或她已经习惯有一个团队来停止每日的工做。

第十二题,最初一段是和雇用机构相关的。前面说雇用机构会上门办事而且询问良多的问题。那一空的后面说的是雇用机构若何搀扶帮助 招人。选项D能够填进 ,D的They need paying for that的that是个表示,指代前面的上门办事。D选项的后半部门说要让雇用公司为你而不是为候选人办事,能够和那一段的后半部门对应上。


Department Store Magic

For most of the 20th century Smithson's was one of Britain's most successful department stores, but by the mid-1990s, it had become dull. Still profitable, thanks largely to a series of successful advertising campaigns, but decidedly boring. The famous were careful not to be seen there, and its sales staff didn't seem to have changed since the store opened in 1908. Worst of all, its customers were buying fewer and fewer of its own-brand products,the major part of its business, and showing a preference for more fashionable brands.

But now all this has changed, thanks to Rowena Baker, who became Smithson's first woman Chief Executive three years ago. Since then, while most major retailers in Britain have been losing money, Smithson's profits have been rising steadily. When Baker started, a lot of improvements had just been made to the building, without having any effect on sales, and she took the bold decision to invite one of Europe's most exciting interior designers to develop the fashion area, the heart of the store. This very quickly led to rising sales, even before the goods on display were changed. And as sales grew, so did profits.

Baker had ambitious plans for the store from the start. 'We're playing a big game, to prove we're up there with the leaders in our sector, and we have to make sure people get that message. Smithson's had fallen behind the competition. It provided a traditional service targeted at middle-aged, middle-income customers, who'd been shopping there for years, and the customer base was gradually contracting. Our idea is to sell such an exciting variety of goods that everyone will want to come in, whether they plan to spend a little or a lot.' Baker's vision for the store is clear, but achieving it is far from simple. At first, many employees resisted her improvements because they just wouldn't be persuaded that there was anything wrong with the way they'd always done things, even if they accepted that the store had to overtake its competitors. It took many long meetings, involving the entire workforce, to win their support. It helped when they realised that Baker was a very different kind of manager from the ones they had known.

Baker's staff policies contained more surprises. The uniform that had hardly changed since day one has now disappeared. Moreover, teenagers now get young shop assistants, and staff in the sports departments are themselves sports fans in trainers. As Baker explains, 'How can you sell jeans if you're wearing a black suit? Smithson's has a new identity, and this needs to be made clear to the customers.' She's also given every sales assistant responsibility for ensuring customer satisfaction, even if it means occasionally breaking company rules in the hope that this will help company profits.

Rowena Baker is proving successful, but the City's big investors haven't been persuaded. According to retail analyst, John Matthews, 'Money had already been invested in refurbishment of the store and in fact that led to the boost in sales. She took the credit, but hadn't done anything to achieve it. And in my view the company's shareholders are not convinced. The fact is that unless she opens several more stores pretty soon, Smithson's profits will start to fall because turnover at the existing store will inevitably start to decline.'

13 According to the writer, in the mid-1990s Smithson's department store

A was making a loss.

B had a problem keeping staff.

C was unhappy with its advertising agency.

D mostly sold goods under the Smithson's name.

14 According to the writer, Smithson's profits started rising three years ago because of

A an improvement in the retailing sector.

B the previous work done on the store.

C Rowena Baker's choice of designer.

D a change in the products on sale.

15 According to Rowena Baker, one problem which Smithson's faced when she joined was that

A the number of people using the store was falling slowly.

B its competitors offered a more specialised range of products.

C the store's prices were set at the wrong level.

D customers were unhappy with the service provided.

16 According to the writer, many staff opposed Baker's plans because

A they were unwilling to change their way of working.

B they disagreed with her goals for the store.

C they felt they were not consulted enough about the changes.

D they were unhappy with her style of management.

17 Baker has changed staff policies because she believes that

A the corporate image can be improved through staff uniforms.

B the previous rules were not fair to customers.

C customers should be able to identify with the staff serving them.

D employees should share in company profits.

18 What problem does John Matthews think Smithson's is facing?

A More money needs to be invested in the present store.

B The company's profits will only continue to rise if it expands.

C The refurbishment of the store is proving unpopular with customers.

D Smithson's shareholders expect a quick return on their investments.

《Department store magic》,字面上是百货公司的魔力。讲的是英国的一间百货公司若何脱节窘境。第一段是点明公司所遭遇的窘境,接着第二段讲一个女CEO上台起头改变场面,第三段和第四段详细讲那位女CEO的应对 办法 ,最初一段 总结 :革命尚未胜利,同志仍需勤奋。

13题,问在90年代中期那个百货公司的情状 是什么样的。谜底是第一段的最初一句:its customers were buying fewer and fewer of its own-brand products, the major part of its business, and showing a preference for more fashionable brands.那个标题问题的谜底有相当 的迷惘 性。整个 句子 都是在讲客户购置的越来越少,偏好更多的时髦品牌。所以很随便 误选A,但现实上那里并没有说吃亏。关键 是那个处所:its own-brand products, the major part of its business。自在品牌仍然是公司营业的次要部门。所以应该选D:次要销售Smithson名下的产物。Under the Smithson’s name也就是its own brand products。

14题,问Smithson的利润从三年前起头增长,原因是什么。谜底是第二段的那么一句:she took the bold decision to invite one of Europe's most exciting interior designers to develop the fashion area她做出了一个斗胆的决定,邀请了欧洲最刺激的室内设想师来开发时髦范畴。后面紧接着就说This very quickly led to rising sales,所以谜底选C:Rowena Baker的设想师抉择 。

15题,问当Rowena Baker加进 时公司面对的一个问题是什么。那题的关键 是要理解一个句子中一阕词的含义:It provided a traditional service targeted at middle-aged, middle-income customers, who'd been shopping there for years, and the customer base was gradually contracting.。它供给的传统办事目标 人群是中年中等收进 者,那些人已经在那购物多年。而且客户基数逐步削减。Contracting:缩小,收缩的意思。所以谜底选A。

16题,问良多员工反对Baker方案的原因是什么。谜底是那么一句:many employees resisted her improvements because they just wouldn't be persuaded that there was anything wrong with the way they'd always done things。不情愿 被说服他们以前干事情的体例有什么问题。意思也就是不情愿 改动他们工做的体例。选A。

17题,问Baker改动员工政策的原因是什么。谜底在第四段,Baker的原话:How can you sell jeans if you're wearing a black suit? Smithson's has a new identity, and this needs to be made clear to the customers。你怎么能穿戴黑西服卖牛仔?Smithson有一个新的身份,那些必需对客户很明白。也就是C选项说的“客户必需能辨认 出办事他们的员工”,A不合错误,没有提到改进 公司形象,B和C在原文没有提到。

18题,问John认为Smithson面对的问题是什么。谜底是最初一段的最初一句:The fact is that unless she opens several more stores pretty soon, Smithson's profits will start to fall because turnover at the existing store will inevitably start to decline.事实上除非她尽快的开更多的店,Smithson的利润将会削减因为现有商铺的营业额将不成制止的起头下降。也就是B所说的除非扩大 ,公司的利润才会陆续 增长。


Managing a career on the way up is quite different from managing one at the top of an organisation. Individuals on the way up have to build relationships with the people they (19)to.They usually have to (20) with subordinates in addition to people at the same level as themselves. The most senior staff only have those under them to relate to. This book (21)the idea that all working relationships, including the relationship with one's boss, can and should be managed.

You do not have to be (22) than your manager in order to manage the relationship. Nor do you have to be better than your manager in any (23).Your manager may well be your career (24) and guide: he or she may have taught you almost everything you know about your(25) of business - and may continue to teach you more. You may be planning to remain under his or her guidance in the future. None of these (26)should alter your relationship with your manager or (27) you off 'managing upwards'. I use this phrase to (28) to the management of one's bossbecause, for many people on the way up, it is the first relationship they have to get right.

You can, of course, get on at work just by (29) positively to your manager, but that is not likely to be the most successful way to (30) your working life. An active policy of managing upwards will make you more successful and, at the same time, make the business of going to work more enjoyable. It can also be a way to show (31) to your manager for the efforts he or she has made on your (32) Finally, managing upwards will make it easier for your manager to manage you,leaving him or her more time for other (33) and tasks.

19 A notify B inform Caccount D report

20 A unite B contact C handle D deal

21 A promotes B presses C advertises Dconvinces

22 A clearer B deeperCsmarter Dfuller

23 A respect B fashion Cpart D means

24 A leader B supporter C adviser D helper

25 A courseB line C path Droute

26 A factors B aspects Ccauses D topics

27 A put B see C keep D take

28 A specify B identify C indicate D refer

29 A giving B operating C reacting D co-operating

30 A run B forward C move D make

31 A appraisal B value C appreciation D regard

32 A advantage B benefit C side D behalf

33 A posts B roles C positions D acts

Managing upwards,打理同上司的关系。

19题,report to,对什么。。。负责,从属;隶属。用在那里句子意思正好:处于上升阶段的小我需要同他们所隶属的人处置好关系。A、B的词后面都接of,account to 是阐明 的意思,用在那里意思不合错误。

20题,联络此空上下文,应该是说处置与部属的关系。deal with后接somebody是表达 处置和某人的关系。A、B意思不合错误,C是及物动词,后面不需要with。

21题,promote促进,鞭策。promote the idea,鞭策某个设法。

22题,根据 意思选词。处置与上司的关系不需要比上司更伶俐。其他几个词用在此处的话都有些奇异,很随便 肃清 。


24题,那个空要联络上下文,而且参考后面的guide。“he or she may have taught you almost everything you know”,也就是说TA会对你的工做停止良多批示 ,因为有taught,所以不是supporter或者helper,选leader又觉得拉远了间隔,因而选adviser。

25题,一个让人头疼的贸易英语固定词组。line of business,有营业和运营产物的意思。供给几个例句就很好理解含义了:

We specialize in this line of business我们专门运营此项办事;

Does this item come under your line of business? 我想晓得那种产物属您运营的范畴 吗?

You meet some very interesting people in my line of business干我们那行,你会碰着 良多有趣的人。

26题,根据 前后辞意思,选factors,因素。

27题,put off一般表达 延迟,但它还有一个不太出名的意思是障碍。see off,送行;keep off,远离;take off,起飞。

28题,根据 意思选refer to,提及,描述。

29题,react to,固定搭配,对什么做出反响。用在那里意思也吻合。

30题,the most successful way to (30) your working life,意思上应该填进 表达 运营、治理 等的意思,run有那个意思。C和D 用法不合错误,forward something是指转发邮件。

31题,appreciation,,表达 感恩 之情。

32题,on one’s behalf,站在某人的立场上,为某人的利益。此处的意思是对他为你所做出的勤奋表达 感恩 。



就是人民邮电出书社出书的剑桥商务英语实题集,一共是1、2、3、4辑,不外一般考中级的话买BEC中级实题集的2、3、4辑比力权势巨子,良多人选举 那三本。



1.素材 :对应各品级的考生用课本,课本辅导书(含习题谜底),白话书( 我买的是陈小慰编的)以及几本往年的或者模仿的题集(那个用来查验和操练很重要);那些根本上来说是必备的;当然考生能够根据 本身的现实情状 删补;

2.同伴:也就是Parterner,通俗 白话操练的合适和测验的合适都需要,当然那个也不长短要不成。假设 你的白话好的不可或者你确实无法找到,则没有也不妨,测验的时候会给你安放 ;

3.预备 时间和内容:一般来见,前期次要是看课本、操练白话以及被响应的单词、句型;一般到了测验前一个月才起头做题集,当然你想尝尝难度,前期做也能够的。



2.第一季的实题因为年代较为长远,也是往 了意义,打个例如,如今高考的题必定不会用十年以前的考题对吧?此外,第一季实题已经不出书的,市道上买不到。


4. 区此外话就是那些实题的年份纷歧样,我记得第二季是06或者05年的,第三季是07或者08的,第四时就是09年的。




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