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1、用英文怎么介绍留守儿童?? 2、父母不在身边的孩子英语怎么说 3、留守儿童用英语怎么说? 4、留守儿童用英语怎么说 5、“留守儿童”英语怎么说 用英文怎么介绍留守儿童??

Topic Left-behind Children in the Countryside在农村的留守儿童(无译文)

Every year, millions of people from rural areas pour into cities to find jobs. And the henomenon of left-behind children is prevalent.

Left-behind children are suffering a series of problems. They are not taken good care of by their parents because of the distance. Therefore, many of them are rather weak physically and psychologically. Besides, they are easily led astray due to the absence of parental love and guidance.

In my opinion, measures should be taken to solve the problem. Firstly, both people in the cities and countryside should endeavor to offer love and concern to these children. The parents in particular should not make money at the sacrifice of ignorance of their children. Secondly, policies should be implemented so that children from countryside can also have access to educational opportunities, medical care and other services in the city. Finally, it is urgent to develop economy in the rural areas, so that people can get well-paid jobs near their homes.


留守儿童: Stay-at-Home children

Twelve-year-old Luo Xiaofeng refused to have dinner with his parents

on the 15th day of the first lunar month, the last day of the Chinese lunar new year. Instead, he sat on the doorstep sobbing. "They are leaving for Xiamen tomorrow, and I don't want to let them go," he cried.It was the first Spring Festival in three years in which his parents had managed to come back to their Hometown in the eastern part of Ningde, Fujian Province, to spend the holiday with him.

Luo is not alone. Government statistics show that more than 20 million children in rural areas whose parents have left Home to search for work in the city.The problem has reached a national scale as more and more migrant workers from across China answer the call of employers in the country's booming cities.The splitting up of families poses a challenge to traditional household structures and approaches to child-rearing, said Xie Guangxiang, deputy secretary-general of Anhui Provincial Government.In a proposal to the ongoing ational Committee of the CPPCC, Xie urged the whole country to think seriously about the situation.Among the potential problems stay-at-Home children face are the absence of any sort of family education, degraded school records and other psychological problems.

A survey of people in Jingmen, Hubei Province, showed that stay-at-Home local children suffer from poor living conditions, lagging educational attainment, insecurity and difficultly in communication.The survey, conducted by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) in May last year, involved 181 children, 95 boys and 86 girls. The results were published last week on the federation's website.Some 87.9 percent of the children surveyed said they were willing to stay with their parents. About 90 percent said they felt insecure when they were left


The five most pressing concerns for such children are tutoring, psychological help, security, financial support and communications. To deal with the issue, a dozen government-related bodies, including the Office of the Rural Workers United Conference under the State Council and ACWF, set up a working panel in October last year. The panel is to cooperate with other government bodies, including the Education, Public Security and finance ministries, to gradually put in place laws and regulations to safeguard the rights of stay-at-Home children.

译文(China Daily)

正月15那天,12岁的罗晓峰不情愿 和父母一路食 饭。他坐在门前的台阶上一边哭抽泣 ,一边说:“他们明天就要往 厦门了,我不想让他们走。”那是晓峰的父母三年来第一次回福建宁德的老家陪他过春节。

但罗晓峰不是一个破例。据政府统计数据展现 ,我国农村地域目前有2000多万留守儿童,那些孩子的父母都在外埠打工。近年来,因为分开家乡往 往开展敏捷的城市打工的农人工越来越多,那已成为一个全国性的问题。安徽省政府副秘书长谢广祥说,留守家庭问题向传统的家庭构造和子女教导 的办法提出了挑战。谢广祥在向全国政协全体味议提交的议案中唤 吁,全社会应认实考虑那一问题。家庭教导 的缺失、进修功效 的退步和其他心理问题都是留守儿童所面对的一些潜在问题。

湖北省荆门市开展的一项查询拜访展现 ,本地留守儿童生活前提艰辛、欠缺 应有的教导 、没有平安感,并且沟通上也存在困难。那项由全国妇联往 年5月开展的查询拜访共对181名儿童停止了拜候,此中包罗95个男孩、86个女孩。那项查询拜访的成果于上周在妇联的网站上公布。约87.9%的受访儿童说,他们想和父母生活在一路。约90%的孩子说,父母不在身边,他们没有平安感。

目前,留守儿童所面对的五大凸起问题包罗家庭教导 问题、心理问题、平安问题、财务撑持以及沟通问题。为领会决留守儿童的问题,国务院部属的农人工工做联席会议办公室以及全国妇联等12个政府部分已于往 年10月成立了农村留守儿童专题工做组。那个工做组将与教导 部、公安部和财务部等政府部分协做 ,逐渐成立和完美 庇护留守儿童合法权益的法令律例系统和政策办法。


stay-at-Home children : 留守儿童


留守儿童(注:所谓留守儿童,是指父母两边或一方活动到其他地域工做,孩子留在户籍所在地不克不及和父母配合生活在一路的儿童 大规模的生齿活动构成了一个特殊 群体:留守儿童。父母外出打工后,孩子留在了家中(次要在农村),他们被称为留守儿童。)


1.left-behind children --选举 此译法

2.stay-at-home children

3.leftover children

4.unattended children--选举 此译法




”留守儿童“英语:the "left-behind" children.

留守儿童是指外出务工持续三个月以上的农人托留在户籍所在地家乡,由父、母双方或其他亲属监护承受义务教导 的适龄儿童少年。双亲留守儿童:父母两边都在外埠打工,由其他亲属监护。单亲留守儿童:父母一方外出打工,由另一方监护或者其他亲属监护。

“留守儿童”在心理上的问题更多的表露出性格上的缺陷,如便宜力差、自我中心、金钱主义、无私、自大、孤介、率性、暴躁 、逆反等。有心理问题的 “留守儿童”,在日常生活和进修过程中就会表示出以下一些症状:

1、“留守儿童”随便 违纪,背叛心理苗头呈现。在农村塾校违纪学生中,“留守学生”占绝大大都,低年级及学前儿童一般表示为逃学、迟到;不完成功课;小偷小摸;不诚恳 ,经常说谎;高年级“留守儿童”起头呈现背叛心理,进攻 意识很强,与教师顶嘴,不平从管教,更有甚者还自觉激动、打架斗殴。

2、“留守儿童”普及 厌学,自大心理非常严峻。大大都“留守儿童”的行为习惯较差、对进修没有兴致 、不肯参与 活动、自大心理严峻、生活无聊而空虚。小学低年级“留守儿童”中,胆怯怕事、课堂不敢答复问题的占75℅以上;高年级“留守儿童”中,因为对进修失往 自信心,起头沉浸于收集游戏之中。

3、“留守儿童”欠缺 沟通,性格内向孤介。因为欠缺 父母亲情的滋润,许多留守孩子持久处于自我封锁的形态,“代管监护人”的缺位沟通使他们持久看电视,并模仿 局中人,喃喃自语或与小狗小猫说话。持久的自我封锁,招致一些“留守儿童”呈现了人际交往灵敏 ,口头寒暄才能削弱;持久的自我封锁,招致部门留守儿童的性格内向孤介冷谈。



中国农村留守儿童现象的产生来自于家庭和社会两个方面。一方面,家庭的贫苦,使孩子的父母不能不走出农村到城市务工;另一方面,中国持久的城乡二元造以及社会对“农人工”不公允的待遇,使广阔农人没有办法 及才能带着孩子一路走进城市。


中国进城务工的农村劳动力约1.3亿人。根据 2005年中国1%生齿抽样查询拜访的抽样数据揣度,中国农村留守儿童约5800万人,此中14周岁以下的农村留守儿童约4000多万人。和2000年比拟,2005年的农村留守儿童规模增长非常敏捷。在全数农村儿童中,留守儿童的比例达28.29%,均匀每四个农村儿童中就有一个多留守儿童。

2012年9月 教导 部公布的《2011年全国教导 事业开展统计公报》展现 ,2011年全国义务教导 阶段在校生中进城务工人员随迁子女共1260.97万人,那较之于2010年增加了93.79万。


2、农人工的工资和福利程度无法与城市工人比拟,差距很大。以他们的工资收进 程度很难支持一个家庭在城市的生活。

3、因为户籍的限造,农人工的子女在城市的学校上学根本上是不成能的,即便有学校领受,其父母也很难承担 高额的费用。而城市中那些面向农人工子女的学校根本上都是民间兴办的,其教学量量不只无法和城市学校比拟,也无法和农村塾校比拟。



问题一:留守儿童用英语怎么说 留守儿童

[名]stay-at-home children; left-behind children;

[收集]leftover children;


This essay takes the perspective of socialization in sociology to *** yze prehensively the healthy growth of rural left-behind children.

问题二:留守儿童用英语怎么说? 留守儿童 [liú shǒu ér tóng]

根本翻译stay-at-home children

leftover children

left behind children


留守儿童:stay-at-home children|leftover children

存眷留守儿童:Left-behind Children in Rural China

问题三:留守儿童的英文怎么说 the left-behind children in countryside


问题四:“存眷留守儿童”的英文怎么说? 'Attention left-behind children'

问题五:留守儿童用英语怎么说呢? childcare


问题六:在我们身边有一些留守儿童用英文怎么翻译 There're some left-behind children around us.

问题七:关爱留守儿童用英语怎么写 Caring for left-behind children


原:caring for left-behind children

英:[?ke?r??] [f??; f?] [?leftb?h?a?nd] [?t??ldr?n]

美:[?k?r?ŋ] [f?] [?leftb?h?a?nd] [?t??ldr?n]


留守儿童 the kids left behind

, 以前有部片子:留守密斯 The lady left behind


留守儿童英语夏令营 期待您的回复!
