国际音标不是48个,常说的48个是中国人重新界定的。jones音标常用来标注英式发音,kk音标常用来标注美式发音。都少于48。单纯读音标的灌音欠好找,难怪你赏格那么高。欠好找是因为没用。音标在单词中念出来才有模仿 的价值。零丁一个一音素听不清的。有些低幼英语教材有如许的音标朗读。祝你能找到所需。
(视频格局利用千千静听就能够转换为音频格局——用千千静听翻开视频文件,右键转换格局,抉择 mp3编码格局转换即可
我想从根底学英语一、急功近利。那种情状 的详细表示是:需要通过英语称职测验,或与指导发作争论想通过考研而脱节目前的工做岗位。在那种形势逼人的情状 下,良多人往往想到要学英语。因为通俗 没有打下必然的根底,匆忙上阵后往往会觉得好不容易。事实上,假设 日常平凡就能有意识地看看英文片子或英文小说什么的,目标性并非很强,碰着 非学英语不成的时候就不会有太大的心理压力。
二、一曝十冷 。参与 了工做的伴侣城市有过如许的履历:因为生活的不如意,我们曾经屡次下过决心要学好英语,并买来了相关的英文教材。但往往对峙了十几天或一、两月后,因为感应英语其实不勤学,我们原先的热情就会逐步消退。年龄越大,如许频频的次数就越多。
三、“一口要食 下一个胖子”。良多工做后的伴侣鄙人决心学外语后,都表达 本身天天 要拿出大量的时间来“占据 英语那块阵地”。而事实上大大都人对峙一周摆布后因觉得受不了而功败垂成。事实上假设 你下定了进修外语的决心,就应该做好打“耐久战”的预备 。起头少学点,等学到有点觉得了,再逐步增加天天 进修的内容。
四、“高不成,低不就”。良多诡计 自学英语的伴侣以前或多或少都有些英语根底,正因为如斯,许多人看不起最根底的教材。现实上假设 你能将《新概念英语》二、三册学得很熟,应付一般的英语测验已经绰绰有余了了;假设 你能背诵《新概念英语》二、三册中的一些课文,且对每一篇课文都能了然于胸,则参与 四、六级及研究生进 学测验时也不会费很大的功夫。
总之,进修外语不克不及有速成的心理,假设 有一天你发现英语进修已经成为你日常生活中必不成少的内容时,那就阐明 你的英语进修已经步进 正轨了。
自学英语的网站 还不如买书,比上彀好多了
原则 美语语音打破灌音+文本
《赖世雄精准美国英语音标发音指南文本+语音 赖世雄教你轻松学英语 span class=》[MP3!]
进修英语音标的软件,它的名字喊 做英语音标巨匠,最新版本是2.1,有了它,进修音标不再是枯燥无味的工做。 英语音标巨匠的主页地址是,
协做 出书人:李朋义
协做 编译者:亚历山大(L.G Alexander),金斯伯里(Roy Kingsbury),何其莘(He Qixin)
出书社:由外语教学与研究出书社和培生教导 出书中国有限公司结合出书
《新概念英语》(New Concept English)做为享誉全球的最为典范地道的英语教材,以其缜密 的系统性、严谨的科学性、精湛的适用性、浓重的兴趣性深受英语进修者的喜爱,《新概念英语》在中国有 30多年的汗青,每年有数百万进修者,早已成为英语进修者的必选读物。
所有材料皆来自互联网,由竹影无风编纂造造 成电子图书,版权回 原书做者。电子版能够自在传布,但请勿用于贸易用处。
《象人》(《The Elephant Man》)中英比照 版
做者:Tim Vicary(英)
Chapter 1
The Creature in the Shop
My name is Dr Frederick Treves. I am a doctor at the London Hospital. One day in 1884, I saw a picture in the window of a shop near the hospital. I stopped in front of the shop and looked at the picture. At first I felt interested, then I felt angry, then afraid. It was a horrible, ugly picture. There was a man in the picture, but he did not look like you and me. He did not look like a man. He looked like an elephant.
I read the writing under the picture. It said:
Come in and see the Elephant Man. 2 pence. I opened the door and went in.
There was a man in the shop. He was a dirty man in an old coat with a cigarette in his mouth. ‘What do you want?’he asked.
‘I'd like to see the elephant man, please, ’I said.
The man looked at me angrily. ‘Well, you can't, ’ he said. ‘The shop's closing now. You can come back tomorrow. ’
‘I'm sorry, ’I said. ‘ But I would like to see him now. I have no time tomorrow—I have a lot of work to do. But I can give you more than 2 pence. ’
The man looked at me carefully. Then he took the cigarette out of his mouth and smiled with his yellow teeth.
‘All right, sir, ’he said. ‘Give me twelve pence then. ’
I gave him the money and he opened a door at the back of the shop. We went into a little room. The room was cold and dark, and there was a horrible smell in it.
A creature sat on a chair behind a table. I say a creature, because it was not a man or a woman, like you or me. The creature did not move or look at us. It sat very quietly on the chair in the cold, dark, dirty room, and looked at the table. The creature had a cloth over its head, because of the cold. On the table in front of it, there was a dead flower.
‘Stand up! ’said the shopkeeper, loudly.
The creature stood up slowly. It took the old cloth off its head, and put it on the chair.
I looked at the creature and felt sad. I am a doctor, so I know a lot about accidents and ill people. I see horrible, ugly things every day. But this creature, this thing, was the worst of all. There were no men or women in the hospital like him.
He wore some old trousers, but no shirt, coat, or shoes, so I could see his body very well. His head was the most interesting thing. It was very, very big—like an enormous bag with a lot of books in it. The head did not have much hair, and there was another bag of brown, dirty skin at the back of it. This skin came down below his neck. I could not see one of his eyes very well, because a lot of skin came down in front of his face, too.
An enormous red tooth came out of his mouth, under his nose. It looked like an elephant's tooth. The mouth and nose were like holes in the face. The face could not smile or laugh or look angry or sad, because the skin could not move. It was dead, like an elephant's face.
There were more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of the creature's body. These bags came down to his legs. The right arm was enormous, and there were bags of skin on it, too. The right hand was like a man's foot.
But the left hand the left arm and the left hand were beautiful! The left arm had wonderful skin, and the fingers of the left hand were long and beautiful. It was like a young woman's hand!
‘Walk, Merrick! ’ said the shopkeeper angrily. ‘Come on, quickly, move! ’He hit the creature with his hand.
Slowly, the creature walked across the room. But he could not walk well. His legs were very big and fat, and he had a bad back. He could not walk far without a stick.
‘All right, thank you, ’I said. ‘Let him sit down. I don't want to see any more. ’I felt ill, and the smell in the room was very bad.
‘Yes, sir, ’said the shopkeeper. ‘Sit down, Merrick. ’
We went out of the room and closed the door. The shop-keeper smiled at me with his yellow teeth.
‘Wonderful, sir, isn't it?’he said. ‘The best Elephant Man in England! Hundreds of people come to see him, you know, hundreds! I take him all over the country, I do! ’
‘Yes, very interesting, ’I said. ‘Can I sit down?’
‘Yes, sir, of course. Here's a chair. ’He looked at me, smiling. ‘Would you like a glass of water, sir?’
‘Yes, please, ’I said. Then I looked at the things in the dirty shop. There were two or three bad apples and some old black bananas:that was all. ‘Er, no…no, thank you. I'm all right, ’I said. ‘Did you…did you call the creature Merrick?’
‘That's right, sir. Joseph Merrick. The best ElephantMan in England! I take him all over the country, you know. Lots of people want to see him. ’
‘Yes, I see. Do you get a lot of money?’
‘Well, sometimes we do, sir, yes. But it's difficult, you see, sir, because of the police. The police don't like us, you see, sir. So we can't stay in a town very long. We usually move every week. ’
‘Yes, I see. Well, anyway, Mr…er?’
‘Silcock, sir. Simon Silcock. ’
‘Yes, well, Mr Silcock, I'm a doctor at the London Hospital. My name is Dr Treves. I think this…er… this man Joseph Merrick is very interesting, and I would like to see him at the hospital. I want to look at him more carefully, you see.
‘Yes sir, I see. But how can he get to the hospital?It's going to be difficult. ’
‘Why, man? The hospital's not far from here. ’
‘Well, yes, sir. I know. But, you see, Merrick can't walk very well. He needs help. ’
‘You can come with him. Do you want more money?Is that it?’
‘Well, yes, sir, I do. But, you see, people are afraid of him too… In the road, little boys always run after him and hit him. Then the police get angry because people are afraid. Sometimes they take us to prison. ’
‘I see, ’I said. ‘Well, how can he come to the hospital, then?’
‘Bring a cab, sir, ’said Silcock. ‘You can take him to the hospital in a cab.
你的发问 我给你做了全面的答复都是你要的材料 期看 你对有所搀扶帮助 !
求英语48个音标发音的mp3格局 能够放在手机上听的 急求。谢谢48个英语音标,好像 60个汉语拼音,只要我们的同窗可以娴熟 地掌握 它们,对往后进修英语的感化长短常大的。但是我们的同窗往往不清晰 要若何往 进修,不晓得要怎么样进修英语音标。
下面是48个英语音标进修办法,期看 学友能认实看看。
2.英语的音和形有良多类似之处,只要日常平凡重视 积存 发音规则,就能够到达听其音而知其形,见其形而晓其音。那一点比学汉语随便 多了。
Celine Dion的名字怎么读?国际音标我只是熟悉 ,不会打出来。但我是她的忠实歌迷,听过差别地区文化的人念她的名字,跟你简要说一下,大白就好,非专业的。
她的名字来自一首法语歌曲《Céline》,英文为Celine Dion,法文为Céline Dion,本名(全名)Céline Marie Claudette Dion。
Celine,/'silin/,重音在前,英文字母“C”和中文汉字“林”。拉斯维加斯喜好将第一个音发为汉字“色”,也有一些英语地域称之为汉语拼音“sei”,但最原则 的仍是英文字母“C”。
Dion,那个念做中文汉字“迪昂”,汉语拼音“di ang”。绝对没有“翁”的音,只是习惯译做的写法罢了。
Dion,那个区别就很大了,两个音。粗略地来念,汉语拼音为“ji ong”,但要重视 和“炯炯有神”的“炯”是纷歧样的。拼音中的“jiong”,现实上口形有必然的“u”音,而法语中的Dion是没有的,只是单纯的“ji”和后鼻音特殊 重的“ong”。
拙见,看 达人责备 斧正。