outline的详尽 释义:
英读音 ['aʊtlaɪn],美读音['aʊtlaɪn]。
n. 纲领;轮廓。
vt. 概述;画出轮廓。
draw〔see〕an outline.画出〔看出〕轮廓。
draw up〔make〕 an outline.拟出提纲。
give an outline of.对…做个概要的阐明 。
bare〔detailed, rough〕 outline.简单〔详尽 ,粗略〕的轮廓。
outline of the speech.发言提纲。
outline of the text.课文概要。
outline one's responsibilities〔the project〕.概述了本身的职责〔那项方案〕。
outline the triangle.画出三角形。
1.Here we outline some of the sometimes conflicting forces moulding the debate
2.Part one:outline of value of ideological political education.
第一部门,思惟政治教导 价值概述。
3.The book describes in outline the main findings of the research.
4.At last we could see the dim outline of an island.
5.They saw the huge building outlined against the sky.
他们看见了在天空的映托下那座浩荡 建筑的轮廓。
6.You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay.
7.By the light of the moon I could just make out shapes and outlines.
月光下,我只能辨认 出物体的轮廓。
8.In the darkness they could see the vague outline of a church.
9.The outline of the trees sharpened as it grew lighter.
跟着天色转亮,树的轮廓变得清晰 了。
10.I can't give chapter and verse,but that's the rough outline of our legal position.
我无法供给准确 细节,但那是我们所处法令地位的大致情状 。
英文论文怎么写提纲?先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的间隔仍为2.5cm摆布)的始端打上 Thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时右边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐.
次要纲目以大写罗马数字标出,次要纲目则依次用大写英文字母、 *** 数字和小写英文字母标出.
需要重视 的是,同等重要的纲目必需是两个以上,即:有Ⅰ应有Ⅱ,有A应有B,以此类推.
假设 英文论文提纲较长,需两页纸,则第二页须在右上角用小写罗马数字标出页码,即ii(第一页无需标页码).
英语美语(British and American English)
☆American and British English ☆British and American English
☆Differences in Vocabulary
American and British English
American and British English are dialects(方言) of English which have a recognised standard form and are equally acceptable in Academic English as long as the style and register (语域)used are appropriately formal. There are no significant differences in the academic form of other varieties of English. These tend to resemble either the American or British form. For example, Australian English generally uses the same spelling as British English.
Differences between British and American English.
Throughout this page, blue is used to denote British English and red to denote American English.
The most noticeable difference in the academic context is in spelling. There are also grammatical differences and vocabulary differences, although relatively few in formal language.
In general, both American and British spelling are acceptable, but it is important to be consistent, at least with the use of the same word - theatre or theater, but not both - and in your choice of ize or ise endings as in criticize or criticise, plagiarize or plagiarise. The Cambridge International Dictionary of English gives British, American and Australian English spelling. American spelling tends to reflect pronunciation and British spelling tends to reflect grammatical or historical implications(含义) as well.
However, there may be advantages in using British spelling in certain situations. For instance, two forms: programme and program exist in British English. The former can be a noun referring to television programmes or programmes of events (plans, conferences, a theatre programme etc.). The latter can be a noun referring to computer programs. Both forms can be verbs, but there is no spelling distinction between them except in the infinitive form (as in She learned how to program the computer to calculate the value of the pound against the Euro at twelve hourly intervals) and the present tense. If you wish to make reference to both meanings in your writing, then British English makes a useful reference (meaning) distinction between the two, while American English has only one form program to refer to both.
British English distinguishes between practice (noun) I haven't done my cello practice yet and practise (verb) He practises the cello for ten minutes every morning. However, American English tends to use practice as both a noun and a verb. Students taking Cambridge examinations are advised to adopt the British system as this reflects the underlying(底子的) grammatical (part of speech) distinction.
Grammatical differences
There are few grammatical differences between American and British English that are of concern in Academic Writing. The past participles got and gotten are one of the most obvious differences, but they are rarely used in formal writing. The Euro has got/gotten rid of the currency exchange transactions(交易) which used to be necessary before the single currency was instated(设置) is more likely to be formally expressed as The Euro has abolished the need for currency exchange transactions.
American English accepts the use of the simple past tense with just, already and yet (Did you see him yet?/He just went out?/Did you go there already?) while British English requires the use of the present perfect (Have you seen him yet?/He has just gone out/Have you been there already?) In Academic English, the British form is preferable as the American form tends to be perceived as informal (rather than inaccurate).
Particle differences - Clinton met with the representatives of the Daughters of the Revolution / Clinton met the representatives - are not significant, though British markers may 'correct' the with as it seems informal.
American English can make what British English considers to be uncountable nouns plural, for example technologies. When this occurs with formal, technical vocabulary in a specific context - the new technologies - British English, over time, tends to adopt the same form.
Vocabulary differences
There are many vocabulary differences - flat, pavement, tap, trousers or apartment, sidewalk, faucet, pants, for example. Most cause few problems except where the same word has a different meaning. Pants in British English refers to underwear, for example. It may be wise to check with British friends in case meaning is different in English or in case a particular form does not exist in British English.
In general, the main object in Academic English is to communicate (remember Clarity and Reality particularly here) your message to your reader - probably your tutor or examiner - so bear their understanding and preferences in mind when you make decisions about the most appropriate form to use.
Doreen du Boulay, Sussex Language Institute 1998-2001.
Web version by Matthew Platts.
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British and American English
Those people who complain about the difficulties of learning German, don't know how lucky they really are - they only have one language to master. Admittedly, there are regional differences of dialect in German-speaking countries, but the non-native speaker who has learned Hochdeutsch (high or standard German) should have no problems in making himself understood by citizens of Germany, Austria or Switzerland. The difficulty for the nonnative learner of English on the other hand is that there is no standard English form. He is confronted(面临) with two English dialects to learn: British English and American English (leaving aside Australian, Indian, South African English etc.) And despite the many cross-cultural influences, it seems that the vocabularies, spellings and pronunciations of these two dialects are diverging year by year.
To be consistent in his use of English and, more importantly, to be understood , the nonnative speaker needs to know which words have distinct meanings and pronunciations depending on whether they are used by a Briton or an American. This is necessary not only for sake of communication, but also to avoid embarrassment(为难). For example, if a Londoner tells a resident of New York that she has left her child's dummy in the pram and its nappy in the boot, she will merely be greeted with a look of bewilderment. If the New Yorker then tells the London woman that she has nice pants, he may well wonder why she doesn't seem to take his remark as a compliment.
[In America dummies and nappies are called pacifiers and diapers; prams and boots are called baby carriages and trunks. For Americans pants are trousers but for Britons pants are what you wear under your trousers.]
What follows are brief examples of the major areas of difference between the two languages, together with some quiz questions:
Spelling differences
In general, where there are differences between British English (BE) and American English (AE) spelling, it can be said that American English has the more economical and phonetic spelling. Unnecessary letters are left out and words are spelled how they sound. An obvious example is the omission in AE of the letter u in words such as color, neighbor, honor etc. Compare also the AE words traveling, jewelry and program with their BE counterparts travelling, jewellery and programme. However, this rule does not always apply. For example, you would expect skilful to be the AE spelling and skillful the BE spelling, but unfortunately you would be wrong!
Quiz 1
In the following table, which words are spelled in American English and which in British English? Can you give the alternative spelling in each case?
Example: AE - mustache | BE - moustache
airplane cheque theatre tyre
defense woolen pajamas gaol
Pronunciation differences
There are of course great regional differences in pronunciation within both countries, but the following is a list of words which are pronounced differently by most Americans and most British. The difference in lies either in using different vowel sounds or by stressing the word in a different place.
Quiz 2
Can you say the following words both how an American and how a Briton would say them?
vase route ballet address (noun) ate
buoy tomato advertisement garage leisure
Vocabulary differences
As a percentage of the total English vocabulary the number of words which are used only in one or the other country is very small, but the problem for learners of English is that these words are among the most common in the language. There are many words that are used almost exclusively by Americans which are understood by most Britons, and vice versa. But there are others which can cause difficulty. For example, most Britons know that Americans call biscuits cookies and flats apartments, but not so many know what an alumnus or a fender is. Similarly, Americans know that what they call their yard is called a garden in Britain and that trucks are lorries, but common British English words like plimsolls or off-licence may mean nothing to them.
Quiz 3
From the lists below, choose the pair of words that have the same meaning and identify them as American English or British English.
Example: AE - cookie = BE - biscuit
closet queue vacation fall bonnet
sweets thumb tack lift bill caravan
flashlight subway postman baggage movie
drapes underground luggage elevator cupboard
hood mailman torch check line
curtains film candy gas autumn
petrol drawing pin holiday trailer
British English and American English grammar are mostly in agreement; there are however some interesting variations. For example there are differences in certain verb forms. In AE the past tense of fit is fit; in BE it is fitted. Americans say I've gotten to know her well; Britons I've got to know her well. In BE the present perfect tense is used for situations in which AE would typically use the past simple. For example using the words just or already, Britons would be more likely to say: I've just seen him or I've already done it whereas in AE it would be common to hear I just saw him or I already did it.
As another example, Americans are much more likely to be technically correct in the agreement of collective noun and verb form than Britons. So in standard AE it would be: The team is playing well this season whereas in BE it is common and acceptable to say The team are playing well. Similar differences can be seen in the use of words like government, committee etc.: The government is .. (AE), The government are .. (BE).
Quiz 4
The following sentences are typically AE. What would the typical Briton say?
Do you have any siblings?
It is important that she be told.
The jury has not yet reached its decision.
Go fetch your book.
He dove into the water.
You must come visit me real soon.
There are countless other small and interesting differences between AE and BE, which come under the heading of usage. Take the useful expression used in AE through, meaning up to and including. E.g., The exhibition is showing March through June. The equivalent expression in BE is from March to June, but this is ambiguous. Does the exhibition close at the end of May or the end of June? To avoid any misunderstanding, it is necessary to say something like The exhibition is showing from March to the end of June.
As another example: for Americans the number billion has 9 zeros (a thousand million); for most Britons it has 12 zeros (a million million). Zero itself is a much more common word in AE than in BE, where nought is more widespread. Americans say the number 453 as four hundred fifty three, whereas in Britain it would be said four hundred and fifty three. And so on!
Quiz 5
Are the following sentences more likely to be said (or written) by an American or a Briton?
I'll try and visit you on the weekend.
Please write me when you arrive.
Call me as soon as you get there.
Most everyone has a telephone and a refrigerator these days.
If you make a mistake, you'll just have to do it over.
He was born 3/27/1981.
The football team won two to nothing (2-0).
She arrived at twenty of two.
The secretary said, "Mr. Clinton will see you soon."
It is clear that the poor nonnative speaker has an almost impossible task to keep the two languages separated. The best he can do is to acquire a good reference book. Two books that I can recommend on this topic are:
Practical English Usage, M. Swan (1995) , Oxford University Press
The Right Word at the Right Time (A guide to the English language and how to use it) (1985) Readers Digest
Quiz 1 - Spelling
In the following table the red spellings are American English and the blue spellings are British English:
airplane - aeroplane check - cheque theater - theatre
defense - defence woolen - woollen tire - tyre
pajamas - pyjamas jail - gaol*
* Jail is more common in BE too nowadays, although gaol is still perfectly acceptable (and pronounced the same as jail!)
Quiz 2 - Pronunciation
Americans and Britons agree in most cases on where a word in stressed. For example, everyone says pencil and relax, cinema and consider, but the following words from the table are stressed differently in the two dialects:
ballet - BE | ballet - AE
address - BE | address * - AE
garage - BE | garage - AE
advertisement - BE | advertisement - AE
The differences in pronunciation of the other words lie in the vowel sounds, not in differently-stressed syllables. They are therefore more difficult to illustrate in writing without recourse to phonetic script, which few people know. Their proununciations are illustrated therefore by reference to common words with the same sound
vase: vays as in plays (BE) | vace as in face (AE)
route: root as in shoot (BE) | rout * as in shout (AE)
buoy: boy as in toy (BE) | booey as in the French name Louis (AE)
ate: et as in let (BE) | ate as in late (AE)
tomato: tomarto (BE) | tomayto * (AE)
leisure as in pleasure (BE) | leesure (lee as in she) (AE)
* Some Americans pronounce these words as Britons do.
Quiz 3 - Vocabulary
First AE Second BR
| closet - cupboard | vacation - holiday | fall - autumn | thumb tack - drawing pin | flashlight - torch | subway - underground | baggage - luggage | movie - film | drapes - curtains | elevator - lift | hood - bonnet | mailman - postman | check - bill * | line - queue | candy - sweets | gas - petrol | trailer - caravan |
* In England you ask the waiter for the bill at the end of your meal. In America you ask for the check. A bill in AE is a synonym for a banknote.
Quiz 4 - Grammar
AE - Do you have any siblings?
BE - Have you got any brothers or sisters?
AE - It is important that she be told. *
BE - It is important that she is told.
AE - The jury has not yet reached its decision.
BE - The jury have not yet reached their decision.
AE - Go get your book.
BE - Go and fetch your book.
AE - He dove into the water.
BE - He dived into the water.
AE - You must come visit me real soon.
BE - You must come and visit me really soon.
* AE is much more likely to use a subjunctive form than BE.
Quiz 5 - Usage
This was a trick question because in fact all of the sentences are more likely to be said or written by an American than a Briton! Here they are again with their English equivalents:
AE - I'll try and visit you on the weekend.
BE - I'll try to visit you at the weekend.
AE - Please write me when you arrive.
BE - Please write to me when you arrive.
AE - Call me as soon as you get there.
BE - Ring me (phone me) as soon as you get there.
AE - Most everyone has a telephone and a refrigerator these days.
BE - Almost everyone has a telephone and a fridge these days.
AE - If you make a mistake, you'll just have to do it over.
BE - If you make a mistake, you'll just have to do it again.
AE - He was born 3/27/1981.
BE - He was born on 27/3/1981.
AE - The football team won two to nothing (2-0).
BE - The football team won two-nil (2-0).
AE - She arrived at twenty of two.
BE - She arrived at twenty to two.
AE - The secretary said, "Mr. Clinton will see you soon."
BE - The secretary said: "Mr Clinton will see you soon."
考研英语高文文一般为丹青做文,可安放 为三段式构造,每个段落都为图中所表达的中心大旨办事。以下是店展 为您带来的英语做文三段式构造写做身手 ,欢送赏识与借鉴。
考研英语高文文一般为丹青做文,可安放 为三段式构造,每个段落都为图中所表达的中心大旨办事。
1、第一段:考生应根据 所给的漫画的文字论述内容,提炼漫画的主题。漫画的
第 1 页
主题来源于漫画中展示的内容及阐明 漫画的`文字论述。根据 要求拟定文章提纲,确定文章构造以及思惟。第一段的次要内容为丹青描述以及全篇文章的中心大旨句。
3、第三段:总结做者特殊 看 点,在此深化印
英语论文提纲范文1. 美语与英语在单词拼法上的差别
美语与英语在单词拼法上的差别次要有两种:一种是单词发作改变 使得个别字母不不异,另一种是美语单词较为简化。前者如enquire(英)与inquire(美),那两个单词的第一个字母不不异。但都是商品交易前,一标的目的对方洽询有关商品的价格、数量、交货时间及付款前提等的询价;“车胎”的英语单词在英国用tyre,在美国则是tire;“寝衣”的英式英语是pajamas,美语则是pyjamas;“执照”,“特许证”的英式英语用licence,美语则用license。那类单词仅一个字母差别,发音上有的不异,有的则类似。
美语的单词一般比英语单词要简单。近年来,美语越来越趋势简化,足够 表现了美国人生活和工做高效灵敏 的现代化特征。那些较为简化的词大都源于英语,大量词汇在英语里仍然连结原貌。而进进 美语后,那些单词就逐步变得简单起来,从而利用起来较为便利。如较常见的单词colour(颜色),在美语里就拼写成color,少了一个“u”字母;refrigerator(电冰箱)美语是fridge,美语比原单词要简单得多。美语单词的简化现象是美语与英语在单词拼法上的差别的次要表示。
2. 美语与英语在日期、数字表达方面的差别
在日期方面,美英英语的表达体例是有区别 的。以日为先,月份为后,此为英国式;美国式则与此相反,以月为先,日期则在后。如一九九六年三月二日的写法:
2nd March, 1996(英)
March 2, 1996(美)
在美式的写法中,1st, 2nd, 3rd的st, nd, rd是不利用的。因为日期书面表达差别,读法也纷歧样。如1987年4月20日,英式的写法是20th April, 1987,读成the twentieth of April, nineteen eighty-seven;美式的表达是April 20, 1987,则读成April the twentieth, nineteen eighty-seven。同样,全数用数字表达日期时,英美也有区别 。1998年5月6日根据英国式应写成6/5/98,而根据美国式应写成5/6/98;01.08.1998是英国式的1998年8月1日,根据美国的表达体例却是1998年1月8日,美国的1998年8月1日应写成08,01,1998。
在数字口头表达方面,两国也存在着区别 。$175(175美圆)英语读成a(one) hundred and seventy five dollars,美语读成one hundred seventy five dollars,常省略and;表达持续同样数字的号码时,英语习习用double或triple,美语一般不如许用,如德律风号码320112,英语读成three two zero, double one two,美语则读成three two zero one one two, 999 234英语读成nine double nine (triple nine) two three four,美语则读成nine nine nine two three four,不外美国人也把持续三个不异的号码读成three 加上那个数字的复数形式,如999读成three nines。
3. 美语与英语在手札方面的差别
商务英语手札(Business or Commercial English Correspondence)是指交易时所利用的通信。在美国,常用Business writing,它包罗手札、电报、德律风、电传、陈述书、明信片等。
英语和美语在手札编制方面存在着必然的差别,好比信头和称唤 、手札格局、遣词、结尾客套语等均有所差别。一般来说,英国手札较为守旧,许多英国人喜好用老式手札体,用词较为正式刻板,而美国手札语言十分生气、有活力,格局也较为简便。因而当我们写信的对象是英国或其旧殖民地国度时,要利用原则 式英语Queens English;假设 写信的对象是美国或美国权力范畴 的地域时,就要用美国英语。当然,英国式的语言文化近年来也有改变 ,但总体来说,两者间的差别是很明显的。
贸易英文手札,一般都要求用打字机或电脑整洁 地打印,右边各行开头垂曲的,称为垂曲式或齐头式(Block style),美国常用那种格局;每段的第一首词缩进往 ,称为缩进式或锯齿式(indented style),英国常用此格局。垂曲式的职务及签名都在右边的边栏界限,那种格局,在极度尊重工做效率的美国公司,已普及 摘 用。
正式的贸易英语手札要在称唤 的上方写上收信公司名称和地址或收信人的名字全称、职务及地址,称为信内地址(Inside address)。信内地址的写法也有垂曲式和缩进式之分,垂曲式和称美国式将各行并列,缩进式或称英国式将各行依次退缩。不外,笔者重视 到,近来英国贸易手札信内地址并未依次缩进,似乎与美国式不异。此外,在美国还时髦 一种通俗收信人地址的写法,就是在手札的Inside Address中,把门商标和街名都省略掉。
在英文手札中要利用敬语,最普及 的敬语是Mr, Mrs和Miss(用于未婚女性)。英国人常在男性的姓名之后用Esq. (Esquire的缩写),不外在贸易上也在渐渐地改用Mr. Mmes. (Madam的复数形式),用于二个密斯以上。Messrs(Mr的复数形式)用于二个以上的汉子,或用于二个以上的汉子构成的公司或团体。在英国式英文信里,Mr, Mrs, Messrs,均不加缩写句点,相反地趋势于朝上进步 自在的美语反而加缩写句点如Mr., Mrs., Messrs.。
4. 在称唤 方面,贸易上最普及 的有Gentlemen(美国式)与Dear Sirs(英国式)二种,相当 于我国的"敬启者"或"谨启者"。假设 信是写给各个公司单元的,不是写给某个详细人的,美语用Gentlemen(复数形式),英语用Dear Sirs。假设 对方公司只一人时,必需利用Sir/Dear Sir。称唤 后一般要利用标点符号,英国式摘 用逗号(comma),美国式用分号(colon)。
手札结尾客套语(complimentary close)有多种,相当 于我国手札在结尾时利用的"敬礼"、"致敬"、"顺安"等句。最为典型的美国式写法是Sincerely和Best regards,典型的英国式表达有Yours sincerely(熟人或晓得对方姓名),Best wishes, kind regards 和yours faithfully(不知姓名)。此外,英国式的客套语还有特殊 礼貌的格局,但除了特殊 情状 外,如今不再利用。
美语与英语在习习用法上也存在着明显的差别。好比,英国英语在虚拟式中往往要加should,而美语大都不消。表达 "有"或"没有"的概念,英语用to have/haven’t got,美语则用to have/don’t have;"不能不"、"必需"做什么,英语用to have got to do something,美语只须说to have to do something;"假期暂时 工"英语用holiday jobs,美语用summer/temporary jobs;"租用计算机"英语的表达是computer hire,美语用computer rental;"从某某学校结业",英美表达习惯也差别,"graduate"一词,在美语里能够用于任何品种的学校,如graduate from university/school等,而在英语里,graduate仅限于大学结业,中学结业要用leave;当谈到某家公司待遇低的时候,英语凡是的表达是It was badly paid,而美语的表达则是It didn’t pay very much;"我与老板相处得很好"英语的表达是I got ort very well with my boss,但美语则用got along取代句中的got on;"进步价格"英语用put up prices,美语用raise prices;"上计算机课"英语的表达是go on a computer course,美语则说take a computer course。
6. 通德律风时,英美两国也有差别的表达体例,假设 本身是办公室的秘书或接线员之类的人员,不是对方要找的人,我们常说"请稍候",英语的习惯表达是hold the line, please,美语凡是用hold on;假设 要求对方(如接线员)转给司理,英语的表达是Could you connect me with the manager?美语凡是用介词"to"取代句中的介词"with.
当然了,美语和英语之间的区别 还有此外方面的,但是美语事实 是从英语中开展出来的。如今小学生的课本里仍是多多摘 用英式英语的,事实 它是比力正统的用来做学问的嘛!美式英语在白话顶用的比力时髦啦,事实 美国仍是世界第一大国嘛!
In this thesis, the differences between British and American English will be discussed. As well known to all, British English and American English are two main dialects of English in the world, which are widely used. Although they are almost the same in many aspects, they are two kinds of English and there are a lot of differences between them, which are more and more obvious recently. This topic is very popular, so many people have written lots of articles on this topic, which is very useful to the English learners. To be consistent in his use of English and, more importantly, to be understood, the non-native speaker needs to know which words have distinct meanings and pronunciations depending on whether they are used by a Briton or an American. This is necessary not only for sake of communication, but also to avoid embarrassment.
In this thesis differences in pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and usage will be discussed. Probably the major difference between British and American English lies in the choice of vocabulary. Some words mean different things in the two varieties. Although they are different in so many aspects, the largest difference is probably that of the choice of vocabulary and pronunciation. The following is my poor view of this topic.
提纲是一种归纳综合地论述纲目、要点的公函。它不把全文的所有内容写出来,只把那些次要内容,提纲挈领式地写出来。 提纲利用于报告请示工做、传达会议精神和讲话发言。因为有些情状 、素材 很纷杂 ,又很详细,并且本人对它也特殊 熟悉,那些详细素材 都拆在脑海里,用不着逐个写出来,只需把纲目列出,就可把有关素材 串联起来。
提纲在工做中运用比力普及 ,特殊 是人们都很忙碌,有时写素材 ,不把全文写出来,只写一个大致纲要,能够节约 很多时间。一般形式为 总--分 形式,表格。
2、提纲的次要特征 :
第一,纲要性。所谓纲要性,即把报告请示、传达和发言的纲目、要点,提纲挈领地写出来,不把全文一字不漏地写到素材 中往 ,因而,在写做中应凸起“纲目”和“要点”那四个字。第二,层次性。所谓层次性,是说那种文字素材 应该层次特殊 清晰 ,共有几个大问题,每个问题之下分几小点,一目了然,眉目清晰 ,不然,就失往 了写提纲的感化。