外刊精读 | 恒河岸边堆积大量尸体,印度疫情究竟有多严重?

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有兴趣的小伙伴,存眷英语进修类公家号:Tina English Notes】




本篇新闻以印度恒河发现死者遗体引入,详细报导印度严峻疫情现状。下面一路来精读进修! ‍

(存眷公家号 Tina English Notes,获取本篇外刊完好版原文 )

Covid Desperation Is Spreading Across India

Dozens of bodies washed up on the banks of the Ganges this week, most likely the remains of people who perished from Covid-19.


Wash up: to carry sth onto land 把…冲到陆地上:

• The body was found washed up on a beach.



Ganges: 恒河,是南亚的一条次要河流,流经印度北部及孟加拉。

Remains: 遗体;残骸;

• The unrecognizable remains of a man had been found...



States in southern India have threatened to stop sharing medical oxygen with each other, fiercely protective about holding on to whatever they have as their hospitals swell with the sick and infections skyrocket.


States: 在此处不是指州,而是译为「邦」。

好比下文提到的安得拉邦 (Andhra Pradesh)、有座城镇所在的比哈尔邦 (Bihar)。

Hold on to: 保住,守住有利因素;

• Jane is determined to hold on to her fortune.


Swell: 使扩大;使增加;

• By the end of this month the size of the mission is expected to swell to 280 people...到那个月底,参与该使命的人员规模将有望增至 280 人。

At one hospital in Andhra Pradesh, a rural state in southeastern India, furious relatives went on a rampage in the intensive care unit after lifesaving oxygen suddenly ran out — the latest example of the same tragedy repeating itself, of patients dying while gasping for air.


Rampage: 暴跳如雷;将恶行为

• Gangs of youths went on the rampage in the city yesterday.



Repeat itself: 字面上是指反复,那里理解为 happen again, occur again

好比,「汗青重演」就能够用 History repeats itself。

Gasp: to have difficulty breathing or speaking 透不外气;气喘吁吁

• He came to the surface of the water gasping for air.


The desperation that engulfed New Delhi, India’s capital, over the past few weeks is now spreading across the entire country, hitting states and rural areas with many fewer resources. Positivity rates are soaring in those states, and public health experts say that the rising numbers most likely fall far short of giving the true picture in places where sickness and deaths caused by Covid-19 are harder to track.


Engulf: If a feeling or emotion engulfs you, you are strongly affected by it. 使陷入某种觉得或情感;

• He looked around his dark, cluttered office and was engulfed by a feeling of emptiness.



Fall short of: 达不到〔目标、期望、尺度〕

• The economy fell short of the Treasurys target of 2% growth.经济未能到达财务部 2% 的增长目的。


All this is leading to the sharpest criticism that Narendra Modi, India’s powerful prime minister, has faced since he came into office seven years ago. He has been widely accused of declaring premature victory over the coronavirus and encouraging his country to drop its guard.


Sharp: 原意是「尖的、尖利的」,那里暗示「(言辞)剧烈的、严厉的、尖刻的」

• That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups.



Premature: happening or made too soon 轻率的;仓皇的:

• It is premature to talk about success at this stage.



Drop: 一般暗示「落下/掉下」,但那里是「停行/放弃」的意思。

• The police decided to drop the charges against her.



Nobody knows who these people were or how their bodies got there. Villagers found them on Monday evening. Stunned onlookers crowded around the remains, many with brightly colored clothes sticking to them, floating in the shallows. Images of the floated bodies have made the rounds across Indian media, unsettling countless people.


Stunned: too surprised or shocked to speak〔因惊讶、震惊而〕目瞪口呆的:

Make the rounds: 是个固定词组,本来暗示「(某小我)到遍地去做某件工作、或四处参不雅某地」。但在此处,应该理解为「(印度媒体)处处都在报导」尸体漂浮河岸的新闻。

• Ryan is making the rounds of talk shows to promote her new movie. 瑞何在做巡回访谈节目,宣传她的新片。


Unsettle: 使不安;使担忧;

Covid-19 deaths have overwhelmed cremation grounds, and some unscrupulous cremation workers are now charging five or even 10 times the normal price for last rites.


Unscrupulous: 不诚笃的;不道德的;

• These kids are being exploited by very unscrupulous people.


Last rites: 暗示临末圣礼或临末礼节,为将死之人举行的宗教仪式。

在印度语中,火葬被称为“antim-samskara”,从字面上来看,意思是“最初的仪式”(last rites)。当火葬或“最初的仪式”停止时,“礼拜”(Puja)也会同时停止。“礼拜”是一个印度教的祷告仪式,以协助神识进入另一个世界。



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外刊精读 | 恒河岸边堆积大量尸体,印度疫情究竟有多严重? 期待您的回复!
