WORLD MADAM世界夫人意大利主席徐月娟出席里米尼华人华侨文艺协会成立庆典

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WORLD MADAM世界夫人意大利主席徐月娟出席里米尼华人华侨文艺协会成立庆典

米兰时间2022年9月28日意大利里米尼,应意大利里米尼华人华侨文艺协会会长金秀女士的邀请,金秀会长同时也是世界夫人意大利赛区2022年参赛夫人,WORLD MADAM世界夫人意大利执行主席徐月娟和副主席林丽英参加了此次成立庆典大会.并在参会中巧遇了2021年世界夫人意大利赛区民选冠军陈小娥夫人、意大利赛区民选季军周淑芬夫人等。

On September 28, 2022 Milan, with the invitation from Ms. Jin Xiu, President of the Italian Rimini Chinese and Overseas Literature and Art Association, She is also contestant lady at World Madam 2022 Italian Division,Mrs. World Madam Italy Exeutive Chairman Xu Yuejuan and Vice-Chairman Lin Liying attended the inaugural ceremony; During the meeting, they happened to meet Mrs. Chen Xiaoe, the 2021 World Madam Elected Champion of the Italian Division, and Mrs. Zhou Shufen, the third runner-up of the Italian Division, to demonstrate the charm of married women around the world in various fields.

WORLD MADAM世界夫人意大利主席徐月娟出席里米尼华人华侨文艺协会成立庆典


The Italian Rimini Literature and Art Association takes the responsibility and mission of spreading Chinese culture and uniting overseas Chinese. In the past two years, they have successfully held eight online gala events, which have won unanimous praise from all walks of life, and have also won concern and support from all over the world.

WORLD MADAM世界夫人意大利主席徐月娟出席里米尼华人华侨文艺协会成立庆典


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