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关于《神曲》的检验,你筹办好了吗?我的另类翻译之旅 106





测试 C :关于但丁《神曲》第一组测试标题问题


( a)三个次要部门

( b)四个次要部门

( c)六个次要部门


( a)地球、月球、上天(Heaven)、天使圈

( b)天堂、净界(炼狱)、天堂(Paradise)

( c)阴间(Inferno)、炼狱(Purgatorio)、伊甸园(Paradiso)


( a)篇(cantos)

( b)章(chapters)

( c)节(sections)


( a)大致相等

( b)是 33 或 34

( c)在 23 到 44 范畴之间


( a)99

( b)100

( c)101


( a)圈(circles)

( b)层(ledges)

( c)袋(pouches)


( a)圈(circles)

( b)层(ledges)

( c)袋(pouches)


( a)按照美德(virtues)与恶行(vices)的排序

( b)按照天使阶级(angelic hierarchy)的排序

( c)按照太阳系行星的排序


( a)向下

( b)向上


( a)向下

( b)向上

十、人世天堂(Earthly Paradise)由但丁创做在:

( a)《神曲》的净界部门

( b)《神曲》的天堂部门


测试 D :但丁《神曲》进一步测试标题问题


( a)贝雅特丽齐(Beatrice)

( b)维吉尔(Virgil)

( c)卢奇菲罗(Lucifer)


( a)贝雅特丽齐

( b)天主

( c)圣伯尔纳(St. Bernard)


( a)身后的生活

( b)生活在地球上活人们福祉


( a)一出本色上的喜剧类长诗

( b)神学道德中某些论题的诗意处置

( c)关于整个宇宙架构的想象


( a)人文主义(Humanistic)

( b)希腊与拉丁(Greek and Latin)

( c)基督教义(Christian)


七、在《天堂》第 34 篇,但丁和维吉尔抵达宇宙中心。为什么?

八、在《净界》第 9 篇,在但丁的前额上刻下七个“P”,当但丁每登上一层净界山,就会擦去一个“P”。那些“P”有什么意义?

九、维吉尔陪同但丁来到人世天堂(《净界》第 28 到 33 篇),但在第 30 篇分隔,并没有陪着但丁去往天堂。为什么?

十、在《天堂》第 11 篇和第 12 篇,圣托马斯·阿奎那(St. Thomas Aquinas)讲论圣弗朗西斯(St. Francis)的人生和圣波拿文都(St. Bonaventura)讲论圣多明戈(St. Dominic)的人生。那有什么重要意义?

测试 D 中的最初五个问题,次要是处置但丁《神曲》的象征手法(Symboli *** ),仅仅阅读目次可能很难答复,以至是不成能答复出来。







因而,即便你在此之前历来没有阅读过但丁做品,或者有关但丁的做品,在没有任何外力帮忙的情况下,勤奋测验考试答复该组测试中的第 6 到第 10 题,可能会很好玩。



Test C: First series of questions about the Divine Comedy of Dante

1. Dante divides his work into

(a) three

(b) four

(c) six major parts.

2. The major parts are titled

(a) Earth, Moon, Heaven, Angelic Circles

(b) Hell, Purgatory, Paradise

(c) Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso.

3. The major parts are subdivided into

(a) cantos

(b) chapters

(c) sections.

4. The number of subdivisions in each of the major parts

(a) are approximately equal

(b) are either 33 or 34

(c) range between 23 and 44.

5. The total number of subdivisions in the work is

(a) 99

(b) 100

(c) 101.

6. The main division of Hell seems to be into

(a) circles

(b) ledges

(c) pouches.

7. The main division of Purgatory seems to be into

(a) circles

(b) ledges

(c) pouches.

8. The main division of Paradise seems to be according to

(a) the order of the virtues and vices

(b) the order of the angelic hierarchy

(c) the order of the planets of the solar system.

9. In Hell, the movement is

(a) downwards

(b) upwards.

In Purgatory the movement is

(a) downwards

(b) upwards.

10. The Earthly Paradise is found by Dante

(a) in the part of the poem titled Purgatory

(b) in the part of the poem titled Paradise.

Turn to p. 414 for the answers to Test C.

Now, having skimmed the table of contents of the Divine Comedy and answered this first series of questions, take twenty minutes to read the table of contents superficially

Test D: Further questions about Dante’s Divine Comedy

1. Dante is guided through Hell by

(a) Beatrice

(b) Virgil

(c) Lucifer.

2. Virgil is sent to help Dante by

(a) Beatrice

(b) God

(c) St. Bernard.

3. Dante’s main concern is to describe

(a) life after death

(b) the kinds of lives men live on earth.

4. The Divine Comedy is

(a) essentially a comic poem

(b) a poetic treatment of selected theses in moral theology

(c) an imaginative construct of the entire universe.

5. On which of the following ideologies and teachings does the poem seem to be most dependent?

(a) Humanistic

(b) Greek and Latin

(c) Christian.

6. The Slothful are punished on the Fourth Ledge of Purgatory. Is it significant that before leaving this ledge Dante falls asleep? (Yes or No?)

7. In Canto 34 of Hell Dante and Virgil reach the center of the universe. Why?

8. In Canto 9 of Purgatory seven P’s are inscribed on Dante’s forehead, and one of these P’s is removed as Dante passes upward past each of the ledges of the Mountain of Purgatory. What is the significance of the P’s?

9. Virgil accompanies Dante to the Earthly Paradise (Cantos 28–33 of Purgatory) but departs in Canto 30 and does not go with Dante to Paradise. Why?

10. In Cantos 11 and 12 of Paradise St. Thomas Aquinas narrates the life of St. Francis and St. Bonaventura narrates the life of St. Dominic. What is the significance of this?

The last five questions in Test D, which deal mainly with the symboli *** of Dante’s Divine Comedy, may be difficult or even impossible to answer on the basis of reading the table of contents alone. For that reason, if for no other, we have provided quite full answers to these questions. The justification for asking such questions is twofold. First, we are not certain that they cannot be answered from the table of contents alone. Second, and more important, they are designed to suggest one of the major characteristics of Dante’s great work: that is, that it is symbolic through and through. Almost every statement Dante makes, and almost every person and event he describes, has at least two meanings, and often three or four. We think that fact is probably clear from reading the table of contents alone, even if the details are not all spelled out. Hence it might be interesting to try to answer Questions 6–10 in this test without any outside help whatever even if you have never read Dante before or read about him. In other words, if you have to guess, how close are your guesses?

Turn to p. 414 for the answers to Test D.


但丁的《神曲》描述了怎样的世界观? 相关回复(1)

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