法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

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Bagel series online


About Bagel

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

贝果是一款形似甜甜圈的发酵类面包,其特点是外壳酥脆、有光泽,内部致密, 有韧性。通常作为早餐食品或零食食用,经常搭配奶油奶酪和烟熏三文鱼等配料。

Bagel—doughnut-shaped yeast-leavened roll that is characterized by a crisp, shiny crust and a dense interior. Long regarded as a Jewish specialty item, the bagel is commonly eaten as a breakfast food or snack, often with toppings such as cream cheese and lox ( *** oked salmon).

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

大部分面包的 *** 流程通常是: 揉面、发酵、加料,放入烤箱中这几个步骤。贝果与面包唯一不一样的地方就是送进烤箱前,还得先“洗个热水澡”,就是这道工序,形成了它区别于其他面包的独特口感——多了一份耐人寻味的韧劲。

The process of making most bread is usually: kneading, fermenting, feeding, and putting into the oven. The only difference between bagels and bread is that they must "take a hot bath" before sending into the oven. This process forms its unique taste, which is different from other breads.

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

从18世纪流传至今依然风靡烘焙界,靠的是其身上这份百搭CP体质和其健康的原料配方和 *** 工艺——配料以面粉为主,加少量盐、黄油,靠着这份‘单纯’气质,使其有着一种返璞归真的独特魅力。从单纯的面包变成多种食材的基底后,不管是夹水果、奶酪、蔬菜还是肉类,它都能很好衬托出食材的特色。

Bagels has been popular in the baking industry since the 18th century. The ingredients are mainly flour, with a *** all amount of salt and butter. With this "simple temperament" it has a unique charm of returning to nature. Therefore, this simple bread becomes the base of a variety of foods, whether it is fruit, cheese, vegetables or meat, it can well set off the characteristics of the ingredients. Which makes it is so popular until nowadays.



Compotirs de France fresh bagel series is available online, welcome to have taste.

多谷物贝果 Cereal Bagel

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

多谷物贝果:富含膳食纤维,自带谷物的清甜味道, 水煮过程中将面粉转化为麦芽糖,让贝果拥有更加香甜的麦香口感。整个 *** 中不加任何糖使其更加的健康和营养.

Cereal bagel is rich in dietary fiber and has the sweet taste of grains. During the boiling process, flour is converted into maltose, making the bagels have a sweet wheat flavor. The whole process does not add any sugar, making it healthier and more nutritious.

蔓越莓贝果 Cranberry Bagel

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

蔓越莓贝果:贝果自带的麦香味, 加上碎碎的蔓越莓干和燕麦片,酸甜适口,空口吃就已经很香了。

Cranberry bagel the rich wheat flavor together with crushed dried cranberries and oatmeal, a combination of sweet and sour flavors, which is delicious even eaten without anything.

法派1855贝果系列全新上线 Bagels is available online

贝果的历史The history of Bagel

百吉饼的起源尚不清楚,但它似乎起源于中欧。据波兰皇室14世纪的记载,obwarzanek是一种环状的、煮熟的、类似面包圈的面包。一个广为流传的传说将百吉饼的起源追溯到1683年的维也纳,当时波兰国王约翰·三世·索比埃斯基(John III Sobieski)成功地保卫了该城免受土耳其入侵。当地一位面包师为了纪念这位技艺高超的骑手的胜利,将他的面包做成马镫的形状(现在的德语单词是Bügel)。

The origin of the bagel is not known, but it seems to have its roots in central Europe. Accounts from the royal court in Poland dating to the 14th century mention obwarzanek, a ring-shaped, boiled, bagel-like bread. A widely repeated legend traces the origin of the bagel itself to Vienna in 1683, when John III Sobieski, king of Poland, successfully defended the city from a Turkish invasion. A local baker, wishing to commemorate the victory of this accomplished horseman, fashioned his bread in the shape of a stirrup (the present-day German word for which is Bügel).


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Do you like to eat bagels? Which is your favorite? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area. Maybe soon, you will see "it" on the new product menu of Compotirs de France


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