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  London rails ready for China’s high-speed trains

  From: Jongo News

   April 17, 2007 18:13 Beijing Time

  自从1978年向西方开放经济一来,中国第一次预备向欧洲供给新型列车。Grand Central是英国一家小的列车运营商,公布它预备定购三列中国造造的高速列车,用来运行伦敦-桑德兰之间的新铁道路路。

  China is set to supply new trains to Europe for the first time since it opened its economy to the west in 1978. Grand Central, a small British train operator, has said it is preparing to order three Chinese-built high-speed trains for a new London-Sunderland rail line.

  在Grand Central礼拜一颁发那一声明之前,中国的造造商已经付出了多年的勤奋,以打进世界上最重要的客运列车市场。那使人们愈加重视到欧洲的造造商能否具备与中国的低价产物合作的才能。Grand Central’s announcement on Monday followsyears of efforts by Chinese manufacturers to break into the world’smost important passenger train market and is likely to increase concernamong established European manufacturers about their ability to competewith lower-cost Chinese products.

  那三列高速列车将被用于供给伦敦与桑德兰之间的中转铁路办事。那些列车将间接替代Grand Central根据已经运行了25年的高速列车单位革新的列车(HST),能供给140mph的运行速度并能适应未来东海岸主线的进一步提速。

  The three high speed-trains will be used for anewly launched direct rail service between London and Sunderland. Therolling stock trains will be a direct replacement for Grand Central’s25-year old, re-built HST (High Speed Train) units and will be capableof 140mph operation to ensure it can take advantage of any future linespeed increases on the East Coast Main Line.


  The three trains are manufactured by two unnamedChinese state-owned companies, which are chosen based on design, trackrecord and competitive price, newspapers reported. Each train isdesigned to run on diesel at an average speed of 140 miles per hour.

  Grand Central方案很快就和中国公司签定合同,订单将于新线路办事起头时的七月份下达。那三列车将在2010年交付。

  Grand Central plans to sign the contract soonwith the Chinese companies and the orders will be placed in July whenthe new line service starts. The three new trains will be delivered by2010.


  UK’s Department for Transport is looking at usingdifferent Chinese trains - which could be cheaper to build and buy -for regional rail services in the country.

  下一折来自Grand Central的网站,即方案买中国列车的运营商


  New trains for North East passengers

  [Tuesday 13 April 2007]

  Grand Central公布,在桑德兰与伦敦之间的新的曲通铁路办事投进利用之后,将立即定购新的铁路列车。

  Grand Central announces that, immediately following the launch of its new direct rail services between Sunderland and London it is preparing to place an order for new rolling stock.

  新的列车将间接替代Grand Central的iconic高速列车(HST)。那些列车已经为英国的铁路业办事了25年。新的列车将能供给140mph的运行速度,并能适应东海岸主线(ECML)的进一步提速

  The new stock will be a direct replacement for Grand Central’s iconic HST (High Speed Train) that has served the UK rail industry so well over the past 25 years, and will be capable of 140 mph operation to ensure it can take advantage of any future line speed increases on the East Coast Main Line (ECML).

  那些列车未来自于Grand Central的姊妹公司Soverign Trains(见后面注)。Polaris列车组将从中国摘购,并在2010年交付英国,以停止最初的测试。

  Stock will be made available by Grand Central’s sister company Sovereign Trains, and the "Polaris" train sets will be procured from China and delivered to the UK for final testing in 2010.

  Grand Central的治理总监说:

  Ian Yeowart, Managing Director of Grand Central states:


  "The delivery of the re-built HSTs is of course the first target, but the discussions that have taken place over many months on the new-build trains gives us confidence that they will be an exceptional replacement for the HST – and of course will meet all the regulatory and safety requirements for trains introduced to the UK rail network"

  Grand Central的 填补说:

  Giles Fearnley, Chairman of Grand Central, adds:


  "We are delighted that this exciting project can continue to move forward, and of course the new trains will eventually be deployed on our Bradford services as well"

  现实的摘购过程十分严重,受控于我们的Track Access Contract(轨道利用合同)所需的时间,Network Rail的同事们可以在审查合同条目时将会看到那个严重投资的益处,我们很有自信心。

  "The actual procurement process is very much tied in to the length of our Track Access Contract, and we are confident our colleagues at Network Rail will see the benefit of this significant investment when reviewing its terms".

  Soverign Trains的工程总监说:

  David Shipley, Director of Engineering of Sovereign Trains comments:

  我们已经在预备Grand Central的运营方面投进了良多勤奋和资本,我们相信乘客不只会被新的列车留下印象,同时也将对革新的HST留下深入印象。

  "A great deal of effort and resource has been made in preparing Grand Central for operation, and we are sure passengers will be impressed not only by the new trains but also by the re-built HSTs when they come into operation"

  Polaris将努力于称心乘客需乞降期看,我们等待与Network Rail的同事们通力合作,包管那些列车称心对可靠性的期看、重量和运营容量的要求。

  "The Polaris units will be very much focused on passenger requirements and expectations and we look forward to working with colleagues at Network Rail to ensure the trains meet their expectations on reliability, weight and operational capability".

  Grand Central将在本年晚些时候起头天天在桑德兰与伦敦之间运行三对列车,并预备运行第四对。他们已经向Network Rail提出了时刻表恳求。别的Grand Central还有更远期的方案,运行伦敦经Halifax到布拉德福德的中转列车。

  Grand Central will begin operating three daily services between Sunderland and London later this year, and is seeking to run a fourth service - and has already made a timetable request to Network Rail.

  In addition Grand Central has long standing plans to operate direct trains between London and Bradford via Halifax.


  Sovereign Trains Limited

  Sovereign Trains有限公司是一个专门处置欧洲列车租赁的新公司。它方案重点存眷将中国的铁路机车车辆引进欧洲,并预备存眷一下三个核心产物:

  Sovereign Trains Limited is a new company that has been established to compete in the European train leasing market. It plans to focus heavily on the introduction of traction and rolling stock into the European market from China, and intends to concentrate its efforts around three core products: -


  Polaris – an InterCity Express passenger train set, able to draw its power source from either overhead electrical equipment or operate under its own power using modern, environmentally efficient diesel engines – maximum speed in operation, 140 mph;

  Pacemaker:柴油动力的multiple unit,合适城区之间和村落,一到四辆固定编组,并能重联为12辆,更高速度75mph(可选,假设用于城区之间,100mph)

  Pacemaker – a diesel powered multiple unit, suitable for inter-urban and rural services available in fixed formations from one to four vehicles and capable of operating in multiple configurations of up to twelve vehicles – maximum speed in operation, 75 mph (100 mph as an option, for inter-urban use);


  Potenta – a diesel powered “mixed traffic” locomotive, suitable for both heavy freight and passenger use, depending upon the power unit and bogie configuration selected. Available as four axle or six axle unit, with engines from 2850 hp to 4000 hp – maximum speed in operation, 90 mph.

  除了上述核心产物线之外,Sovereign将逃求客运和市场的个别时机,次要通过它的结合公司CSRE Limited从中国造造商摘购。

  In addition to its core product range, Sovereign will seek out individual opportunities in the passenger and freight market, and will procure, mainly from Chinese manufacturers, via its associated company, CSRE Limited.

  Grand Central Railway Company Limited

  Grand Central努力于向英格兰北部的公家供给高量量、买得起并易于利用的铁路办事。他们如今不克不及享遭到中转伦敦的办事。Grand Central最后的时刻表,将在本年晚些时候起头施行,如下:

  Grand Central aims to deliver a high quality, affordable and accessible train service to communities across the North of England who are remote from direct services to London. Grand Central’s initial timetabled service, due to begin later this year, is as follows:

   Mon – Sat Sunday


  Sunderland 0646 1230 1730 0910 1342 1842

  Hartlepool 0706 1253 1755 0934 1406 1906

  Eaglescliffe 0726 1315 1814 0955 1432 1925

  Northallerton 0747 1336 1835 1023 1454 1946

  Thirsk 0756 1345 1844 1032 1503 1955

  York arrive 0818 1407 1903 1048 1526 2011

  York depart 0822 1410 1906 1050 1531 2015

  Kings Cross 1031 1605 2108 1307 1742 2232


  Kings Cross 0804 1127 1650 0853 1358 1853

  York arrive 1006 1319 1844 1114 1622 2105

  York depart 1014 1322 1847 1117 1629 2108

  Thirsk 1029 1337 1903 1133 1700 2125

  Northallerton 1038 1346 1915 1146 1715 2136

  Eaglescliffe 1057 1403 1933 1202 1733 2153

  Hartlepool 1116 1423 1955 1221 1806 2212

  Sunderland 1150 1450 2035 1252 1841 2238

  A – The Zephyr B – The 21st Century Limited


  1. Grand Central是一个新成立的运营公司,目前还没有任何现实的运营体味。

   批改:从Grand Central的主页上看到,它是90年代中期成立的。但往年才刚刚与“铁路管束办公室”(Office of Rail Regulation - ORR)签定了轨道利用协议(Track Access Agreement)。没有说它以前是干什么的。

  2. Grand Central预备本年在伦敦和桑德兰之间起头供给办事,暂时先利用革新过的Iconic HST列车,速度125mph。

  3. 同时,它将通过它的姊妹公司Sovereign向中国定购140mph的Polaris列车,2010年到货。

  4. Sovereign公司次要营业是将中国消费的铁路机车车辆租给运营商。

  5. Sovereign公司的协做方是CSRE(觉得有点像中国南方铁路车辆....)。

  总的来说,那个工作有点希罕。Sovereign和Grand Central似乎都是为了利用中国机车车辆而创建的。是不是有可能就是国内某个与铁路有关的国企在英国创办的公司?








Grand Central将向中国定购的Polaris列车


关于英国要买中国高速火车的一些问题 期待您的回复!
