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  Asia's most sinful citiesThe best cities in Asia for indulging the devil on your shoulder

  做者:车仔 发布日期:2012-06-07 阅读:1074


  七宗功——七个生机勃勃的亚洲城市。我们一次又一次偏离邪道。 所以,假设你正因多食了一块臭豆腐而走向天堂,起首应该绕道往一下台北。假设你为你的卖淫活动感应骄傲,那么你应该往马尼拉(菲律宾)看看。


  原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:车仔 转载请说明出处




  原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:车仔 转载请说明出处


  Seven deadly sins -- seven lively Asian cities. We all stray off the path of righteousness from time to time.

  So if you're going to end up in hell due to a temptation to eat more than your fair share of stinky tofu, take a detour to Taipei first. Or if pride's your vice, take a turn toward Manila.

  Click through the pages to see how these Asian cities take a sin and turn it into a raison d'être.

  1.Gluttony: Taipei, Taiwan

  Cheap eats, everywhere, day or night.

  Taipei sports 18 streets dedicated to nothing other than food. Where you might usually expect a bus shelter, instead you'll find a barbecue. Sidewalks become snack stalls. The pungent smell of stinky tofu fills the air.

  Night markets in Taipei have become famous for their snack selections, or xiaochi, literally meaning "small eats."

  The dishes may be little, but so are the prices, running around US$1-2 dollars. A fat gut never came so easily.

  2.Sloth: Seoul, South Korea

  When South Koreans are not racking up overtime, they're collecting bandwidth fees.

  Seoul’s Internet has been honed, sculpted, streamlined and sped up to such a degree that no one really needs to move, at all, ever, except maybe when the orc hordes descend in "World of Warcraft" and some rapid double-clicking is required.

  South Korea has been ranked the 15th laziest country in the world (and the first in Asia) by The Daily Beast. And there's every reason to assume they'll get even lazier.

  A recently proposed government policy seeks to advance digital technology in the capital, partly influenced by demand for online gaming and streaming video, and will take Internet speeds to 1,000 Mbps by 2012.

  So if some of the 39 million connected South Koreans wanted to emulate their favourite national soccer heroes, they may as well just do it via "FIFA Manager."

  3. Pride: Manila, PhilippinesMuch is made about the loveliness of the Filipino female. But you wouldn't know it by talking to the Filipino men -- they're too busy gazing lustfully into the mirror.

  According to a study from Synovate, Filipino men are the most narcissistic in Asia. A whopping 48 percent consider themselves sexually attractive.

  And if the ladies reading this think the guys' encounters with the brow tweezers are for your benefit, sorry -- nine out of 10 Filipino men polled said they liked to look good for themselves, not anyone else.

  By way of comparison, just 25 percent of men in Singapore considered themselves sexually attractive, 17 percent in China and Taiwan and a measly 12 percent of Hong Kong guys think the same.

  4. Greed: Shenzhen, China

  The financial crisis is for suckers.

  When everyone else was tightening the belts, Shenzhen car ried on regardless, pumping out billions of dollars worth of high-tech products.

  Shenzhen is one of the fastest growing cities in the world, with a provincial GDP of US$42 billion -- that's more than some countries such as Guatemala and Lebanon, and four times more than Iceland.

  Meanwhile, China's millionaires keep millionairing -- it won't be long before there are 1 million U.S. dollar millionaires in the country, guided by Shenzhen's philosophy: if you can't make a million, make a billion.

  5. Lust: Tokyo, JapanJapan's sex industry is worth an estimated ¥2.5 trillion (US$30 billion), second only to the country's automobile industry. Is there any competition?

  According to “Pink Box” author Joan Sinclair, “Japan offers absolutely everything imaginable.”

  From gratuitous puke porn (and worse) to the barely titillating maid cafes, Tokyo is like a dirty old man in a teenager's body. But one who celebrates his lewd desires with the gusto of an exhibitionist poodle on heat.

  Head here to indulge your fetishes or simply to have yourself bathed by a pretty young thing in a uniform.

  6. Envy: New Delhi, IndiaMore Indians emigrated in 2010 than any other nationality in the world except for Mexicans, according to the World Bank's Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011.

  Some 11.4 million Indians headed elsewhere to find a better life, drawn by the lure of things done properly.

  India, and its capital New Delhi, has the world's worst case of grass-is-greener syndrome.

  7. Wrath: Pyongyang, North Korea

  Pugnacious, belligerent, quarrelsome ... the North Korean capital is the moody adolescent of the continent. But unlike most spotty delinquents who express their angry insecurities by piercing body parts or coloring their hair, this one sinks ships and shells islands.

  North Korea's national sport is Taekwondo. If there's a food shortage, the military get served first. Propaganda films talk of the "invincible power" of the North Korean army and posters in the capital state, "The way to peace is on the point of a bayonet."

  Its army comprises nearly 1 million troops, out of a nation of 24 million.

  Still, the Dear Leader Kim Jong Il does claim to have made the world's best ever golf score -- an astonishing 38 under par on a regulation 18-hole course incuding five holes-in-one. And that on his first ever attempt, too.

  Perhaps he's not so bad.



  1. 贪食:台湾,台北



  2. 懒散:韩国,首尔




  3. 骄傲:菲律宾,马尼拉





  4. 贪婪:中国,深圳





  5. 淫欲:日本,东京


  据“粉红盒”做者Joan Sinclair 所说:“日本赐与所有你能想到的工具。”



  6. 忌恨:印度,新德里









  然而,朝鲜指导人 扬言已经到达世界更高的高尔夫球得分——在18洞的原则场地上打出令人惊异的低于原则杆数的38杆,还包罗5个一杆进洞。他第一次测验考试就实现了目标。看来,他还不差。


台湾之光----七宗罪—亚洲最适合称心你身上恶魔欲看的城市 期待您的回复!
