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var analyser, analyserBufferLength; var audioInfo = Song: LAKEY INSPIRED - Chill Day; //--- var MATHPI2 = Math.PI * 2; //--- var w; var h; var btStart; var btLoadAudio; var labelLoadAudio; var txtStatus; var canvas; var context; var imageData; var data; var mouseActive = false; var mouseDown = false; var mousePos = { x:0, y:0 }; var fov = 250; var speed = 0.75;//0.25; var cubeMinHeight = 2; var frequencyDamp = 25; var smoothingTimeConstant = 0.65; var fftSize = 8192;//32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 var circleHolder = []; var time = 0; var colorInvertValue = 0; var rgb = {}; rgb.r = Math.random() * MATHPI2; rgb.g = Math.random() * MATHPI2; rgb.b = Math.random() * MATHPI2; var rgb2 = {}; rgb2.r = Math.random() * MATHPI2; rgb2.g = Math.random() * MATHPI2; rgb2.b = Math.random() * MATHPI2; //--- /* function getRGBColor() { var r = Math.sin( rgb.r += 0.010 ) * 1 + 1; var g = Math.sin( rgb.g += 0.007 ) * 1 + 1; var b = Math.sin( rgb.b += 0.013 ) * 1 + 1; //var r = Math.sin( rgb.r += 0.040 ) * 1 + 1; //var g = Math.sin( rgb.g += 0.028 ) * 1 + 1; //var b = Math.sin( rgb.b += 0.052 ) * 1 + 1; return { r:r, g:g, b:b }; };*/ function getRGBColor( color ) { var r = Math.sin( color.r += 0.010 ) * 1 + 1; var g = Math.sin( color.g += 0.007 ) * 1 + 1; var b = Math.sin( color.b += 0.013 ) * 1 + 1; //var r = Math.sin( color.r += 0.040 ) * 1 + 1; //var g = Math.sin( color.g += 0.028 ) * 1 + 1; //var b = Math.sin( color.b += 0.052 ) * 1 + 1; return { r:r, g:g, b:b }; }; function getRGBColor2( color ) { //var r = Math.sin( color.r += 0.010 ) * 1 + 1; //var g = Math.sin( color.g += 0.007 ) * 1 + 1; //var b = Math.sin( color.b += 0.013 ) * 1 + 1; var r = Math.sin( color.r += 0.040 ) * 1 + 1; var g = Math.sin( color.g += 0.028 ) * 1 + 1; var b = Math.sin( color.b += 0.052 ) * 1 + 1; return { r:r, g:g, b:b }; }; function limitRGBColor( color) { if ( color.r < percent ) { color.r = percent; } if ( color.g < percent ) { color.g = percent; } if ( color.b < percent ) { color.b = percent; } }; function init() { canvas = document.createElement( canvas ); canvas.addEventListener( mousedown, mouseDownHandler, false ); canvas.addEventListener( mouseup, mouseUpHandler, false ); canvas.addEventListener( mousemove, mouseMoveHandler, false ); canvas.addEventListener( mouseenter, mouseEnterHandler, false ); canvas.addEventListener( mouseleave, mouseLeaveHandler, false ); document.body.appendChild( canvas ); context = canvas.getContext( 2d ); window.addEventListener( resize, onResize, false ); onResize(); addCircles(); render(); clearImageData(); render(); context.putImageData( imageData, 0, 0 ); btStart = document.getElementById( btStartAudioVisualization ); btStart.addEventListener( mousedown, userStart, false ); btLoadAudio = document.getElementById( btLoadAudio ); btLoadAudio.addEventListener( change, loadAudioFileHandler, false ); labelLoadAudio = document.getElementById( labelLoadAudio ); labelLoadAudio.style.display = none; txtStatus = document.getElementById( txtStatus ); txtStatus.innerHTML = Waiting Patiently For You... Please Click the Start Button.; }; //--- function userStart() { btStart.removeEventListener( mousedown, userStart ); btStart.addEventListener( mousedown, audioBtHandler, false ); btStart.innerHTML = Pause Audio; btStart.style.display = none; txtStatus.innerHTML = Loading Audio...; audioSetup( audio/mp3.mp3 ); animate(); }; //--- function audioSetup( url ) { if ( audio ) { audio.pause(); } audio = new Audio(); audio.src = url; audio.controls = false; audio.loop = true; audio.autoplay = true; audio.crossOrigin = anonymous; audio.addEventListener( canplaythrough, audioLoaded, false ); audioContext = new ( window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext )(); analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser(); analyser.connect( audioContext.destination ); analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = smoothingTimeConstant; analyser.fftSize = fftSize; analyserBufferLength = analyser.frequencyBinCount; audioSrc = audioContext.createMediaElementSource( audio ); audioSrc.connect( analyser ); }; function audioLoaded( e ) { txtStatus.innerHTML = audioInfo; btStart.style.display = inline-block; labelLoadAudio.style.display = inline-block; }; function loadAudioFileHandler( e ) { loadFile( e ); }; function loadFile( e ) { var input = e.target; var reader = new FileReader(); audioInfo = input.files[ 0 ].name; audioSetup( URL.createObjectURL( input.files[ 0 ] ) ); }; //--- function clearImageData() { for ( var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i += 4 ) { data[ i ] = 0; data[ i + 1 ] = 0; data[ i + 2 ] = 0; data[ i + 3 ] = 255; } }; function setPixel( x, y, r, g, b, a ) { var i = ( x + y * imageData.width ) * 4; data[ i ] = r; data[ i + 1 ] = g; data[ i + 2 ] = b; data[ i + 3 ] = a; }; //--- function drawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b, a ) { var dx = Math.abs( x2 - x1 ); var dy = Math.abs( y2 - y1 ); var sx = ( x1 < x2 ) ? 1 : -1; var sy = ( y1 < y2 ) ? 1 : -1; var err = dx - dy; var lx = x1; var ly = y1; while ( true ) { if ( lx > 0 && lx < w && ly > 0 && ly < h ) { setPixel( lx, ly, r, g, b, a ); } if ( ( lx === x2 ) && ( ly === y2 ) ) break; var e2 = 2 * err; if ( e2 > -dx ) { err -= dy; lx += sx; } if ( e2 < dy ) { err += dx; ly += sy; } } }; //--- function getCirclePosition( centerX, centerY, radius, index, segments ) { var angle = index * ( MATHPI2 / segments ) + time; var x = centerX + Math.cos( angle ) * radius; var y = centerY + Math.sin( angle ) * radius; return { x:x, y:y }; }; function drawCircle( centerPosition, radius, segments ) { var coordinates = []; var radiusSave; var diff = 0;//Math.floor( Math.random() * segments ); for ( var i = 0; i <= segments; i++ ) { //var radiusRandom = radius + Math.random() * ( radius / 8 ); //var radiusRandom = radius + Math.random() * ( radius / 32 ); var radiusRandom = radius;// + ( radius / 8 ); if ( i === 0 ) { radiusSave = radiusRandom; } if ( i === segments ) { radiusRandom = radiusSave; } var centerX = centerPosition.x; var centerY = centerPosition.y; var position = getCirclePosition( centerX, centerY, radiusRandom, i, segments ); coordinates.push( { x:position.x, y:position.y, index:i + diff, radius:radiusRandom, segments:segments } ); } return coordinates; }; function addCircleSegment( x, y, z, audioBufferIndex ) { var circleSegment = {}; circleSegment.x = x; circleSegment.y = y; //circleSegment.z = z; circleSegment.x2d = 0; circleSegment.y2d = 0; circleSegment.audioBufferIndex = audioBufferIndex; return circleSegment; }; function addCircles() { var audioBufferIndexMin = 8; var audioBufferIndexMax = 1024; var audioBufferIndex = audioBufferIndexMin; var centerPosition = { x:0, y:0 }; var center = { x:0, y:0 }; var toggle = 1; var index = 0; var audioIndex = audioBufferIndexMin; var mp = { x:Math.random() * w, y:Math.random() * h }; for ( var z = -fov; z < fov; z += 5 ) { var coordinates = drawCircle( centerPosition, 75, 64 ); var circleObj = {}; circleObj.segmentsOutside = []; circleObj.segmentsInside = []; circleObj.segmentsInside2 = []; circleObj.segmentsCount = 0; circleObj.index = index; //circleObj.audioIndex = audioIndex; circleObj.z = z; circleObj.center = center; circleObj.circleCenter = { x:0, y:0 }; circleObj.mp = { x:mp.x, y:mp.y }; circleObj.radius = coordinates[ 0 ].radius; //circleObj.radiusAudio = circleObj.radius; circleObj.color = { r:0, g:0, b:0 }; //toggle = index % 4; toggle = index % 2; index++; if ( z < 0 ) { audioIndex++; } else { audioIndex--; } audioBufferIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * audioBufferIndexMax ) + audioBufferIndexMin; //audioBufferIndex = audioBufferIndexMin; var circleSegmentOutside; for ( var i = 0, l = coordinates.length; i < l; i++ ) { var coordinate = coordinates[ i ]; //if ( i % 4 === toggle && i % 2 === 1 ) { if ( i % 2 === toggle ) { circleSegmentOutside = addCircleSegment( coordinate.x, coordinate.y, z, audioBufferIndex ); circleSegmentOutside.active = true; circleSegmentOutside.index = coordinate.index; circleSegmentOutside.radius = coordinate.radius; circleSegmentOutside.radiusAudio = circleSegmentOutside.radius;// + Math.random() * 15; circleSegmentOutside.segments = coordinate.segments; circleSegmentOutside.coordinates = []; var co; if ( i > 0 ) { co = coordinates[ i - 1 ]; } else { co = coordinates[ l - 1 ]; } var sub1 = addCircleSegment( co.x, co.y, z, audioBufferIndex ); var sub2 = addCircleSegment( coordinate.x, coordinate.y, z - 5, audioBufferIndex ); var sub3 = addCircleSegment( co.x, co.y, z - 5, audioBufferIndex ); var sub4 = addCircleSegment( coordinate.x, coordinate.y, z, audioBufferIndex ); var sub5 = addCircleSegment( co.x, co.y, z, audioBufferIndex ); var sub6 = addCircleSegment( coordinate.x, coordinate.y, z - 5, audioBufferIndex ); var sub7 = addCircleSegment( co.x, co.y, z - 5, audioBufferIndex ); sub1.index = co.index; sub2.index = coordinate.index; sub3.index = co.index; sub4.index = coordinate.index; sub5.index = co.index; sub6.index = coordinate.index; sub7.index = co.index; circleSegmentOutside.subs = []; circleSegmentOutside.subs.push( sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4, sub5, sub6, sub7 ); //audioBufferIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * audioBufferIndexMax ) + audioBufferIndexMin; if ( i < l - 1 ) { audioBufferIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * audioBufferIndexMax ) + audioBufferIndexMin; } else { audioBufferIndex = circleObj.segmentsOutside[ 0 ].audioBufferIndex; } circleObj.segmentsOutside.push( circleSegmentOutside ); } else { circleObj.segmentsOutside.push( { active:false } ); } } circleHolder.push( circleObj ); } }; //--- function onResize(){ w = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; h = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; canvas.width = w; canvas.height = h; context.fillStyle = #000000; context.fillRect( 0, 0, w, h ); imageData = context.getImageData( 0, 0, w, h ); data = imageData.data; }; //--- function audioBtHandler( event ) { if ( audio.paused ) { audio.play(); btStart.innerHTML = Pause Audio; } else { audio.pause(); btStart.innerHTML = Play Audio; } }; //--- function mouseDownHandler( event ) { mouseDown = true; }; function mouseUpHandler( event ) { mouseDown = false; }; function mouseEnterHandler( event ) { mouseActive = true; }; function mouseLeaveHandler( event ) { mouseActive = false; //mousePos.x = w / 2; //mousePos.y = h / 2; mouseDown = false; }; function mouseMoveHandler( event ) { mousePos = getMousePos( canvas, event ); }; function getMousePos( canvas, event ) { var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x:event.clientX - rect.left, y:event.clientY - rect.top }; }; //--- function render() { var aa = false; if ( analyser ) { aa = true; } var frequencySource; if ( aa === true ) { frequencySource = new Uint8Array( analyser.frequencyBinCount ); analyser.getByteFrequencyData( frequencySource ); } //--- var sortArray = false; //--- var col = getRGBColor2( rgb ); var col2 = getRGBColor( rgb2 ); limitRGBColor( col, 0.45 ); limitRGBColor( col2, 0.25 ); //--- for ( var i = 0, l = circleHolder.length; i < l; i++ ) { var circleObj = circleHolder[ i ]; circleObj.color.r = col.r - ( circleObj.z + fov ) / fov; circleObj.color.g = col.g - ( circleObj.z + fov ) / fov; circleObj.color.b = col.b - ( circleObj.z + fov ) / fov; //circleObj.color.r = Math.floor( ( ( ( col.r - circleObj.z + fov ) ) + ( col2.r - circleObj.z + fov ) ) / 2 ); //circleObj.color.g = Math.floor( ( ( ( col.g - circleObj.z + fov ) ) + ( col2.g - circleObj.z + fov ) ) / 2 ); //circleObj.color.b = Math.floor( ( ( ( col.b - circleObj.z + fov ) ) + ( col2.b - circleObj.z + fov ) ) / 2 ); if ( circleObj.color.r < col2.r ) { circleObj.color.r = col2.r; } if ( circleObj.color.g < col2.g ) { circleObj.color.g = col2.g; } if ( circleObj.color.b < col2.b ) { circleObj.color.b = col2.b; } var circleObjBack; if ( i > 0 ) { circleObjBack = circleHolder[ i - 1 ]; } //--- if ( mouseActive ) { circleObj.mp = mousePos; } else { circleObj.mp.x += ( ( w / 2 ) - circleObj.mp.x ) * 0.00025; circleObj.mp.y += ( ( h / 2 ) - circleObj.mp.y ) * 0.00025; } //circleObj.center.x = ( ( w / 2 ) - circleObj.mp.x ) * ( -i / 150 ) + w / 2; //circleObj.center.y = ( ( h / 2 ) - circleObj.mp.y ) * ( -i / 150 ) + h / 2; circleObj.center.x = ( ( w / 2 ) - circleObj.mp.x ) * ( ( circleObj.z - fov ) / 500 ) + w / 2; circleObj.center.y = ( ( h / 2 ) - circleObj.mp.y ) * ( ( circleObj.z - fov ) / 500 ) + h / 2; //--- if ( aa === true ) { //var f = frequencySource[ Math.floor(circleObj.z + fov) ]; //var f = frequencySource[ i ]; //var f = frequencySource[ circleObj.audioIndex ]; //var fAdd = (f / 25);// * ( (circleObj.z - fov) / 200 ); //circleObj.radiusAudio = fAdd; } //--- for ( var j = 0, k = circleObj.segmentsOutside.length; j < k; j++ ) { var circleSegmentOutside = circleObj.segmentsOutside[ j ]; if ( circleSegmentOutside.active === true ) { //--- var scale = fov / ( fov + circleObj.z ); var scaleBack; if ( i > 0 ) { scaleBack = fov / ( fov + circleObjBack.z ); } var frequency, frequencyAdd; circleSegmentOutside.x2d = ( circleSegmentOutside.x * scale ) + circleObj.center.x; circleSegmentOutside.y2d = ( circleSegmentOutside.y * scale ) + circleObj.center.y; //--- if ( aa === true ) { frequency = frequencySource[ circleSegmentOutside.audioBufferIndex ]; frequencyAdd = frequency / 20; //--- circleSegmentOutside.radiusAudio = circleSegmentOutside.radius - frequencyAdd; } //--- var lineColorValue = 0; if ( j > 0 ) { if ( aa === true && audio.paused === false ) { lineColorValue = Math.round( i / l * ( 55 + frequency ) );//255 if ( lineColorValue > 255 ) { lineColorValue = 255; } } else { lineColorValue = Math.round( i / l * 200 );//255 } } //--- if ( i > 0 && i < l - 1 ) { var sub1 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 0 ]; var sub1angle = sub1.index * ( MATHPI2 / circleSegmentOutside.segments ) + time; sub1.x2d = ( sub1.x * scale ) + circleObj.center.x; sub1.y2d = ( sub1.y * scale ) + circleObj.center.y; sub1.x = circleObj.circleCenter.x + Math.cos( sub1angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radiusAudio; sub1.y = circleObj.circleCenter.y + Math.sin( sub1angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radiusAudio; var sub2 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 1 ]; var sub2angle = sub2.index * ( MATHPI2 / circleSegmentOutside.segments ) + time; sub2.x2d = ( sub2.x * scaleBack ) + circleObjBack.center.x; sub2.y2d = ( sub2.y * scaleBack ) + circleObjBack.center.y; sub2.x = circleObj.circleCenter.x + Math.cos( sub2angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radiusAudio; sub2.y = circleObj.circleCenter.y + Math.sin( sub2angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radiusAudio; var sub3 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 2 ]; var sub3angle = sub3.index * ( MATHPI2 / circleSegmentOutside.segments ) + time; sub3.x2d = ( sub3.x * scaleBack ) + circleObjBack.center.x; sub3.y2d = ( sub3.y * scaleBack ) + circleObjBack.center.y; sub3.x = circleObj.circleCenter.x + Math.cos( sub3angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radiusAudio; sub3.y = circleObj.circleCenter.y + Math.sin( sub3angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radiusAudio; var sub4 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 3 ]; var sub4angle = sub4.index * ( MATHPI2 / circleSegmentOutside.segments ) + time; sub4.x2d = ( sub4.x * scale ) + circleObj.center.x; sub4.y2d = ( sub4.y * scale ) + circleObj.center.y; sub4.x = circleObj.circleCenter.x + Math.cos( sub4angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radius; sub4.y = circleObj.circleCenter.y + Math.sin( sub4angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radius; var sub5 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 4 ]; var sub5angle = sub5.index * ( MATHPI2 / circleSegmentOutside.segments ) + time; sub5.x2d = ( sub5.x * scale ) + circleObj.center.x; sub5.y2d = ( sub5.y * scale ) + circleObj.center.y; sub5.x = circleObj.circleCenter.x + Math.cos( sub5angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radius; sub5.y = circleObj.circleCenter.y + Math.sin( sub5angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radius; var sub6 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 5 ]; var sub6angle = sub6.index * ( MATHPI2 / circleSegmentOutside.segments ) + time; sub6.x2d = ( sub6.x * scaleBack ) + circleObjBack.center.x; sub6.y2d = ( sub6.y * scaleBack ) + circleObjBack.center.y; sub6.x = circleObj.circleCenter.x + Math.cos( sub6angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radius; sub6.y = circleObj.circleCenter.y + Math.sin( sub6angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radius; var sub7 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 6 ]; var sub7angle = sub7.index * ( MATHPI2 / circleSegmentOutside.segments ) + time; sub7.x2d = ( sub7.x * scaleBack ) + circleObjBack.center.x; sub7.y2d = ( sub7.y * scaleBack ) + circleObjBack.center.y; sub7.x = circleObj.circleCenter.x + Math.cos( sub7angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radius; sub7.y = circleObj.circleCenter.y + Math.sin( sub7angle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radius; var p1; var p2; var p3; var p4; var p5 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 3 ]; var p6 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 4 ]; var p7 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 6 ]; var p8 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 5 ]; if ( frequencyAdd > 0 ) { p1 = circleSegmentOutside; p2 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 1 ]; p3 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 2 ]; p4 = circleSegmentOutside.subs[ 0 ]; } var cr = Math.round( circleObj.color.r * lineColorValue ); var cg = Math.round( circleObj.color.g * lineColorValue ); var cb = Math.round( circleObj.color.b * lineColorValue ); if ( frequencyAdd > 0 ) { drawLine( p1.x2d | 0, p1.y2d | 0, p2.x2d | 0, p2.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); drawLine( p2.x2d | 0, p2.y2d | 0, p3.x2d | 0, p3.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); drawLine( p3.x2d | 0, p3.y2d | 0, p4.x2d | 0, p4.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); drawLine( p4.x2d | 0, p4.y2d | 0, p1.x2d | 0, p1.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); drawLine( p5.x2d | 0, p5.y2d | 0, p1.x2d | 0, p1.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); drawLine( p6.x2d | 0, p6.y2d | 0, p4.x2d | 0, p4.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); drawLine( p7.x2d | 0, p7.y2d | 0, p3.x2d | 0, p3.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); drawLine( p8.x2d | 0, p8.y2d | 0, p2.x2d | 0, p2.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); } if ( circleObj.z < fov / 2 ) { drawLine( p5.x2d | 0, p5.y2d | 0, p6.x2d | 0, p6.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); drawLine( p6.x2d | 0, p6.y2d | 0, p7.x2d | 0, p7.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); drawLine( p7.x2d | 0, p7.y2d | 0, p8.x2d | 0, p8.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); drawLine( p8.x2d | 0, p8.y2d | 0, p5.x2d | 0, p5.y2d | 0, cr, cg, cb, 255 ); } } //--- var circleSegmentOutsideangle; //if ( j < k - 1 ) { circleSegmentOutsideangle = circleSegmentOutside.index * ( MATHPI2 / circleSegmentOutside.segments ) + time; circleSegmentOutside.x = circleObj.circleCenter.x + Math.cos( circleSegmentOutsideangle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radiusAudio; circleSegmentOutside.y = circleObj.circleCenter.y + Math.sin( circleSegmentOutsideangle ) * circleSegmentOutside.radiusAudio; /*} else { var circleSegmentOutside1 = circleObj.segmentsOutside[ 0 ]; circleSegmentOutsideangle = circleSegmentOutside1.index * ( MATHPI2 / circleSegmentOutside1.segments ) + time; circleSegmentOutside.x = circleObj.circleCenter.x + Math.cos( circleSegmentOutsideangle ) * circleSegmentOutside1.radiusAudio; circleSegmentOutside.y = circleObj.circleCenter.y + Math.sin( circleSegmentOutsideangle ) * circleSegmentOutside1.radiusAudio; } */ //--- /* if ( i > 0 && i < l - 1 ) { //if ( i > 0 && i < l - 1 && j < k - 1 ) { var circleSegmentOutsideLineBack;// = circleObjBack[ j ]; var circleSegmentInsideLineBack; //if ( j === 0 ) { //pB = circleObjBack.segments[ circleObjBack.segments.length - 1 ]; //} else { //pB = circleObjBack.segments[ j - 1 ]; //} circleSegmentOutsideLineBack = circleObjBack.segmentsOutside[ j ]; circleSegmentInsideLineBack = circleObjBack.segmentsInside[ j ]; //drawLine( circleSegmentOutside.x2d | 0, circleSegmentOutside.y2d | 0, circleSegmentOutsideLineBack.x2d | 0, circleSegmentOutsideLineBack.y2d | 0, 0, Math.round( lineColorValue / 2 ), lineColorValue, 255 ); //drawLine( circleSegmentInside.x2d | 0, circleSegmentInside.y2d | 0, circleSegmentInsideLineBack.x2d | 0, circleSegmentInsideLineBack.y2d | 0, 0, Math.round( lineColorValue / 2 ), lineColorValue, 255 ); } */ } } if ( mouseDown ) { circleObj.z += speed; if ( circleObj.z > fov ) { circleObj.z -= ( fov * 2 ); sortArray = true; } } else { circleObj.z -= speed; if ( circleObj.z < -fov ) { circleObj.z += ( fov * 2 ); sortArray = true; } } } //--- if ( sortArray ) { circleHolder = circleHolder.sort( function( a, b ) { return ( b.z - a.z ); } ); } //--- if ( mouseDown ) { time -= 0.005; } else { time += 0.005; } //--- //soft invert colors if ( mouseDown ) { if ( colorInvertValue < 255 ) colorInvertValue += 5; else colorInvertValue = 255; softInvert( colorInvertValue ); } else { if ( colorInvertValue > 0 ) colorInvertValue -= 5; else colorInvertValue = 0; if ( colorInvertValue > 0 ) softInvert( colorInvertValue ); } }; //--- function softInvert( value ) { for ( var j = 0, n = data.length; j < n; j += 4 ) { data[ j ] = Math.abs( value - data[ j ] ); // red data[ j + 1 ] = Math.abs( value - data[ j + 1 ] ); // green data[ j + 2 ] = Math.abs( value - data[ j + 2 ] ); // blue data[ j + 3 ] = 255;// - data[ j + 3 ]; // alpha } }; //--- function animate() { clearImageData(); render(); context.putImageData( imageData, 0, 0 ); requestAnimationFrame( animate ); }; window.requestAnimFrame = ( function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function( callback ) { window.setTimeout( callback, 1000 / 60 ); }; } )(); //--- init();</script> </body> </html>



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