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2022年度 结合国健艺美文化财产总会 世界文艺(收集)颁奖盛典获奖名单公布

The winners of the world literature and art (Network) award ceremony of the United Nations jianyimei Cultural Industry Federation in 2022 were announced


The battle ended with COVID-19 in 2022. The spring at the beginning of 2022 was originally the spring of the cultural activity performance market. With the continuous outbreak of the epidemic, enterprises were forced to stop work and people were isolated at home. For a long time, in the closed environment of epidemic prevention and control and peoples safety, cluster entertainment activities will be cancelled. Not only the people are suffering, but also a continuous cold winter for the cultural performance market. Many scheduled artistic performances were cancelled. Nevertheless, the World Federation of literary and art circles overcame all difficulties and actively carried out "cloud" cultural and artistic activities, and the 2022 world artist list was promulgated!


The winners of the World Federation of literary and art circles list of cultural artists are selected by a combination of public online voting and expert offline evaluation. They come from different regions and positions, but they have moved and warmed the times with love, persistence, faith and dream, and simple actions.

▲结合国健艺美文化财产总会常务副主席罗华党 副主席谭邦兰等参与2019演艺界春晚

Executive vice chairman of United Nations jianyimei Cultural Industry Association, vice chairman of Luo huadang, Tan banglan and others attended the Spring Festival Gala of performing arts in 2019


The "world cultural artist ranking activity" was initiated and hosted by the United Nations General Association of jianyimei cultural industry, and undertaken by Shanshan Lange art training center and the "person interview" column of the World Federation of literary and art circles. It is the first in the world to report and select world cultural artists. The journalists of the World Federation of literary and art circles visited the grass-roots level to dig out touching stories, and different institutions recommended candidates, It is a public welfare brand activity to mobilize netizens to conduct online and offline selection through new media and hold an annual award ceremony.


Award receiving method:

1、奖项【如音乐、影视、跳舞类更高人气艺术家等 】 ,供给证件照、艺术照片各2张,【2分钟注册艺术家排行榜 http://sslg33.com


1、Awards [such as the most popular artists in music, film and television and dance], two ID photos and two art photos are provided, [2-minute list of registered artists sslg33. Com]

申领奖品全套(包罗荣誉证书、纪念品),费用1800元; 零丁申领一项(荣誉证书、纪念品任选一项),费用300元;每个申领奖项者只可取代一人申领,即每人最多申请领奖2次。

Apply for a complete set of prizes (including honorary certificates and souvenirs) at a cost of 1800 yuan; Apply for one item separately (any one of honor certificate and souvenir), and the cost is 300 yuan; Each applicant can only apply for the award instead of one person, that is, each person can apply for the award up to 2 times.

2、 您的邮寄地址、德律风 【 奖 证 奖品 1月内邮寄】

2. Your mailing address and telephone number: [the award will be mailed within 1 month]

3 、没在榜单者可从头申报 寄简历 其它法式同上

3. Those who are not on the list can re apply for sending resumes. Other procedures are the same as above

领奖地址 :重庆市渝中区临江路89号嫡亲华苑7一8室

Address: room 7-8, Tianlun Huayuan, No. 89, Linjiang Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing

德律风 :15910755206(微信同步)

Tel: 15910755206 (wechat synchronization)

乐玲 13389609765(微信同步)

Leshi 18883855558 (wechat synchronization)


QQ No.: 2829980073


Elite network of World Federation of literary and art circles: www.sslg33 com


(1) list of world cultural artists

①2O22年度获奖者,前102名荣获世界文联事业促进会荣誉主席(颁布证书 饰品各一份),名单如下:

① The top 102 winners of the year 2o22 were awarded the honorary chairman of the World Federation of literary and Art Promotion Association (one certificate for each)


Personal style display of the top 30 artists

1、姜莉莉 Jiang Lili

2、史平平 Shi Pingping

3、程翔 Cheng Xiang

4、胡志武 Ho Chi Wu

5、舒耀瑄 Shu Yaoxuan

6、赵十金 Zhao Shijin

7、姚杰Yao Jie

8、沈建新 Shen Jianxin

9、昆娜 Queena

10、赵美堂 Zhao Meitang

11、张海 Zhang Hai

12、周涛 Zhou Tao

13、季马·比兰DIMA BIL

14、李元华 LI YUAN


16、艾什莉·约翰逊ASHLEY J

17、谢龙英 Xie Longying

18、塞吉·卡雷拉斯SERGI CA

19、丁海峰DING HAI

20、萨拉·卡波内罗SARA CAR

21、莎拉.翟.施特劳 SARAH ZH

22、张铎 DUÓ

23、基特·哈灵顿KIT HARI

24、罗华党Luohua Party

25、袁莉Yuan Li



28.习红丽Xi Hongli

29、唐诗Tang Poetry

30、乐 依 TAN RUO


As artists and well-known figures, be strict with yourself and set an example for public figures. Only with the participation of the whole people, the supervision of the whole people and the efforts of the whole people can a healthy and green network environment be continued, not only for the stability of the country and society, but also for our future generations!


On a fair, just, open and transparent network platform, let cultural and artistic workers with both morality and art show their style and carry forward the positive energy of society.


The 31st to 100th cultural and art workers in the 2022 ranking list won the honorary executive director certificate. The list is as follows;

罗亮、彼得·罗美尔、李治群、韩立明、李金奇、张瑜、墨悦侨、杨幂、苏名君、石春莲、石春莲、秦志明、王昭君、杰西卡·罗德、黄汇珍、蔡彤彦、李振相、罗嘉良、陈保国、赖雪丽、郑莉莉、菲利普·基尔科罗、关晓彤、莫妮卡、李舜、罗伯特·卡辛斯基、林叶亭、周存华、柳亚庭、墨龙、牛卓、邓志鸿、张含韵 、盘满菊、乐馨、阿什丽·约翰逊、齐连友、冯远、 本尼西奥·德尔·托罗、雷雷、张小梅、徐僧、刘战西、张腾元、梅丽莎-克拉克、罗建辉、吴群倩、宋慧乔、高德育、阿依古丽、강형구 姜亨九、刘海、徐颖、郑湘高、贺晴、谭邦义、白百合、依娜、李舒玉、乐玲、曾令旗、王圣依、章雨轩、文艺、周东生 、保罗·贝坦尼、黑珍珠马丽娅、车虹辰、基拉·科尔皮、李长春

(二)2022年世界文化艺术界结合会优良文艺工做者(候选名单 收罗定见)

Outstanding Artists and Artists of the World Federation of Cultural and Artistic Circles in 2022 (Candidate List for Comments)


Award receiving method:


Each person won 2000 appreciation votes in the ranking list of the World Federation of Literary and Art Circles Elite Network。


Reports from 300 media, including the official website of the World Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the World Wide Web, and the Beijing website

3、每位将法子荣誉证书、奖杯和奖品。申领奖品全套(包罗荣誉证书、纪念品),费用1800元; 零丁申领一项(荣誉证书、纪念品任选一项),费用300元;每个申领奖项者只可取代一人申领,即每人最多申请领奖2次。

Apply for a complete set of prizes (including honorary certificates and souvenirs) at a cost of 1800 yuan; Apply for one item separately (any one of honor certificate and souvenir), and the cost is 300 yuan; Each applicant can only apply for the award instead of one person, that is, each person can apply for the award up to 2 times.

2、 您的邮寄地址、德律风 【 奖 证 奖品 1月内邮寄】

Your mailing address and telephone number: [the award will be mailed within 1 month]

3 、没在榜单者可从头申报 寄简历 其它法式同上

Those who are not on the list can re apply for sending resumes. Other procedures are the same as above

领奖地址 :重庆市渝中区临江路89号嫡亲华苑7一8室

Address: room 7-8, Tianlun Huayuan, No. 89, Linjiang Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing

德律风 :15910755206(微信同步)

Tel: 15910755206 (wechat synchronization)

乐玲 13389609765(微信同步)

Leshi 18883855558 (wechat synchronization)


Elite network of World Federation of literary and art circles: www.sslg33 com



Queena, Gao Zhenzhi, Xu Yun, Li Changchun, Tang Hongxing, Lev, Yan Guan, Yin Hexiang, Li Danping, Zhu Dan, Wang Ze, Wang Xiuliang, Qin Zhiming, Gao Meiyu, Jiang Lili, Gong Shaoqiu, Tan Shirong, Han Liming, Wang Zhaojun, Han Qinghua, Qi Lianyou, He Qing, Wang Yuanqin, Hou Lina, Gao Weisong, Hu Shufen, Li Zhiqun, Hu Zhiwu, Tang Shi, Huang Wanjun, Cai Tongyan, Ji Dongming, Che Hongchen, Jiang Lin, Jing Congbao Chen Dick, Ke Peihong, Chen Kun, Lei Kunshan, Chen Yan, Li Chuanyong, Deng Rongjun, Li Chunbin, Deng Zhihong, Li Jing, Li Minghui, Shi Tongxian, Duan Dongsheng, Li Nana, Fan Zhongzhi, Zhou Jing, Zhao Shijin, Zhou Yuhong, Zheng Xianggao, Zhou Liancheng, Hua Zongfeng, Qi Fangzhong, Zhang Xiaomei, Chen Faling, Li Yongmei, Liang Daying, Lin Junwu, Liu Guangchao, Liu Hai, Liu Meng, Liu Peng, Liu Wenbin, Liu Xuze, Li Ning, Liu Yating Luo Liang, Luo Qiong, Ma Baohui, Mei Nanlin, Mao William, Meng Yanpeng, Zhang Chaofang, Zhu Yueqiao, Wu Yuxia, Zhang Zongzhen, Luo Huixia, Luo Huadang, Xiao Fengying, Shen Fengkui, Zhang Jinyue, Yang Yapeng, Yang Caiye, Xie Longying, Xie Bangfeng, Wen Yi, Guan Jingge, Xia Moyan, Wang Wenbin, Wang Kexuan, Wang Junyi, Wang Fuying, Luo Zongming, Sun Tongcheng, Su Zhengying, Su Mingjun, Yu Fei, Qin Chuan, Qi Fangzhong, Pan Manju, Niu Zhuo Yu Qiuhua, Lai Xueli, Xu Ying, Shen Jianxin, Shi Chunlian, Shi Wenhui, Tan Ruoyi, Wang Tongwei, Wang Jinsheng, Wang Xinggui, Wang Xiusheng, Wang Xiaohong, Wang Yongli, Wen Dongqin, Wu Yongling, Wu Yuanbin, Xiao Zuohong, Xin Yunping, Yan Junguo, Yu Changjiang, Yuan Li, Zhang Tengyuan, Zhao Meitang, Zheng Taibian, Xu Zhihui, Huang Xinrui.


(3) List of advanced associations in 2022 (10)


Asian American Industry Association


Asian Musicians Association


Asian Dancers Association


Asian Collectors Association


Asian Performing Arts Association


Asian Dramatists Association


Asian Broadcasting Association


Asian Model Association


Beijing Song and Dance Troupe


Career Promotion Association


Asian Youth Cultural Exchange Association


World Cultural Exchange Association for the Middle aged and the Elderly


List of World Federation of Literary and Art Circles Ambassadors in 2022


Award receiving method:


Each person won 2000 appreciation votes in the ranking list of the World Federation of Literary and Art Circles Elite Network。


Reports from 300 media, including the official website of the World Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the World Wide Web, and the Beijing website

3、每位将法子荣誉证书、奖杯和奖品。申领奖品全套(包罗荣誉证书、纪念品),费用1800元; 零丁申领一项(荣誉证书、纪念品任选一项),费用300元;每个申领奖项者只可取代一人申领,即每人最多申请领奖2次。

Apply for a complete set of prizes (including honorary certificates and souvenirs) at a cost of 1800 yuan; Apply for one item separately (any one of honor certificate and souvenir), and the cost is 300 yuan; Each applicant can only apply for the award instead of one person, that is, each person can apply for the award up to 2 times.

2、 您的邮寄地址、德律风 【 奖 证 奖品 1月内邮寄】

Your mailing address and telephone number: [the award will be mailed within 1 month]

3 、没在榜单者可从头申报 寄简历 其它法式同上

Those who are not on the list can re apply for sending resumes. Other procedures are the same as above

领奖地址 :重庆市渝中区临江路89号嫡亲华苑7一8室

Address: room 7-8, Tianlun Huayuan, No. 89, Linjiang Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing

德律风 :15910755206(微信同步)

Tel: 15910755206 (wechat synchronization)

乐玲 13389609765(微信同步)

Leshi 18883855558 (wechat synchronization)


Elite network of World Federation of literary and art circles: www.sslg33 com



百 荷:副主席(捷克文联主席)




黄 埔:参谋(原关公委副主任)



万 励:名望主席(秘央董事长)






依 娜:名望主席(亚泰文化联盟开创人)




陈 昆:副主席(片子导演)


黄 维:副主席(片子编剧)



艾 强:参谋(原政协委员)


楼 兰:副主席(队伍歌唱家)





联合国健艺美·世文联盛典·艺术家排行榜·爱心大使·名单公布 期待您的回复!
