用hostage riddle genie palace ?

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  Ming Tomb Minghuang waxwork Palace (Palace) is located in Changping District, northwest of xiguanhuandao is leading to Beijing Badaling, the Ming Tombs Jingchang high-speed road intersection, is set to visit, shopping, dining, accommodation, leisure as one of the Sino foreign cooperative large-scale tourism sentinel enterprises, is the distinctive characteristics of the “Beijing Youth education base“ and “Changping County Primary and middle school students moral education base“。

   Ming Imperial Palace in Beijing Tachiashikaga Shohei, relying on Ming Dynasty Tombs, there is “Ming Dynasty Tombs underground, the ground Ming Imperial Palace“ in the world。

   The main exhibition hall with world-class wax art, to 16 Ming emperors life historic as the main line, through 374 statue of vivid, lifelike wax figure and archaize simulation of 26 scene, supplemented by modern video, sound and light effect reproduction Ming Dynasty 276 in politics, economy, culture, military and imperial struggle and social custom history, called the East “the Louvre“。

   Ming Palace wax art is the latest achievements of experts after years of painstaking research and test。 She is different from Western wax art simple personal forms of Arts appeared, but the wax into the historical stories of the scene, with the drama, film, music, art, architecture etc。

   a variety of art forms, so that visitors to the ornamental in wax art at the same time, enter the historical atmosphere, cause of the history understanding and thinking。

   “For China to contribute to the world‘s most, for the world to reproduce a period of Chinese history“。

   Ming Palace adhere to carry forward the main melody of the national culture, known as “Mingun extension Shi Ji Zhen,“ wonders of the history of the Ming Dynasty “,“ the Chinese nation cultural wonders “。


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