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  A sandwich is a quick and tasty way to make a meal。 It can make a great lunch or breakfast。 Read on to learn the basics。 造做三明治不单快速并且甘旨的,它是早餐或者午餐的更佳选择,下面为根本步调。

  1,Pick your favorite type of bread。 White, wheat, wholegrain,or rye。 It can also be a roll, or pita bread。 You need 2 whole slices of bread to make a full sandwich and you can use one slice to make half a sandwich。

   You can also toast your bread。第一步,筹办面包,白麦或者黑麦面包,能够使卷状或者圆饼状的,一个完好的三明治需要2片薄的面包片,当然你也能够用一全面包做一半三明治,你也能够用事先烤过的面包片。2,Choose a spread that will make the bread stick together。

   Margarine, butter, mayonnaise or avocado are always good choices。 Combine the spreads for a different and delicious taste。

  第二步,使两全面包片粘在一路,能够利用人造黄油,奶油,蛋黄酱或者牛油果,混合那些奶酱能够使三明治味道愈加鲜美,3,Decide on the filling。 Jam, peanut butter, ham, cheese, various other meats, lettuce, tomato, pickles, bacon bits, onions, turkey, beef, chicken, -- you've got a lot of choices。

   What you put on a sandwich is really up to your imagination and preferences。 Just remember to put together things you enjoy eating because you have to eat it。

  第三步,面包片中填充果酱,花生酱,火腿,奶酪,各类肉类,蔬菜,番茄,少量咸菜,洋葱,火鸡肉,牛肉,鸡肉--你已经完成了大部门工做,你能够把三明治做成你喜欢喝想象的样子,当然要记住把你喜欢吃的放在一路,究竟结果你是要吃的。4,When you have finished putting together the foods you like to eat, slice the sandwich for easier handling。



Egg sandwich

Main ingredient: whole wheat bread six pieces of egg 1 cheese 1 tank

Accessories: almond moderate green beans

Five minutes of nutritional energy - egg sandwich for breakfast practice steps


   Use eggs boiled eggs boiled and shelled ChengXiaoDing cutting; Cucumber peeled and cut ChengXiaoDing, almond is divided;


   The prepared material in a bowl, add fresh small jar of cheese; 。 Stir to mix;

3。 Cut the edge of the two pieces of toast。

   In a homogeneous tile above good just ready for stuffing; Cover to another; Along the middle of the diagonal slice;

4。 The table。


主料:全麦面包片六片 鸡蛋1个 奶酪1罐

辅料:杏仁适量 青豆适量


1。 将鸡蛋用煮蛋器煮好,去壳切成小丁;将黄瓜去皮后切成小丁,将杏仁分红两边;

2。 筹办好的质料放入碗中,参加清爽的小罐奶酪;。


3。 将两片的面包片的边沿切去;在一片上面平均的平铺好刚筹办的馅料;将另一片盖上;沿着中间的对角线切开即可;

4。 端上桌啦。


怎样做三明治要英语四个步? 期待您的回复!
