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刚翻开体育新闻网站,又看到让人失看的题目"英媒传切尔西确定新帅 阿布600万天价高薪挖国米掌门"。英国小报信息历来灵通,相信那一回是实的了-那已经在前次拉涅利时代验证过了,切尔西似乎总有把炒锻练的过程酿成一部冗长的悲情片的习惯。即便所有的人都站在老木一边,关于一个冠军已经拿厌了,只需要一个俯首帖耳式锻练的老板来说,再多的功绩也抵消不了一次抵触带来的厌反感,除非呈现奇观好比切尔西夺得欧冠,不然很有可能那就是他的最初一个赛季。


  曼奇尼公开回应传说风闻:期看往英超 若执教切尔西很美妙


  ROBERTO MANCINI admits he wants to become Chelsea’s next boss.

  The Inter Milan chief is Roman Abramovich’s No 1 target to replace Jose Mourinho this summer if the Special One quits, as revealed by SunSport.

  Mancini said: “I’d really love to manage a Premiership side one day. Chelsea? It would be fantastic.”

  Mancini has only six months left on his Inter contract and is now considering a move away from Serie A.

  The former Sampdoria, Lazio and Italy striker, who also had a short spell at Leicester in 2001, was expected to sign a new San Siro deal last week.

  But he stalled at the 11th hour and Abramovich is now confident of landing him on a pound;6million-a-year four-year deal.

  Asked if he would extend his stay in Milan, Mancini, 42, said: “Nothing has been decided about the contract but this is not a formality.”

  A friend of Mancini’s added: “He knows Chelsea are interested in him but he is very much his own man and will not leave Inter without giving it a lot of thought. It’s 50-50 whether he stays or goes.”

  SunSport can also reveal that Mourinho’s entire backroom staff have NOT been offered new contracts — casting more doubts over the Blues manager’s future.

  Assistant Steve Clarke has told some players he believes he will be leaving in the summer — and that suggests Mourinho will be going too.


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