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Morgan Stanley Settles Bias Case for $54 Million


  Published: July 12, 2004


  In a last-minute, out-of-court settlement, Morgan Stanley has agreed to pay up to $54 million to settle claims that the investment bank blocked more than 300 female employees from promotions and bonuses in its institutional equities division, while rewarding lesser-performing men.

  在最初时刻,摩根斯坦利庭外附和付出5400万美圆以告终对那家投资银行的指控。指控称那家银行在它的institutional equities division阻遏300名女性人员获得进升和奖励,表示较差的男性人员却得到公司的表扬。

  The settlement between Morgan Stanley and the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission came just hours before opening arguments were to begin in the case, the first sexual discrimination dispute on Wall Street to come to court. The agreement, a three-year, court-sanctioned consent decree between the bank and the commission, was reached after weekend talks between the chief executive of Morgan Stanley, Philip Purcell, and the chairwoman of the commission, Cari M. Dominguez.


  摩根士丹利首席施行官裴熙亮与公允就业委员会 Cari M. Dominguez周末会面后,两边就那个历时三年的案子达成了法庭承认的息争协议。

  “The court is not ruling on the merits of any party’s allegations,“ Judge Richard Berman of the United States District Court told reporters today as he announced the decree.

  “法庭并未就任何一方看点的长短做出判决,”地域法院的Richard Berman 法官今天公布那项协议时告诉记者。

  The suit was filed in 2001 by the commission on a complaint by a former Morgan Stanley equities trader, Allison Schieffelin. Ms. Schieffelin, who made $1.35 million in 1998, was fired in 2000 after she claimed she was denied a promotion because she is a woman.

  摩根斯坦利前股票交易员Allison Schieffelin向公允就业委员会赞扬,2001年公允就业委员会提告状讼。Allison Schieffelin声称因为她是一个女性,被褫夺了进升的时机,2000年她被辞退了。1998年时她替公司挣了135万美圆。

  Ms. Schieffelin also complained of discrimination at the firm, including men-only golf games and visits with clients to strip clubs. Opening arguments in the case had been set to begin today before a jury of eight women and four men.

  Allison Schieffelin还赞扬公司其它方面的鄙视,包罗只要汉子才有打网球的时机,只要男性雇员才气陪客户到脱衣舞俱乐部。公开争论原定今天起头,陪审团有8名女性和四名男性构成。

  “It’s a watershed in safeguarding and promoting the rights of women on Wall Street,“ Judge Berman said, according to Bloomberg News.


  The consent decree will establish a special fund of $40 million to compensate women whose careers have been stymied by sexual discrimination, and will force bankers to undergo training to prevent further cases. As part of the agreement, Morgan Stanley denied any wrongdoing, and said it had always treated women well.


  “We are proud of our commitment to diversity, and would like to thank the E.E.O.C. staff for working with us to conclude this matter in such a positive way,“ Mr. Purcell said in a statement. “We look forward to working with the E.E.O.C. in accomplishing our common goals.“


  Judy Keenan, a senior trial attorney with the E.E.O.C., which brought the suit in federal court, said: “It’s significant not only because of the monetary aspect but because it also provides injunctive relief.“

  把此案递往联邦法庭的公允就业委员会高级审讯律师Judy Keenan说“此案意义严重,不单因为金钱方面,并且因为它成立了injunctive relief一种强逼抵偿机造。”

  “We are hoping this settlement sends a message to other companies in the industry that discrimination will not be tolerated,“ she added.


  Lynne Hecht Schafran, the senior vice president of Legal Momentum, a legal advocacy group for women’s rights, said the Morgan Stanley settlement might influence the country’s biggest pending sexual discrimination lawsuit, against the retail giant Wal-Mart.

  妇女权益合法宣扬团体 Legal Momentum的资深副 Lynne Hecht Schafran指出,摩根斯坦利案件的处理将会对全国更大的一路性别鄙视诉讼产生影响,那个针对零售巨人沃尔玛的案子还悬而未决。

  That suit contends that Wal-Mart paid women less than men in similar jobs and failed to promote women to managerial posts. Wal-Mart is America’s biggest private sector employer, and a judge recently allowed up to 1.6 million women to join the suit.


  “Maybe this will lead Wal-Mart to decide it’s better to put this case behind it,“ Ms. Schafran said. “Or maybe not, because the exposure there is enormous.“


  The settlement provides $40 million for a claims fund to be administered by a special master appointed by the court, a $12 million settlement for Ms. Schieffelin, and $2 million to be spent by Morgan Stanley to put into place training and monitoring programs to prevent new cases of sexual discrimination at the firm.

  协议内容包罗:成立一个4000万美圆的、由法庭录用的专家治理的索赔基金,付出Ms. Schieffelin1200万美圆,摩根斯坦利拿出200万美圆,用以施行培训和监视方案,避免新的性别鄙视在该公司再次发作。

  An ombudsman will appointed to handle complaints from female employees at the bank, and an independent outside monitor will also be appointed to ensure that the compensation fund is being properly spent.


  “I am so happy that there is a great settlement that’s good for everybody,“ Ms. Schieffelin, now 42, told reporters outside the courthouse in Manhattan.

  “那个贤明的处理计划对各方都有益处,那很兴奋,”本年42岁的Ms. Schieffelin站在位于曼哈顿的法庭外对记者说。

  Morgan Stanley’s share price rose 34 cents to $50.34 in New York Stock Exchange trading today.



  institutional equities division该怎么译?是机构股票交易部吗?

  consent decree 翻译成息争协议对不合错误?

  who made $1.35 million in 1998是指1998年帮公司挣了135万仍是做了135万的交易?

  injunctive relief我翻译成强逼抵偿机造,不知对不合错误?

  because the exposure there is enormous译成那样,也没底。




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