None of this makes a crime such as hostagetaking any less a crime.But in the Augst of the moment,one easily forgets that in this age of moderntechology it is not going tobe business as susal.The world has been nade one bbecause it is inevitably traversing a path form separation and division to one in which all men have an interest in the walfare of all others.
It is doubly hard to think this way at a time when the West-at least the United States-is being openly taunted and is seemingly without effective weapons.But ackowleding concern for our brother,which Cain did not do,is a constant need.It is not only the implantaiton of Westerntype society,Israel,in the midst of the Islamic Middle East that challengs mankend to outgrow old concepts,or the reports of strife between Sikhs and Hindus in India that compel us to attempt to understand what we might prefer to consider an internal rivalry in the world’s most populous democracy.It is also the knowledge,through gelevision,trade, and travel,of what life is like for mankind all over the globe that forces us to deal with injustices and inequities that we once thought were only the concern of someone else’s brother no longer.We are now that brother.