11 simple ways to slash your medical bills

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译者按:看病食药日益成为人们繁重的承担。那个问题不但在中国有,在人均收进位居世界前十的超等大国美国 USA 同样存在。


  管窥。借鉴。本文翻译自2008年10月15日 AOL 首页的文章 :


  11simple ways to slash your medical bills



  Ken Daria Dolan,倍受欢送的小我理财专家,将教您若何在看病的账单上省出一大笔钱。

  Americans spent more than $2.3 trillion on health care last year. That’s more than $7,600 per person -- and it’s going to get worse! The government projects that in less than a decade, you’ll spend 20% of your annual income on health care.Ken Daria Dolan, popular personal finance experts, going to show you how to save big bucks on your health care costs.



  The cost of prescription drugs is a serious problem for many Americans. The good news is that a price war among some of our nation’s biggest retailers can save you money. Wal-Mart and Target have greatly expanded their drug discount programs. You can now get a 90-day supply of many medications for just $10 and more than 1,000 over-the-counter medications for $4. Lots of other stores are jumping into the drug discount fray to compete for business. So, do as we do: Next time you need that prescription drug, head to Wal-Mart or Target, or check with your supermarket’s pharmacy.




  The next time your doctor writes you a prescription, don’t leave the office before you ask him a simple question: Do you have any samples that you can give me?Drug companies spend millions giving doctors free samples in the hopes that the doctor will prescribe their product. Doctors’ offices are overflowing with all the free drug samples they get and will gladly hand them over if you just ask. This is also a great way to try out a medication to be sure it works, doesn’t have any negative side effects, etc. before you spend money on having a whole prescription filled.





  FDA关于通用药物的准进把关很严。假设你的医生或者Health Provider 告诉你你能够选用通用药物或者品牌药物,为什么要多花钱呢?

  According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), you can save as much as 52% on the cost of your prescription drugs by going with the generic drug over a brand name. The number one reason most people don’t say "yes" to generics is concern that generics aren’t as effective or safe as the brand name. Generic drugs look different because certain inactive ingredients may be different, but these ingredients do not affect the performance or safety of the generic drug. IF your doctor or health provider says that you may fill a prescription with a generic drug vs. a brand name one...why pay more?

  译者注:generic drug 是指利用已颠末期的专利手艺消费的药物。我把它翻译为通用药物,也许不当,或者是根本药物更好些。归正那个好工具,在伟大的祖国是没有的。


  我们是FSA的粉丝(Flexible Spending Account)。问问你们公司,看看是不是供给如许的福利,假设能够打点FSA ,就赶紧往办吧。FSA是一个能够减免税款的帐户,你能够用那个帐户给那些安康保险不克不及笼盖的药物,药品,医疗器械付账。好比非处方药品,护踝,眼镜等等。你在FSA帐户里面花出往的钱,都能够在你报税的时候刨出往,如许以来,你需要报税的收进就削减了许多,你的现实购置力就增加的好多。一对夫妇每年最多能够往FSA里面放5000美圆。


  We’re big fans of the Flexible Spending Account (FSA), so ask your company if they offer this benefit and be sure to enroll if they do. An FSA is a tax-sheltered account that you use to pay for the family medical expenses that your health insurer won’t reimburse. All of your contributions are made in pre-tax dollars, so your taxable income is lower and your money has more buying power. A couple filing jointly may contribute up to $5,000 a year. The only hitch to FSAs is that if you don’t spend the money by the end of the year, you don’t get back whatever is left over. It’s use it or lose it. Keep that in mind as you decide how much to contribute.




  你能够把你本身的,你配头的,你奉养的白叟或者小孩的医疗开收通盘加起来。能够包罗所有的原则医疗开收,好比,看医生的诊费,处方药,手术费用,查抄费用等等。不只如斯,你还能够把你的保险费,看牙,打针,生孩子的破费,以及医生开出的减肥药费用,神经系统弊端的费用,特殊教诲的费用等等等等。往下载一个IRS 502表格认真看看吧,搞清晰哪些能够算进往,哪些不克不及算进往。

  If certain medical expenses are greater than 7.5% of your adjusted gross income, you qualify to deduct them from your taxes. That 7.5% might sound like a high hurdle, but it might not be out of reach once you add it all up. You can include medical expenses for yourself, your spouse and all your dependents. All the standard medical costs count -- doctors, prescription drugs, surgeries, etc. But you can also deduct your insurance premiums, dental expenses, acupuncture, fertility treatment, chiropractic, special education and much more. Get a copy of IRS publication 502 for a full list of what expenses you can and can’t deduct.

  译者注:IRS 就是美国人申请退税的处所。只要在USA如许有较严厉报税轨制的处所,才会有给老苍生退税的轨制。在天朝,各人报税都是一笔糊涂账,哪个官员会想起来给老苍生退税呢?您老下次少报点不就得了?





  Choosing whether or not to take part in a clinical trial can be a tough decision. There’s no guarantee the experimental treatment will work, but it can save you a ton of money because many -- if not all -- of the costs are taken care of. (And in many cases, patients actually get paid to participate.) And who knows? You just may be responsible for finding a new drug or procedure that not only saves your life, but the life of others as well. Here are two resources that can help you find thousands of clinical trials - first, on the National Institutes of Health web site at




  关键是要勇于要求打折。既然保险公司能够给医疗账单打6折到4折,那么你必然要争取给你的账单打折。据Consumer Reports National Research Center的陈述,只要31%的美国人会在医疗账单上讨价还价。但是,那此中有93%的人能够得到大小不等的折扣。所以,尽量的往讨价还价吧!


  Insurance companies negotiate deep discounts of up to 60% with hospitals, doctors, labs, etc. When you don’t have insurance or something isn’t covered, you end up paying full price. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

  The key is to ask for a discount. Insurance companies get as much as a 40% to 60% discount, so ask for that first. According to a survey by Consumer Reports National Research Center, only 31% of Americans have even tried to negotiate their medical bills; of the ones who have, though, 93% were successful in getting a discounts, so go for it!

  Just make sure you talk to the right person -- usually that’s the head of billing. If he or she doesn’t have the power to negotiate, ask to speak to someone who can





  Cost Cutter No. 8:

  Everyone makes mistakes. But hospitals sure do make a lot of them. In a recent review, eight of 10 hospital bills had errors, and those errors cost patients an extra 25% on average! Be sure you get an itemized bill from the hospital so you can look at each charge line by line. Look for common mistakes such as duplicate charges, coding errors that charge you for the wrong thing, tests you didn’t have, and wrongly applied insurance deductibles. Plus, check your admission and discharge dates to be sure they are correct. Call the hospital’s billing department to correct errors.



  老话说的好:“If at first you don’t succeed, try try again ”。在和保险公司以及病院会谈的时候,那一条也很有用。许多时候,你的要求被回绝了,因为一个简单的账单错误或者代码错误很好处理。假设保险公司回绝了你的要求,你就让他们把回绝的理由说清晰。记清晰是谁和你会谈,以及他都说了些什么。假设在德律风里说不清晰,就写信向保险公司正式地提出要求。你的信件中应该包罗你的要求的原因,以及撑持你的要求的相关文件。


  The old saying "If at first you don’t succeed, try try again" certainly applies to getting your medical claims paid. If your insurance company denies your claim, call your insurer and have them explain in detail the reason for the denial. If the problem isn’t resolved in that call, then request a formal appeal from your insurance company. If you need help, get free assistance from the Patient Advocate Foundation. Your appeal should include a letter stating the reasons why your claim should be paid, along with any support documents you might have. Keep in mind that more than 40% of claim denials are reversed due to appeals.





  A visit to the hospital or doctor sometime leads to you needing a medical device or equipment, like crutches, a foot brace, a breathing nebulizer, etc. If your insurance covers 100% of that expense, great. If not, think twice before buying what you need from your physician or hospital because you’ll pay a mark up. You can probably save a bundle by buying those products on your own -- either through a local medical equipment dealer or online. It can save you 25% or more, and who couldn’t use that kind of savings in these tough times?






  We can’t emphasize this enough: If you’re part of a network of healthcare providers, such as a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), it’s mission-critical for you to see only the physicians within that network. If you don’t, you may pay 30% or more of your medical bill, as opposed to having all or most of it covered if you stay within your network. Not to mention that going out of your network typically means both more paperwork and out-of-pocket expense for you. More times than not, you’ll have to pay your entire bill up front and then submit for reimbursement from your insurance company. Stick with your network.





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