International foods to try before you die(转载)

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By James Raiswell

  Lifestyle Correspondent - Every Saturday

  International foods to try before you die

  There are some foods in the world that are simply too spectacular not to be tasted at least once over the course of a lifetime. And while the most interesting culinary delicacies usually hail from remote locations in the farthest reaches of the globe, have no fear: We’ve sourced out a handful of the best delicacies and suggested exactly where you can enjoy these palatable treasures.

  So, for the adventurous eater, here are our picks for the foods to try before you die.

  Fried spider


  Is this a cure for arachnophobia? Probably not, but in the remote town of Skuon, Cambodia, fried spiders are served as daily delicacies and are known to be among the best in the world.

  The spiders (a species known locally as “a-ping,” which are about the size of your palm) are bred in holes in the ground or captured in the wild and killed. The spider is then breaded in a mixture of MSG, sugar and salt, and fried in oil with chopped garlic until the legs turn rigid, at which point the meat in the abdomen is no longer runny.

  Eating spider is not dissimilar to eating lobster or crab, only you won’t need a nutcracker to get past the exoskeleton. You’ll find some good meat inside the legs, but the best stuff is considered to be the white meat inside the spider’s head. Locals are also divided as to whether the abdomen meat (which contains the spider’s eggs, organs and excrement) is a real delicacy or downright inedible.

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