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  良多备考雅思的同窗,出格是男生,从小都有漫威情节!成为超人挽救世界。先是玩奥特曼ultraman,变形金刚transformer。后来漫威 (Marvel)呈现了,我们的梦想如奇观般被付与到每一个角色中:Superman, Ironman,Batman, Spiderman and Captain of America, etc. All of them are too cool to be true! 每个英雄都酷的不可思议!

  殊不知看漫威的片子,逛漫威的周边,买漫威的模子,而我们在筹办雅思白话的时候同样漫威的超等英雄们也能够搀扶帮助我们-那就是漫威的漫画( Marvel comics)。话不多说,请各人赏识一下漫威漫画以及超等英雄们炫酷的白话。


  Captain America: It’s for situations like this that the avengers were formed.

  It’s for situations like this that…在那种情状下

  良多同窗那个时候可能会用In this case/In this situation 美国队长的那个表达正好称心了白话中less common words的要求。那那个短语怎么用呢?白话测验Part 1中会有一些让你抉择的问题。好比:Do you prefer bus or taxi? 答复此类问题的时候那个短语就帮上了大忙。

  答复:In most cases, I would choose to take a bus. Cuz bus is quite affordable and a good way to travel around and explore the city if you’ve got plenty of time. But sometimes it rains and traffic is not quite smooth. You would probably wait ages for the bus to come. It’s for situations like this that I would take a taxi.

  Black Widow: You ‘re already breaking your own rules. Mr. Captain Man.

  Break your own rules 突破本身的规则

  那个短语意思为跳出本身的条条框框to change your patterns of thinking,改动本身的思维形式。同样的白话测验Part 2会有关于‘改动’的话题。好比:Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time. 想初度测验考试的一项运动。Describe the first time that you used a foreign language to communicate.第一次用外语交换。那两道题我们就能够用那个短语:

  You should break your own rules and try to make the shift from ‘no’ to ‘yes’.


  I can’t get over being invisible.It’s like being invisible in high school again.

  Get over 征服

  良多同窗征服可能仍是倾向于用 ‘overcome’,但是由简单词构成的词组‘get over’会比’overcome’更博得考官的喜爱哦。

  It’s like 就像/换句话说

  同时那句话里’It’s like’ 也是很好的短语,Part 1中给出一个看点后,‘It’s like’ 就能够用于填补细节或者引用。

  例如Part 1的一道题:Do you think history is important?

  答复:Absolutely! It is actually quite essential to our current society. We are shaped by history. I can’t imagine if we just attach no importance to it. It’s like growing without seeds.(后面能够再根据情状填补example,那里我就不多说啦)

  But how long are we supposed to—ummp!

  Be supposed to应该

  那个词组固然看起来十分简单,但是在白话中十分好用。相当于‘should’或者‘would’ 所以当同窗们要用‘should’‘would’的时候期看换成那个词,效果会大纷歧样。发问中有‘should’时,

  例如:Do you think government should provide more public parks for citizens to visit? 那个问题答复的时候就能够用‘be supposed to’ 来替代问题中的‘should’。

  Mr. Rogers, Mr. Stark, we wish to reach an agreement. We do not believe the avengers can possibly function alone. Just the sheer amount of necessary funds would be overwhelming.


  那里提到了‘possibly’,固然自己不长短常高级的词,但是需要强调的是副词在白话中十分好用。在任何动词前加恰当的副词都能够使你加分很多。’possibly’是表达可能性的,表达可能性的除了’possibly’之外还有:hardly/perhaps/absolutely /probably

  那些词都能够使你的看点十分客看。在答复Part 1‘How often’题型时,那些词会比力好用。

  好比:How often do you play sports?

  答复:Well, it really depends. If I’ve got plenty of spare time, I would probablydo it quite often like maybe everyday. I would jog in the park close to my home. While if I have a busy schedule, I would hardly do it quite a lot, perhaps once a week. I’d like to play badminton with my friends on weekend.




  Sheer luck 全凭命运

  He won by sheer luck.

  Sheer joy 兴高摘烈

  Out of sheer joy, she waved.


  App:Marvel comics(有些需要买,但是有一些免费的资本各人能够下载阅读)

  Websites: Marvel.com(能够领会一些最新出书的资本)

  Taobao.com (全能的淘宝也有漫威图书可供购置)




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