The trip to The JiuDu Stream (4)

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May. 31 , 2007

   The trip to The JiuDu Stream (4)

   After what seemed a long time, we finally got out of the forest. Two houses greeted us at once, which were the only building we saw in the hours of walking. I have no idea how the residents live in such a isolated place: what if they need to buy some necessaries ? what if they are sick and have to go to see doctor ?

   Some guys shouted with excitement at the sight of the houses, because seeing the houses meant we were on the right route. If they had been wearing hats, I thought, they would have thrown them in the air. It's a great comfort to see houses in such a lonely place.

   Up a stretch of field-ridges, we got to the houses where we saw no person. Perhaps the villagers were working somewhere, it's 5:30 p.m. Down the slope, we saw the stream again. LaoWa said that we would camp by the stream. Some guys including me said that we had better move on, so that we would be a little easier tomorrow. After all, it's still early and we had just walked for about 4 hours. However some fellows insisted we should stopped, especially the ladies, they said they were exhausted.

   The river-bed was rugged, we had to camp in two groups: one at the edge of water, one in rocks about 50 meters away from water.

   LaoWao is always the busiest guy when we camp out. He was cooking while some were swimming, some talking, some being his assistants. I didn't swim in the water, because there were plasters (some kind of medicines) on my neck and right knee. So did the ladies, because they were afraid of snake.

   Benefitting from the autoclave and gases, the supper was soon ready. Everyone was very hungry, but some fellows ate a little, I guessed, they were too tired. Luckily, they could drink the chicken soup that was delicious and nutritious. I didn't like chicken, but I ate a lot of pork, kidney bean and carrot.

   Cooking and eating is enjoyment. The favorite things are always the free talk around the campfire and sleeping in the open space under the stars.

   After supper, it's getting dark. We picked up some dry woods, a little campfire soon worked. We didn't play any game that we did before. We told a lot of stories about ghosts while having drinks. Especially, one of stories that ZhuErBao told scared Lady.Stone in tears.

   I didn't what time it was, A little bright spot at the top of a distant mountain in the southeast was twinkling which took in all of us. Some guys immediately yelled:"Oh ! that must be a fire made by some ghosts or something." And it seemed that the said fire was moving. However, the 'fire' soon turned out to be a star.

   I often watched moving stars at night when I was a kid. But I rarely saw a moving star at night in town that was lit red by bright light.

   We all didn't know what's the name of the star. We looked it rising little by little from the southeast for a handsome time. Regarding a star as 'ghost fire', we mocked ourselves that we were really idiot.

   I had no idea of how long I had slept, all of a sudden, I was woken by the sound of sands being falling on my tent. I knew who did that. ZhuErBao and PaoCai did a bad job of trying to frighten the ladies, because they had given out too much of signs of what they would do late at night.

   Their casting sands didn't scare the soul out of the ladies, but some guys's sleep was totally gone. I didn't know how long they talked again. I was tired, and soon fell asleep.

   To be continued ...


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