The trip to The JiuDu Stream (2)

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   May. 29 , 2007

   The trip to The JiuDu Stream (2)

   All my sight could reach were green except for the paths and the dry part of the river bed, but I didn't see much big trees that had been cut for making steel in the absurd period. Occasionally, we passed by some big trees, under which we would take a break, I felt a little sad yet. Staring at the big trees, I couldn't help thinking of "Lost", the teleplay that I watch every day, in which I saw a lot of huge trees. And how wonderful it would be to walk through the forest in the "Lost".

   It's inevitable to wet shoes, because we had to cross the stream whenever the path led to another side of the stream. ZhuErBao was the first to wet his shoes, and I was the second. But two guys and a lady didn't want to wet their shoes, so the guys had to detour while the lady was carried across the stream by DaSha.

   Since it's summer, I like the feel of walking with a pair of wet shoes. Sometimes, I would deliberately let water fill my shoes, which made me a soft insole of water, it's cool to walk with drenched shoes. I wondered why the two guys were afraid of being wet, then what's the point to walk along the stream ?

   It's about 14:30 when we came to two big trees in the stream, we decided to take a break and have lunch. Although we walked by the stream, the drink was very precious. Some fellows had drunk up water, ZhuErBao took out a big botter that held 4 liter of water. He contributed his water to a fat guy and some others who brought less water. After a fast lunch, we played a little game that we all had played in our childhood. Setting a stone-target with some snacks behind it, we all sat about ten meters away from the target. Then we aimed at the target, and shot it with litte rocks in turn. Whoever hit down the target would win and get all the snacks.

   After three rounds of the game, we were on our way again.

   The river bed was wider, the waterway much smaller but clear. Whenver we met a much bigger pool with less moss, we would say:" How nice it will be to swim in the pool." But we had no time to enjoy everything that we loved.

   After what I didn't know how long it had passed, the sun was hidden behind the clouds, but the breeze was always kissing us that made us feel a little comfortable. However all these favorable things didn't do any help to our thirsty, our water soon ran out. And we didn't want to drink the water in the stream. Soon after, we met two villagers and were told that there was a well under two big willows about 30 minutes ahead. We quickened our pace, All fellows ketp silent except for the loquacious DaShao who sang the way with his deep tenor.

   With the ballads mixed with laughter, we marched much faster. The said two big willows soon came into our sight, some guys began to yell:" I am here ! "

   To be continued ...

   (P.S. I can only write a little a day because of the matter of time, plus my poor English)


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