For the fading memory --- To my college life

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  It was 1997,a totally new start for me, I was matriculated in XJTU, a university of my earnestly longing for. There is saying that 'it's distress if you can't achieve your goal, emptiness if you do achieve it'. Yes, I felt empty, entering into college was my short-term target at that time, I dedicated every minutes to my effort, and then, I did it. I was so young and so proud that I didn't know what to do in the next two months. I chose Electrical Engineering as my major, at that time, I knew nothing about it except it was not too bad in literalness. Actually, my father chose the major for me, cause he is working on it. To be honest, I don't like it up to now, instead, I like Telecommunication. Anyway, So far, so good.

  everything followed the routine, college living, falling in love, and then separation, that's my life. I am not a good sutdent in college, two courses failed the examination the first year, that's the price I paied as a freshman, I overestimated my capability. But, not all the things seems grey, I gained 3 sincere friends and my first love. the 3 guys are my roommates, with extremely different personalities. Mr. horse is from Beijing, he is the tallest in our dorm, always be modest to everyone, he never debated with others. the only thing he interested in was cybergame, he spent most of his time on it, and I am sure he is the most potential talent player. Mr. nest is from Hebei, his symble is a thick glasses, he seems like a monomania on the first impression, actually he is considerate, practical and very friendly guy. He served as a soccor advocator, he spend all his spare time on intercourse with soccor game besides intercourse with his girl friend in the night. The last guy is from Sichuan, my best friend, my confidant. you know, in Sichuan, everything was taught in Sichuan accent in high school, so he was withstrong Sichuan accent which he was always be proud of. he was a basketball fan, and had nice skill on it, I was always jealous his handsome. Their different interests were united to a single person, it was me, for I played them all. my first love appeared in October, one month after entering in college, she is not beautiful, I was attracted by her irresistible smile. The story of ours last 2 years, ended as the most love story were, she went abroad.

  4 years in college may be the most important period in my life, I experienced a lot, Happyness, grief, excitement and

  depressions. I feel many many happyness when I got my first scholarship, which means a lot to me, for It was my personal financial crisis that time, so it saved me on the ropes. I lost my grandfather and my uncle in the same year, my grandfather died of pulmonic cancer in the spring festival, and my uncle died of urgent heart disease 3 months later. my grandfather was soldier who was involved in the Korea War in 1960s as a pilot of China Voluntary Army. the most excitement thing, for me when my grandpa is alive, is as listener to hear the stories about that war, I extremely admire my grandpa's experiences and fully respect his struggle against the cancer, I didn't see even a frown on his face till his dead. I kept a photograph of my grandpa as a memory of one words he told me, be a man! Time passes and the situation changed, I suffered a disastrous decline on my examination marks, I failed two courses in the same semester, which nearly drove me crazy, this could not dare to be imaged in high school. I felt too ashamed to show my face to my colleagues, I need rebuild my self-

  confidence. I can't forgot that period of time, I was depressed but not frustrated, I believed that I will pull through the difficulty.

  It's so soon that the time approaching the graduation, I was about to work in the Sino-Canadian corporation which was not a bad choice at that time, but I showed nothing excitement, the grievous sentiments of leaving apart from my buddies dominate all my fellings. All the roommates seems cherishing the last period of time being together, understanding and cooperation insteaded of the quarrelling and debating, under the tacit solidarity, our soccer team beat every competition, won the graduation-cup in our college, which was the first champion in my memory.

  Soon, the time for leaving is approaching, we had to go, leaving the place where we lived together for 4 years, that was really reluctant to be apart.

  Now, 4 years later, 3 roommates and I are still very close friends, we lived in the different places but we share the common recollections.



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