U2和Green Day首度协做灌录为2005年新奥尔良风灾受影响哀鸿筹款歌《The Saints Are Coming》,(

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  U2 Green Day 飓风降临

  U2和Green Day首度协做灌录筹款歌《The Saints Are Coming》,为2005年新奥尔良风灾受影响哀鸿筹款,所有收益会拨捐U2结他手The Edge成立的慈悲组织Music Rising,帮忙重建那个音乐之都及重置飓风中损毁的音乐器材。

  The Saints Are Coming

   ---- U2 Green Day

  I cried to my daddy on the telephone--How long now?

  Until the clouds unroll and you come home“--the line went

  But the shadows still remain since your descent--your descent

  The saints are coming, the saints are coming

  No matter how I try, I realise there’s no reply

  The saints are coming, the saints are coming

  A drowning sorrow floods the deepest grief--How long now?

  Until a weather change condemns belief--The stone says

  This paternal guide once had his day--Once had his day

  The saints are coming, the saints are coming

  No matter how I try, I realise there’s no reply

  The saints are coming, the saints are coming


U2和Green Day首度协做灌录为2005年新奥尔良风灾受影响哀鸿筹款歌《The Saints Are Coming》,( 期待您的回复!
