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  The signing of the ordinary but moved some pundits. ESPN MingJi wolff's in pushing on special blog: "almond's into the forest Wolf first choice, instead of the previous and they walk very close to Chinese basketball player yi jianlian. Sheahen Williams is also one of the optional." Have news, China's basketball superstar yi was finally have no choice and timberwolves signing, probably because he in the CBA got a bigger share of the suretyship contract.

  Wolves in the offseason operation is quite bright eye, first of all, they got the retirement and return brandon - Roy, if Roy recovery, which is more than the operation of the cost-effective degree not comparable to the lakers get Dwight - Howard. They also signed andrei kirilenko, Russia point guard nova, rick x - video - yi 10 NBA career after the ball better blasting nowitzki + natural and unrestrained dragon media sources: sina sports bits of vader, and two former let low not great players - Michael beasley and Dakota - wade away. Complete personnel adjustment of forest Wolf now is not bad boy, fighting capacity and discipline was assured, this also let low very satisfied, joachim loew, the team have this kind of change, make him very happy, but also in the playoffs to chance optimistic. Joachim low still, enough to let the forest Wolf management to put the heart back to stomach.

  Timberwolves itself really need it again to inside for reinforcing, in fact, is not only the timberwolves, the league and a lot of teams need to have that height has the range of the big man, there have been media, lists several this type of player, China's basketball superstar yi as a representative highlights, others also

  For forest Wolf speaking, low and Mr Pecaut veitch moves slowly, height also has difference, they really need yi such a height have mobility of the inside, how much more will yi and good range. Anyway, yi role than sheahen - Williams, insider also revealed that the wolves and yi go recently, Williams is optional. But unfortunately, they eventually failed to hand in hand and yi. From the Wolf's revealed information to see, I'm afraid the timberwolves for yi on contract is not completely guarantee contract and the contract price is not high also, if can't let yi get enough salary, also cannot guarantee position, then yi hard to accept invitations, is understandable.

  On September 26 news, according to ESPN report, China's basketball superstar yi has announced that the new season to return to the CBA, the news came later, someone glad someone sorrow. There are a lot of NBA fans prefer playing in the NBA to see yi vigorous figure, has ESPN experts darren wolff's a source says, China's basketball superstar yi once and the Minnesota timberwolves went very close, but in the end because the contract amount relationship, or failed to hand in hand.

  A few days ago, the NBA has confirmed that the wolves and power forward luis almond senda became signing agreement, almond's will to the veteran base salary to join the timberwolves. In almond's joining former, forest Wolf inside was weak, only Kevin - low, nicola - Mr Pecaut veitch and Greg - steed, horse three inside, sign, almond, forest Wolf inside reinforcing also calculate come to an end.


  丛林狼在休赛期的操做仍是相当亮眼的,起首,他们拿到了退役后又复出的布兰顿-罗伊,假设罗伊恢复安康,那比操做的划算水平不逊于湖人拿到德怀特-霍华德。他们还签下了安德烈-基里连科、俄罗斯控卫新星阿里克谢-视频-阿联NBA生活生计10佳球 完爆诺天王+潇洒一条龙媒体来源:新浪体育舍维德,并将两名曾让勒夫不爽的球员——迈克尔-比斯利和达科-米利西奇送走。完成人员调整的丛林狼现在没有坏孩子,战斗力和规律性得到了包管,那也让勒夫非常称心,勒夫表达,球队有那种改变,让他非常高兴,并且也对季后赛时机持乐看立场。勒夫的亮相,足以让丛林狼治理层把心放回肚子里。






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