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  自从2016年04月19日收到中国惠普在线商城(官方)订单货物—惠普条记本(ENVY 17-r004TX)条记本后,我的悲伤维权路就起头了。










  10、To whom it may concern:

  I am Mr Cheng, a client of HP in China. Now I am writing this letter to complain about the awful service of a HP authorized repair center in Mianyang, Sichuan, and show my disappointment on the responses of HP Customer Centre to my issue.

  I bought a laptop from HP online store of China (:

  Laptop: HP ENVY 17-R004TX (Order No. HPI201568284)

  Price: 8711.00 RMB

  Invoice Number (value-added tax invoices): 14148479

  However, three days after I received this laptop, I could heard abnormal buzzing noise from CD-ROM disk drive when I was using it. On 4-21-2016, I contacted with HP official customer service of China, and was told that I can have a quality detection at HP authorized repair center in Mianyang, Sichuan. So, I went to the repair center that day. A staff booted my laptop, and checked it just by looking and listening, then told me that “ the laptop should be no big problem, you can use it, and come here to check it again several days later”. However, when I went back home, the buzzing noise was still there. So, on 4-30-2016, I went to that repair center again. This time I told the staff that I want my laptop to be checked carefully by disassembling it. But the staff screwed it up, he not only abrased the laptop, but also broke the inside screw by twisting it too much. But he didn’t admit it was his fault, he was trying to shirking his responsibility by saying “the laptop may have already been abrased before you come here, and somebody else may twisted the screw”. It is ridiculous! From 4-30 to now, I have contacted with HP official customer service for several times, and they refused my claim for exchanging a new one or repairing this laptop at factory. They told me that I can have the quality detection again, but they won’t take the responsibility for abrasion. On 05-06-2016, I received a call from HP Global Contact Centre (Dalian), customer service staff told me again that I cannot have a factory repair for this laptop, and he hung up the phone rudely. I felt very angry and disappointment about this.

  Here I have the history of incoming calls and the recording of phone calls with HP customer service (before recording, I have told the HP staff that I will record the whole conversation as the evidence which may be provided to HP headquarter in U.S., China Consumers Association, etc. )

  To solve my issue, I want HP to exchange the laptop (we can have a compromise on postage), or repair this laptop at factory (removing the abrasion, replacing the broken screw, and detecting the abnormal noise), and provide me the testing report, but I will not pay for postage.

  I sincerely hope that HP will take my issue seriously, and don’t let the issues like “Computer graphics card adverse events” and “Battery events” happen again. And, I believe HP is good-reputation transnational corporation that will protect the customers’ benefit. Thank you.

  Hope to hear your responses as soon as possible.

  Contact information:

  Mr Cheng

  Email: 16412601@电话.com


惠普“维修门”事务 期待您的回复!
