[摇滚爵士]愛情不敷言語:Extreme與“More Than Words“ (zz)(转载)

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提到Extreme,假设不是重金屬樂迷,又不曾在九零年代成為西洋樂迷的人,這個於1986年在Boston成立的樂團可能沒几人晓得,以至在很多人的記憶中漸漸消逝。我本来也早就幾乎忘了這個團的存在,但前晚聽廣播的時候無意間聽到了他們當年那首紅透半邊天的曲子:“More Than Words“,除了頓時又再次喚起我的回憶,還同時提醒了我:「他們什麼時候闭幕的啊?」

  Extreme就像其他的重金屬團一樣,音樂表現上自是相當狂野,聽在許多人耳中就像是亂七八糟的吵雜噪音。但是收錄在專輯Extreme II: Pornograffitti中的“More Than Words“卻是一首清新小品,還成為1991年全美暢銷金曲之一。黑白的MTV,兩個留著長髮、抱著空心吉他、一改通俗狂野不拘的背叛形象而緩緩唱著情歌的男生(主唱Gary Cherone 加上吉他手Nuno Bettencourt)可是迷死很多人。因為很喜歡“More Than Words“,所以還乾脆往買了這張專輯,順便「練 」聽重金屬樂(國高中時總覺得留長髮的搖滾樂手都很酷,可能是因為上了國中得剪往那留了多年的長髮而讓我不断有「遺憾」…)。以前小時候不太理會歌詞,這張專輯裡其他「吵」的不得了的純金屬曲風倒也沒嚇著我,我記得有幾首曲子我還蠻喜歡聽的。但是,這捲錄音帶在我開始聽CD之後就再也沒拿出來聽過,現在假设再找出來可能也可能因為發霉而得做廢吧!

  不管面前的書單,我認实的在網路搜尋了一陣,惋惜似乎沒人替他們架設網站、重現當年風光。Extreme中的吉他手Nuno Bettencourt還在樂壇中繼續奮鬥,其他團員的往向則不得而知。假设都仍舊勤劳本身的音樂事業,不晓得他們的樂風有了何種變化。

  “More Than Words“旋律簡單動聽,歌詞更是讓人感動不已。以下就是這首歌的完全歌詞:

  “More Than Words“

  by Extreme

  Saying I love you

  is not the words I want to hear from you

  it’s not that I want you

  not to say, but if you only knew

  how easy it would be to show me how you feel

  more than words is all you have to do to make it real

  then you wouldn’t have to say that you love me

  cuz I’d already know

  what would you do if my heart was torn in two

  more than words to show you feel

  that your love for me is real

  what would you say if I took those words away

  then you couldn’t make things new

  just by saying I love you

  more than words

  now I’ve tried to talk to you and make you understand

  all you have to do is close your eyes

  and just reach out your hands and touch me

  hold me close don’t ever let me go

  more than words is all I ever needed you to show

  then you wouldn’t have to say that you love me

  cuz I’d already know

  what would you do if my heart was torn in two

  more than words to show you feel

  that your love for me is real

  what would you say if I took those words away

  then you couldn’t make things new

  just by saying I love you

  more than words

  more than words


[摇滚爵士]愛情不敷言語:Extreme與“More Than Words“ (zz)(转载) 期待您的回复!
