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  1x02Grissom將Sara介紹給大傢時說 "... a friend. Someone I trust"

  1x08 G和S在飛機洗手間中能够很天然很温馨的談論High Miles Club。以Grissom不愛接觸人的性格來看,能和Sara談論這類問題,顯齣其間關繫的差别一般。

  1x09SLL小豬實驗那集 ,Grissom已經停行繼續調查,但因為Sara遭到案子的影響,Grissom綵繼續檢查證據,兩人一路熬夜做小豬實驗時,S為G蓋毯子和G對S溫情的浅笑很契合那两个不多说话的科学家表达心里设法的特征。

  1X16TTtD,Sara再次被女性受辱案件影响,Gris起初容许Nick用气息狗,但看到Sara如斯投进案件,又用了,用Nick的话:You're rushing this for Sara.

  1x19 GG, Grissom对Sara典范的浅笑,赏识、感激、喜欢。。。

  1x23 Sara为破案自愿做诱饵,Gris反常担忧。当Sara遭贼袭时,Grissom几乎是等不及,曲冲出监视车,第一个往搭救Sara。


  2x05SDD,touch face 的镜头,用CSI 造片人的话:This is the sex scene in CSI.

  2x12YGM,Sara和Grissom check victom’s email——Sara was checking the victim Donna Marks' emails, with Grissom right besides her. She turned to Grissom and said that Donna was lonely and vulnerable to make cyber-friend, and then she shifted her eyes away from Grissom, as if she was afraid of something deep in her mind --- " It's easier to pull your heart out on your sleeves when you're not eye to eye." 有时候,豪情的表达只需要眼睛。对那两小我更是如斯。

  2x14,也就是Grissom送plant给Sara的前一集,Sara was having dinner with Hank first time, Grissom那集包罗下一集都很少和Sara说与案件无关的话,是食醋吗?

  2x15 Sara要暂时分开,Grissom很急,话到嘴边,最初说:The lab needs you! Cath看出两人的关系,结尾对Grissom说:You got burned. 同时拿本身的婚姻和此时的Grissom做比照。听了Cath的话,Grissom立即晓得该做什么。(Grissom gave Sara the Plant at his own account. All Catherine did was telling him to look up from the microscope )造造人的话:其时Grissom想在卡片上说良多话,好比I love you....但是千头万绪,Grissom要说的太多,最初只附上:from Grissom。

  2x16PNN,Sara问:Since when have you cared about beauty? Grissom : Since I met you.那一句原剧本中没有,是演员WP的即兴发扬,以WP对Grissom性格的揣测,觉得应该那么说。成果导演和造造都认同并留用了那句台词。

  2x18Warric和Grissom下棋时接了Sara德律风后有意对Grissom说: She needs me.以那些CSI的看察力,即便GS再微妙,他们也能看察到。

  2x23HA,Grissom一小我走,布景音乐:With eyes afireI am drawnI am drawn to herLike a moth to a flameShe leads me downUnbound.接着看到Sara。CSI的镜头切换也是精心考虑的。仍是那集,Grissom对乞丐说:"I've got a gal named Sara, and she would love this scarf." 他没有说阿谁人类学家TM,没有说Cath,而是SARA。


  3x01RIBS, Hank喊Warric替他向Sara say hello,旁边的Grissom特意掉头看看Hank(他跟Sara是什么关系?)

  3x02TAIE,G从白头狐狸口中晓得Sara和Hank的关系,震动和恼火都表示在脸上。沉着后对Sara说: You look nice...You deserve to have a life....Sara没说什么,然后(GRISSOM turns back to his work. Without a word, SARA leaves. Camera cuts back to GRISSOM as he watches SARA leave, her footsteps fading down the hallway.

  3x03LTSB,Sara听Gris的话,歇息日往享受小我生活,第一次没能随传随到,Grissom潜意识中的食醋表示为承认本身说过的话,并让Sara一小我往办案。结尾沉着下来时喊住要分开的Sara,并赞扬道:Nice work on the high school case.对Sara的话,Grissom不知若何答,给他们的关系留下空间,事实才到第三季开头。Grissom认为Sara有了Hank,并且本身目前正lost hearing,关于Sara,他没有办法做什么。所以尔后很长一段时间Grissom愈加封锁本身,所以各人没有察觉出他的耳疾。

  3x11Bloodlust,Grissom对Sara:I need you, I have you. I have you 也是演员的即兴台词。


  3x22PWF,Sara受伤,Grissom捧着她的手:Honey, this doesn't look good. (honey也是WP的即兴演出)WP说他就是要表示出因为关心而本能的脱口而出那个词,要天然的让人几乎察觉不到。Sara颠末九死一生,意识到生命无常,结尾才会邀Grissom共餐,可惜恰逢G面临耳疾最困难的时刻,关于G,失往听力意味失往工做,他天然要先处置听力的事。在回绝Sara时,他在本身和Sara间往返比画:I don't know how to do about "this".也是认可他们之间有“This”,只是如今不是面临的时候。


  4x02 AFOC, Grissom对疑犯说: Love is beauty. (想起什么了吗?)

  4x04IE:Pin me down 的那段,Grissom按住Sara时出神的样子,以及两人无声的对视,They are so close and almost kissed.

  4x07 Jackpot,Grissom:"I want to change!"

  4x12,Butterflied,也是CSI筹办合作Emmy的一集,死者几乎像Sara的孪生,Grissom走出死者家门时眼神一刻没分开过Sara,那一集Grissom从未有过的陷在案子中,36个小时没有分开现场,沒喫没睡。Grissom对着镜子审阅本身,镜子中呈现Sara的幻影。结尾审讯室Grissom拿本身同疑犯医生类比,说话时眼神游离,而他的独白正好被隔着一层玻璃的Sara听到。老葛的独白:GRISSOM: (quietly) It's sad, isn't it, doc? Guys like us. Couple of middle-aged men who've allowed their work to consume their lives. The only time we ever touch other people is when we're wearing our latex gloves. We wake up one day and realize that for fifty years we haven't really lived at all. But then, all of a sudden ... we get a second chance. Somebody young and beautiful shows up. Somebody ... ... we could care about. She offers us a new life with her ... ... but we have a big decision to make, right? Because we have to risk everything we've worked for in order to have her. I couldn't do it ......... but you did. You risked it all ... and she showed you a wonderful life, didn't she? But then she took it away and gave it to somebody else, ... So you took her life. You killed them both, and now you have nothing.

  4x16GO,G对S说:Haven't seen you for a while, have I?

  4x17Xx,Sara不小心说出Grissom送她Christmas gift,一旁的Nick和Hodges逗她,NICK: Funny, I didn't get a Christmas gift from Grissom. Did you?


  4x23 Bloodline,又是关于女性被强暴的案件,Grissom晓得Sara对那类案件的反响,定见Sara休假几天,Sara回绝。结尾,Grissom往警局接Sara,没有指摘,平静的坐在她身边,手指交错的握着Sara的手:“Come on, let me take you home."那是第四时的最初一个镜头,凡是Season's final都很关键。


  5x02DTD,Grissom晓得Sara冒生命求助紧急取证,对Sara说他不是担忧,是关心她(I'm not worried, I'm concerned.)

  5x05,审讯室里疑犯对Grissom说:Everybody ... fantasizes about ... other people. Even you, Mr. ... Grissom. A neighbour, friend... girl at the office?" 镜头紧接着转向Sara,然后Grissom给Sara递茶,腔调柔嫩温热的和她议论婚姻、换妻的话题,关键时候被Hodges的德律风打断。

  那些是些比力显然的,还有良多眼神交换的镜头,Grissom说完上句,Sara晓得下句是什么的默契其他任何人是达不到的。前阵子出了本CSI Companion的书,介绍案件和拍摄幕后,每一集都有造造人、编剧、演员对劇集和角色的评述。303那集造造人就说Grissom和Sara已经depend on each other. Grissom 晓得Hank 的存在后心绪很欠好。施行造片之一Gorshe Burmen在一次访谈中对GS的关系也持必定和撑持立场。忘了有没有说他倆是对方的love interest。CSI的定位给角色空间只要10%,所以我们能看到的也只能是那些,令人兴奋的是演员的肢体语言,脸色等等都极富表示力,即便是通俗看寡看了Butterflied和Bloodline后都能觉得出GS的关系,除非有意视而不见。Grissom和Sara的关系同他和TM,LH,包罗第一季第一集一个lab tech的关系比拟是完全差别的,从一起头就暗潮开展。如今即便想停都很难。CSI既然列为Drama,一定要有开展人物的剧情,那也是它和discovery差别的处所吧。


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