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    曲名:Mermaid song 歌手:hooverphonic

    we could be together 我们相聚在一路

    everyday together 每时每刻都在一路

    we could sit forever 我们并肩相依

    as loving waves spill over 跟着爱的波澜泛起涟漪


    the moon is fully risen 静谧的月光撒落在海面

    and shines over the sea

    as you glide in my vision 当你消逝在我的视线里

    the time is standing still 时间已然凝聚

    don’t shy away too long 我的视线没有半晌的闪躲

    this is a boundless dream 我虚无的梦境

    come close to me my reason 渐渐靠近实在的自我

    i’ll take you in my wings 就让我带着你飞翔


    we could be together 我们相聚在一路

    everyday forever 每时每刻都在一路

    we belong together 我们属于相互

    further seas and over 珍存那份海阔天空


    in the garden of the sea 在辽阔的海面上

    i see you looking over 我凝视到了你辽远的目光

    with my wistful melody 陪伴着我那悦耳的音符

    you leap into the water 你纵身跃进水底

    it is no breaths sighing 没有丝毫的感喟

    this is the mermaid song 姐妹们轻吟的音符

    the singing of my sisters 就像那标致的人鱼的咏叹调

    the sea has drown for long 跟着那海潮渐渐远往

    (2)Un ange frappe a ma porte 天使欲敲

    歌手:natasha st pier


    Un signe, une larme 面临表示泪成行,

      un mot, une arme, 听话听音心已伤,

      nettoyer les etoiles 同情春心枉沉浸,

      a l’alcool de mon ame 清心拭泪抚情殇。

      Un vide, un mal 阵阵空虚成哀痛,

      des roses qui se fanent 朵朵玫瑰已凋相,

      quelqu’un qui prend la place de 可叹帅哥做异梦,

      quelqu’un d’autre 移情别处负心郎。

      Un ange frappe a ma porte 天使欲敲我心房,

      Est-ce que je le laisse entrer 能否开启费思量。

      Ce n’est pas toujours ma faute Nav 纵然往事消如烟,

      Si les choses sont cassees 岂能怨错在我方。

      Le diable frappe a ma porte 魔鬼亦敲我心房,

      Il demande a me parler 信誓旦旦诉衷肠,

      Il y a en moi toujours l’autre 在我眼中都一样,

      Attire par le danger 皆如虚情负心郎。

      Un filtre, une faille, 次次履历遭心酸,

      l’amour, une paille, 次次爱情遇痴郎。

      je me noie dans un verre d’eau 不知所措苦难过,

      j’me sens mal dans ma peau Bu 长歌当哭断柔肠。

      Je rie je cache le vrai derriere un masque, 笑傲人世弃虚妄,

      le soleil ne va jamais se lever. 心中太阳未露光。

      Un ange frappe a ma porte 天使欲敲我心房,

      Est-ce que je le laisse entrer 能否开启费思量。

      Ce n’est pas toujours ma faute tio 纵然往事消如烟,

      Si les choses sont cassees 岂能怨错在我方。

      Le diable frappe a ma porte 魔鬼亦敲我心房,

      Il demande a me parler 信誓旦旦诉衷肠,

      Il y a en moi toujours l’autre 在我眼中都一样,

      Attire par le danger 皆如虚情负心郎。

      Je ne suis pas si forte que 素性并不是志顽强,

      et la nuit je ne dors pas 辗转难眠夜漫长,

      tous ces reves ?a me met mal, 历历往事把我伤。

      Un enfant frappe a ma porte 一位帅弟敲心房,

      il laisse entrer la lumiere, 射进一丝期看光,

      il a mes yeux et mon c?ur, 目眩心颤山海誓,

      et derriere lui c’est l’enfer 风月事后梦一场。

      Un ange frappe a ma porte , 天使欲敲我心房,

      Est-ce que je le laisse entrer 能否开启费思量。

      Ce n’est pas toujours ma faute 纵然往事消如烟,

      Si les choses sont cassees 岂能怨错在我方。

      Ce n’est pas toujours ma faute 纵然往事消如烟,

      Si les choses sont cassees 岂能怨错在我方。

      Ce n’est pas toujours ma faute 纵然往事消如烟,

      Si les choses sont cassees 岂能怨错在我方

    (3)TEARS OF JOY 吉它弹奏 GOVI




    艺人名称: 老鹰合唱团 - EAGLES

      1975年Eagles乐队推出的第四张专辑《那些夜晚之一》(One Of These Nights)荣登排行榜冠军。唐.弗尔德(Don Felder)在此专辑里有超卓的表示,出格是那首题目曲。在该曲中,唐.亨利的鼓颇有加重的趋向,而唐.弗尔德的吉他更带有炫技的色彩,在乐曲两分多钟时的一段吉他过门中足够表现出来。在那张专辑里与一首旋律极其顺畅的中板歌曲《说谎的眼睛》于一九七五年获得葛莱美更佳时髦歌曲奖。   

      至此乐队便成为美国第一流的超等乐队,以后的每张唱片都远远超越100万张的销量。1976年乐队的一张精选唱片还未发行便有了100万张的订单。乐队的元老伯尼 利登于1975年离队后,乔.沃什(Joe Walsh)加进,如许乐队风气更接近纯摇滚。   

    One of these nights, one of these crazy

    old nights

    We’re gonna find out, pretty mama, what

    turns on your lights

    The full moon is calling, the fever is h


    And the wicked wind whispers and moans

    You got your demons, you got your desire


    Well, I got a few of my own

    Oh, someone to be kind to in between the

    dark and the light

    Oh, coming right behind you, swear I’m g

    onna find you one of these nights

    One of these dreams, one of these lost a

    nd lonely dreams, now

    We’re gonna find one, mm, one that reall

    y screams

    I’ve been searching for the daughter of

    the devil himself

    I’ve been searching for an angel in whit


    I’ve been waiting for a woman who’s a li

    ttle of both

    And I can feel her but she’s nowhere in


    Oh, loneliness will blind you in between

    the wrong and the right

    Oh, coming right behind you, swear I’m g

    onna find you one of these nights

    one of these nights oh, in between the d

    ark and the light

    Coming right behind you, swear I’m gonna

    find you

    Get you, baby, one of these nights

    one of these nights oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh


    one of these nights I can feel it, I can

    feel it

    one of these nights coming right behind

    you, swear I’m gonna find you now

    one of these nights and it’s so dark, it

    ’s so dark and cold

    one of these nights one of these crazy c

    razy crazy nights

    one of these nights swear I’m gonna find

    you coming right behind you

    one of these nights oh-o-o-o-o-oo-o-oo-o


    one of these nights and I wanna say ah

    one of these nights one of these, one of


    one of these nights coming right behind

    you, swear I’m gonna find you

    one of these nights one of these nights,

    one of these crazy nights

    (5)a woman’s worth

    Alicia Keys

    是艾莉西亚凯斯Alicia Keys,唱的a woman’s worth一个女人的价值,中文大意歌词:),一个女人的独白,如诉如抽泣,汉子们好好爱护保重你身边的阿谁她吧!

    You could buy me diamonds你能给我买来钻石

    You could buy me pearls你能给我买来珍珠

    Take me on a cruise around the world和我一路漫游世界

    (Baby you know I’m worth it)(宝物,你晓得我值那一切)

    Dinner lit by candles, run my bubble bath食烛光晚餐,洗泡沫浴

    Make love tenderly to last and last一次又一次温存地缠绵

    (Cause baby you know I’m worth it)(因为宝物你晓得我值那一切)

    Wanna please, wanna keep, wanna treat your woman right我要取悦于你,赐顾帮衬你,好好地待你

    Not just talk but to show不只是说,而是用动作来展现

    That she knows she’s worth your time她晓得她值得你花那时间

    You will lose if you chose to refuse to put her first假设你回绝抉择把她放在第一位,你会失往她

    She will and she can find a man who knows her worth她会并且她可以找到另一个晓得她价值的汉子

    Cause a real man knows a real woman when he sees her因为实正的汉子碰头时会懂得实正的女人

    And a real woman knows a real man同样实正的女人也会懂得实正的汉子Ain’t afraid to please her不要恐惧令她高兴

    And a real woman knows a real man always comes first实正的女人晓得实正的汉子老是走在前面

    And a real man just can’t deny a womans worth而实正的汉子也不克不及承认一个女人的价值

    A woman’s worth一个女人的价值

    If you treat me fairly, I’ll give you all my goods假设你好好地看待我,我会给你我的一切

    Treat you like a real woman should我会把你当做一个实正的女人

    (Baby I know you’re worth it)(宝物我晓得你值得)

    If you never play me假设你永久不玩弄我

    Promise not to bluff容许我永久不扯谎

    I’ll hold you down when shit gets rough即便碰着坎坷我也会永久都拥抱着你

    (Cause baby I know you’re worth it)(因为宝物我晓得你值得)

    She walks an extra mile with smile她带头浅笑陆续前行

    All the while being true那一切都是实在的

    Don’t take for granted the passions that she has for you不要认为她对你的爱都是天经地义

    You will lose if you chose to refuse to put her first假设你回绝抉择把她放在第一位,你会失往她

    She will and she can find a man who knows her worth她会并且她可以找到另一个晓得她价值的汉子

    No need to read between the lines spell it out for you你没有需要往体味话语的弦外之音

    Just hear this song只要你听听那首歌

    Cause you can’t go wrong when you value因为你不克不及做错,当你评判

    A woman’s, a woman’s, a woman’s, a woman’s worth一个女人的,女人的,女人的,女人的价值


     歌手:alicia keys 专辑:songs in a minor

    同样出自alicia keys ,疯狂英语上有收录,那时买了那本书,只对那一首伤风,其它的都抛到一边往了。

    [Verse 1]

    I keep on fallin’

    In and out of love

    With you

    Sometimes I love ya

    Sometimes u make me blue

    Sometimes I feel good

    At times I feel used

    Lovin you darlin’

    Makes me so confused

    I keep on


    In and out of love with you

    I never loved someone

    Keys Alicia

    The way that I love you

    [Verse 2]

    Oh, oh , I never felt this way

    How do you give me so much pleasure

    And cause me so much pain

    Just when I think

    Ive taken more than would a fool

    I start fallin’ back in love with you

    I keep on


    In and out of love with you

    I never loved someone

    The way that I love you


    Oh baby

    I, I, I, I’m fallin’


    I keep on


    In and out of love with you

    I never loved someone

    The way that I love you

    Im fallin’

    In and out of love with you

    I never loved someone

    The way that I love you

    Im fallin’

    In and out of love with you

    I never loved someone

    The way that I love you


    (7)STAND SINGER:jewel


    Walk in a corner shop


    See a shoplifting cop


    See the old lady with a gun


    See the hero try 2 run


    Nothing’s what it seems, I mean


    It’s not all dirty, but it’s not all clean


    There’s children paying bills


    There’s monks buying thrills


    There’s pride for sale in magazines


    There’s pills for rent 2 make u clean


    Marvin Gaye, there’s no brother, brother

    Marvin Gaye,没有兄弟,兄弟

    Woody Guthrie’s land can’t feed Mother

    Woody Guthrie的国度不克不及培育母亲


    Mothers weep, children sleep


    So much violence ends in silence


    It’s a shame there’s no one 2 blame


    For all the pain that life brings


    If u will just take me It might just complete me


    And together we can make a stand


    A waitress brings me lunch


    We meet but do not touch


    On TV, D.C. is selling lies


    While in the corner, King’s dream dies

    此时角落里的 King 梦想幻灭

    Go 2 the counter, pay for me and my friend


    A homeless man pulls out a roll, says it’s on him


    The mayor has no cash


    He said he spent it on hookers and hash



    U will love me, I will love u



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