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Corresponding author : XU Ying   E2mail : yingxu @red. semi . ac. cn

  mc2Si :HPc2Si solar cell prepared by PECVD

  XU Ying1 ,2) , LIAO Xianbo1) , DIAO Hongwei1) , Li Xudong2) , ZENG Xiangbo1) , LIU Xiaoping2) ,

  WANG Minhua2) , and WANG Wenjing2)

  1) State Laboratory for Surface Physics , Institute of Semiconductors and Center for Condensed Matter Physics , Chinese

  Acad2bmy of Sciences , Beijing 100083 , China

  2) Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute , Beijing 100083 , China

  (Received 2006206228)

  Abstract : Hetero2junction solar cells with an mc2Si :H window layer were achieved. The open voltage is in2

  creased while short current is decreased with increasing the mc2Si :H layer′s thickness of emitter layer. The

  highest of Voc of 597 mV has obtained. When fixed the thickness of 30 nm, changing the N type from amor2

  phous silicon layer to micro2crystalline layer , the efficiency of the hetero2junction solar cells is increased. Al2

  though the hydrogen etching before deposition enables the c2Si substrates to become rough by AFMimages , it

  enhances the formation of epitaxial2like micro2crystalline silicon and better parameters of solar cell can be ob2

  tained by implying this process. The best result of efficiency is 13. 86 % with the Voc of 549. 8 mV , J sc of

  32. 19 mA·cm- 2 and the cell′s area of 1 cm2 .

  Key words : solar cell ; hetero2junction ; amorphous silicon ; plasma enhanced CVD

  [ This project was financially supported by the National Science Foundation of Beijing , China (No. 04D063) ]

  1.  Introduction

  So2call hetero2junction silicon solar cells

  has got more attentions by a lot of researchers in

  recent years for its advantages such as higher

  performance , lower fabrication temperature and

  related lower quality of the substrates [ 124 ] .

  The performance of the hetero2junction solar cell

  is dramatically influenced by the thin2filmPab2

  sorber interface [ 5 ] . Actually , an intermediate

  buffer layer is always needed to passivate the

  surface. Some group used intrinsic2amorphous 2

  silicon thin film to be the buffer layer , others

  prefer the hybrid layer[627 ] . Lots of researches

  on different substrates etching or treatments

  method , and variety instinct layer depth and in2

  terface parameters have been studied[8 ] .

  In this paper , we achieved an epitaxial2like

  micro2silicon emitter or nano2crystalline window

  layer to realize the hetero2junction solar cells ,

  which means our hetero2junction solar cells with2

  out any intrinsic amorphous buffer layer. The

  hetero2junction solar cell was prepared by plasma

  enhanced CVD on P type crystalline silicon sub2

  strates without any texture. The structure was

  AgPITOPn2mc2Si :HPp2c2SiPAl . ITO film is sput2

  tered after the PECVD process , and the front

  grid was formed by a mask2evaporation technolo2

  gy. Rear contact was formed before PECVD pro2

  cess by thermal evaporation and fired at 450 ℃

  to form the ohm2contact .

  2.  Experimental

  Phosphorous doped mc2Si :H materials was

  made by PECVD in a three2chamber deposition

  system , excited by RF frequency (13. 56 MHz)

  with a power density of 1 W·cm- 2 . A mixture

  of SiH4 , PH3 and H2 was used with a high

  hydrogen dilution ratio of H2

  PSiH4 = 100. For

  optical and electrical characterization , films

  were deposited on Coming 7059 glass substrates

  with a thickness about 500 nm and examined by

  RARE METALS         

  Vol . 25 , Spec. Issue , Oct 2006 , p. 176

  Raman scattering to determine the grain size and

  crystallinity. Raman spectra of the films are

  taken in backscattering geometry with the 532

  nm line of an Ar laser. The temperature depen2

  dence of dark conductivity (σD ) was measured

  using a pair of Al coplanar gap2cell electrodes.

  The activation energy ( Ea ) of the electric con2

  ductivity was deduced.

  Commercial Czochralski c2Si (100) wafers

  of 340μm thick and 1. 3Ω·cm were used. Sil2

  icon wafers were cleaned by RCA process. Be2

  fore deposition of the emitter , an Al film was

  thermally evaporated on the rear side of the wa2

  fers and followed by an annealing at 450 ℃to

  form the ohm2contact .

  The hetero2junctions were then fabricated

  by depositing of nc2Si : H to mc2Si : H n2layer

  emitter on the polished side of the silicon wa2

  fer. Before deposition , a hydrogen plasma treat2

  ment is applied to clean the c2Si surface in a

  low gas pressure of 70 Pa , and a power density

  of 0. 5 W·cm- 2 . Atom Force Microscopy

  (AFM) and High2Resolution electron microsco2

  py (HRTEM) were used to investigate the effect

  of the hydrogen plasma treatment .

  The nc2Si :H to mc2Si :H n2layer was depos2

  ited on dilution ratio (H2

  PSiH4 ) of 100 , a high

  gas pressure of 650 Pa , under the condition of a

  high power density of 1 W·cm- 2 and a substrate

  temperature of 350 to 430 ℃. About 80 nm thick

  ITO coating was formed at 200 ℃ by using an

  RF2magnetron sputtering system from a sintered

  ceramic target (3 inch in diameter) of In2O3 ∶

  SnO2 (10 wt . %) after the PECVD process. The

  Ag front grids were formed by a mask2evapora2

  tion technique. Solar cells were made in config2

  uration of Ag (200 nm)PITO (80 nm)Pn2mc2Si :

  H (30 nm)Pp2c2Si (340μm)PAl (200 nm) .

  Fig. 1.  Structure of heterojunction solar cell.

  Fig. 1 shows the structure of the solar cell . Illu2

  minated I2V characteristics of solar cells were

  measured under a sun simulator of AM1. 5 and

  100 mW·cm- 2 power density at room tempera2

  ture , using a 42probes system.

  3.  Results and discussion

  Fig. 2 (a) gives the AFM mapping of the c2

  Si substrates of the RCA cleaning. The average

  roughness ( Ra ) of c2Si substrate is 0. 047392.

  After a low gas pressure of 70 Pa , a power

  density of 0. 5 W·cm- 2 hydrogen plasma treat2

  ment , the c2Si surface was etched as shown in

  Fig. 2 (b) . The Ra is increased to 0. 1581 , i .

  e. , hydrogen plasma treatment of the c2Si sub2

  strate can enhance the roughness of the c2Si

  surface. The HRTEM mapping also shows the

  same results mentioned later.

  Fig. 2.  AFM image of initial c2Si substrate ( a) ;

  AFM image of c2Si substrate with hydrogen plasma

  treatment ( b) .

  Fig. 3 shows the Raman spectrumof the nc2

  Si :H to mc2Si :H n2layer which are deposited on

  Xu Y. et al . , mc2Si :HPc2Si solar cell prepared by PECVD 177

  dilution ratio (H2

  PSiH4 ) of 100 , under the con2

  dition of a high gas pressure of 650 Pa , a highly

  power density of 1 W·cm- 2 and substrate tem2

  perature of 350 to 430 ℃. It can be seen that

  the films become micro2amorphous silicon at the

  temperature of 430 ℃. The mc2Si :H film has a

  1. 78 eV band gap and Ea of 0. 2 eV.

  Fig. 3.  Raman spectrum of n2layer on different dep2

  osition temperature.

  The grain size of mc2Si : H layer can be

  calculated as follows [ 9 ] : by analysis Raman

  spectrum through Gaussian distribution fitting.

  The grain size of nc2Si :H (350 ℃) is 7 nm ,

  and mc2Si :H is 4. 8 nm.

  Δω( D) = - A ( a


  ) r (1)

  The cross section of the interface between

  the c2Si substrates and the mc2Si :H film is in2

  vestigated by HRTEM as shown in Fig. 4. The

  mc2Si : H is like cone growth when applying

  highly power density of hydrogen treatment as

  shown in Fig. 4 (b) .

  Hetero2junction solar cells with different

  mc2Si : H thickness are summarized in Fig. 5.

  The open voltage is increased while short current

  is decreased with increasing the micro2crystalline

  silicon layer′s thickness of emitter layer , when

  the thickness increases to 170 nm , the highest

  Voc of 597 mV is obtained with a related lower

  J sc of 20. 676 mA·cm- 2 and high FF of 0. 79.

  All the samples are obtained with hydrogen plas2

  ma treatment , while others without hydrogen

  plasma treatment has bad parameter. The best

  result of efficiency is 1 3 . 8 6 %with the Voc is

  Fig. 4.  HRTEM image of mc2Si :Hand c2Si inter2

  face with hydrogen plasma treatment of 0. 05

  W·cm- 2 , 10 min ( a) ; HRTEM image of mc2Si :H

  and c2Si interface with hydrogen plasma treatment of

  015 W·cm- 2 , 10 min ( b) .

  Fig. 5.  Parameters solar cell vs mc2Si :Hthickness.

  549. 8 mV , J sc of 32. 19 mA·cm- 2 , FF of

  01783 and the cell′s area of 1 cm2 , and the

  mc2Si :H thickness of 20 - 30 nm.

  4.  Conclusions

  Phosphorous doped mc2Si :H n2layers were

  realized and characterized for hetero2junction

  solar cell application. The open voltage is in2

       178              RARE METALS , Vol . 25 , Spec. Issue , Oct 2006

  creased while short current is decreased with in2

  creasing the micro2crystalline silicon layer′s

  thickness of emitter layer , while decreasing the

  fill factor. The best thickness may be 20 to 30

  nm. Although H plasma treatment enhances the

  roughness of the silicon wafer , the higher effi2

  ciency can be obtained by applying this pro2

  cess . The best result of efficiency is 13. 86 %

  with the Voc of 549. 8 mV , J sc of 32. 19

  mA·cm- 2 and the cell′s area of 1 cm2 , by us2

  ing H treatment of 50 W, 10 min.


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