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  DSP 2 Senior with DSP experience, Good English,可能纷歧定来做dsp算法,而是dsp内部的一些驱动或交互通信,因而纷歧定非要做dsp算法的人,好比可要做dsp和arm之间交互通信的人。本科5年摆布,英语要好,因为可能会有global的一些项目。

  Audio Control 4 C/C++,Linux, Driver or Middleware, Good English, Audio experience is a plus

  Software Tester 4 熟悉测试流程、写Report,主动化测试,脚本,路测体味,驾照,英语不要太差。男女不限,不做笔试,工做年限不限

  Media 3 C/C++, Media experience, Gstreamer, English

  Media 2 C++,面向对象(2年以上),English。(备注:media那边表达只要C++好,就能够选举,纷歧定要做过多媒体,那个项目标需求有点儿纷歧样。)

  BT 2 C++,面向对象;有BT 相关体味;具备较好的英文传闻才能,因为可能会有global的一些项目。本科2-6年均可,有senior的也考虑。

  Voice Rec 1 C++,面向对象;有Voice recognization, TTS... 相关体味更好;其实没有做过语音识此外,做过中间件那类的也能够。具备较好的英文传闻才能,因为可能会有global的一些项目。

  Connectivity 2 C++,面向对象; 有WiFi, DLNA, Mirror link, 收集电视... 相关体味更好;具备较好的英文传闻才能,因为可能会有global的一些项目。本科2-6年均可,有senior的也考虑。

  SW Platform - Driver 3 MCU/MPU(arm/x86)的嵌进式软件C/C++开发体味,在嵌进式情况(Linux/QNX/ucOS)下丰富的嵌进式软件开发和测试体味。具有板级撑持包和驱动法式开发的丰富常识体味。

  System Integration Engineer 1  

  Navigation Engineer 1  

  PM 1  

  Software Engineer – Platform

  Job Description:

  - Embedded Software development including driver and middleware development on Linux/QNX platform.

  - Software development process from requirements to design and implementation.

  - Participate in technical reviews for own or others work.

  - Unit, component test and system test.

  - Closely work with other RD centers and business units of Harman worldwide.

  - Be self-motivated with a strong desire to learn and be flexible.


  - Bachelor degree or above with at least 1 year working experience or above in relevant fields.

  - Proficient in C/C++, Linux/QNX real time embedded software development on MCU, ARM based processors, and/or other platforms.

  - Solid embedded software development and test experience in an embedded RTOS environment (Linux/QNX/ucOS).

  - Knowledge and experience of driver and middleware development.

  - Knowledge of Perforce SW integration on embedded target is a plus.

  - Previous working experience in developing SW for in-vehicle infotainment device is a plus.

  - Knowledge and experience of CAN/LIN/FlexRay SW development and integration on IOC is a plus.

  - Knowledge and experience of Linux kernel and tool-chain is a plus.

  - Knowledge of object-oriented programming on embedded system is a plus.

  - Fluent English language.

  - Good communication skill.

  - High degree of initiative and responsibility.

  - Capable of working on a project in a worldwide multiple-site and multicultural environment.

  Software Engineer – System Integration

  Job Description:

  - Technical interface to customer and technical project leader in project execution phase.

  - Ensure that software and system integration activities of a customer project are planned, controlled and monitored.

  - Ensure that all integration actitivities are coordinated and aligned with test activities(by close collaboration with SW Test Leader and System Test Leader).

  - Collaborate in creation/update of Risk/Issues List (regularly updated in Team 1 Meeting).

  - Collaborate in technical design review meetings internally and externally.

  - System components integration/diagnostics/debug in bench evaluation and onsite support.


  - MS/BS degree in Electrical Engineering or related fields.

  - 3+ years of working experience in embedded system development. Embedded programming skills is a plus, preferable in C/C+.

  - Experience in vehicle interface like CAN, LIN and diagnostics.

  - Experience with Real Time Operating Systems.

  - Experience in software and hardware development for automotive infotainment is a plus.

  - Project management experience, can be able to support several projects at the same time.

  - Fluent English and positive communication attitude, both good in speaking and understanding.

  - Good interpersonal and communication skills. Good team spirit in cooperation with colleagues from other departments. very strong customer orientation.

  - High degree of initiative and responsibility. Strong push attitude to accelerate the project process, quick response to issues.

  - Capable of working on a project in a worldwide multisite environment.



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