Our ultimate mission

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  Hello brothers and sisters,

Our ultimate mission

  Good day to ALL!

  Our ultimate mission... our calling that our "Loving Father" has assigned us... "everything happens for a reason," based on our actions, decisions and choices we make.

  Thoughts for the day...

  I wanted to share with you my passionate mission here on earth, to change our world to a better one... to do good not only for ourselves and our family but also for everyone that we get in contact with everyday of our lives. I know it's not easy and it takes an act of God to realize some of these kind of mission. 

  But I knew deep within the very depth of my heart and soul that there is a better tomorrow that awaits us all. And it can be done with all our collective efforts. 

  A mission for us to inspire, to live a life that is full of hope, faith and love... a mission that will open all our hearts to all possibilities of changes. Good and better from the old ways on how we live our lives and the ways we treat each other.

  It's time for some big and drastic changes that we will finally see "the light at the end of the tunnel". A new world called "New Paradise", a place where we can all realize peace, unity and love for one another. But more importantly our own responsibility to follow the laws of the land and heaven, and our conscientious decision that will affect not only our lives but also the lives of others on a daily basis.  This will be a world of changes, a total makeover of our attitudes towards our lives here on earth. 

  We need to look and think about this seriously because we will have no choice in the future but to obey or face consequences that could be detrimental to our future lives here on earth and even our world existence. So, whatever we have, material treasure,  knowledge or power will not matter at all. These will all extinguish right in our very own eyes and will be gone in a split of a second. I don't mean to scare anyone but rather share the vision that I've seen that is so bleak and full of uncertainties. We all have our "choices" that were given to us by our "Loving Father." It's up to us to tap into the right one (choice), I know it's hard for most of us to digest this kind of notion. It could be overwhelming and complex to comprehend.

  Please bear with me in relaying this very important message, this is not to scare anyone and force you to believe in something you cannot understand. But rather to make you aware and rethink of what we as individuals do in our life that affect others. The decision we make and not make because we do not care or feel that it doesn't affect us or it's a norm in our society today; for instance  in our own community, our home, at work, in school, at church and so on...

  All these careless and thoughtless thought process and actions are all wrong because we do affect someone like a domino affect, good or bad. We have to change or modify our thought process responsibly. When we do something involving decisions we are definitely affecting someone and all the people that surround us. 

  We may not think of this at the time because of what we're going through based on what we feel in our lives called frustrations or inspirations. This is where our choice process takes place and sadly we base our choices out of frustrations even if we know in our minds that it is wrong. If we go back and reconnect our minds into our heart and soul we see how wrong our decision goes. Remember, we still have the time to correct this and change our route when making decisions. Discipline and timing are essential to practice our thought process the right way. Let's not make any hasty decisions based on our emotions that we're going through at that time.

  Calm down and rethink as many times as you can before arriving at your final decision. 

  Frankly speaking, I'll be the first one to admit that I do these at times; making a hasty decision based on how I feel at that time. Once we make that decision, sometimes we have the option to rescind it. However, there are decisions that cannot be changed. We can only hope that we can learn from all these experiences; to be wiser and stronger, so the next time we cross this similar scenario in our life again we are better equipped with experiences to make the right choice. 

  Life is good and our "Loving Father" is always great!!!

  Let's not abuse HIS kindness because someday we will have to answer to HIM all our actions and face the consequences of our choice here on earth and even through everlasting life of our soul...

  And remember the word "KARMA", whatever we're doing whether it's personal or professional matter. It will come back and hunt us down sometime in our earthly life and beyond...

  Attention please: If any Chinese speaker reading this message that would be kind enough to translate this in Chinese, I would really appreciate the effort. Thank you so much!

  "Inspire life and spread the love of God!"

  May all the blessings, continuous guidance and good fortune from our "Loving Father" be with you all always!

  As always, with so much love and care for everyone,

  Brother Chris Joseph


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