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  In the first part of his study of the low-intensity warfare carried out by the United States against communist China since the Cold War, Robert S. Rodvik focuses on the U.S. collaboration with the nationalist government of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. As a rabid anti-communist, Washington knew it could count on the Generalissimo to be more preoccupied with anti-Communist extermination campaigns than with resisting the Japanese invaders, and complicitly turned a blind eye to Chiang’s massacres and unbridled corruption.

  自暗斗完毕后美国策动的对共产主义中国的低烈度战争中, Robert S.Rodvik研究的第一部门就聚焦在美国与国民党政府全军总司令蒋介石的联手上。做为一名狂热的反共分子,华府大白它能够指看那位全军总司令比抗日还要负责地清共,所以整个华府不约而同地对蒋介石的大残杀和放纵陈旧迂腐视若无睹。

  Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (L) appointed Allied Commander-in-Chief in the China theater in 1942, with his very influential wife, and U.S. General Joseph Stilwell (R) who served as Chiang’s Chief of Staff, and at the same time commanded US forces in the China Burma India Theater.


  For as long as I can remember the US has been waging an undeclared war against China, the latter very lucky to have avoided being nuked when it joined North Korea in its battle against the Empire. Considering that millions of North Koreans were wiped out by the bombing, killing, murdering giant, its land devastated by the marauding monster, the mere fact that the Joint Chiefs were unable to get the OK to nuke China seems a rare non-happening of great importance. This doesn’t mean, however, that the US hasn’t continued its convert war to actually destroy communist China over the years. So don’t be surprised when that scenario actually comes into play; sooner, I believe, rather than later.


  At the end of WWII writes William Blum, "The ink on the Japanese surrender treaty was hardly dry when the United States began to use the Japanese soldiers still in China alongside American troops in a joint effort against the Chinese communists." [1]


  Blum was referring to US collaboration with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang (KMT) nationalist army and their plans to repel Mao Tse-Tung’s communist soldiers, at war with the rampantly corrupt KMT. Chiang’s nationalist army hoarded US aid monies, arms and material to such a degree that President Truman wrote that "the Chiangs, and the Soongs (were) all thieves" having stolen some $750 million dollars of US funds. [2]

  布卢姆指出,美国和大元帅蒋介石以及他的国民党戎行协做,他们方案 在毛泽东的共产主义兵士与疯狂陈旧迂腐的国民党的战争中将其击退。蒋介石的国民党戎行囤积美国援助资金、兵器和素材抵达了如许一个水平,杜鲁门总统写道:“蒋家,孔家,宋家都是悍贼”,他们盗走了7.5亿美圆的美国资金。【2】

  To understand the role of the Generalissimo and the KMT in the long, tortured history of modern China we need to go back in time and examine Chiang’s monstrous role in the country’s development.


  Dr. Sun Yat-sen was the respected leader of modern China and the early leader of the KMT. His death in 1924 led to a scramble for power, which, in turn, led to the head of the Green Gang triad, Big Eared Tu (Tu Yueh-sheng) succeeding Sun as leader. Tu was the undeniable head of opium trafficking in China and also the head of worker suppression for the Chinese elites and their foreign counterparts in the International Settlement who found labour turmoil as anathema to profit. In 1925 worker and student unrest was such that police from the International Settlement were called in and a British detachment "fired into the crowd killing twelve workers and wounding fifty others. This ‘May 30th Incident’ precipitated strikes, boycotts, and demonstrations," [resulting in the further killing of fifty-two protestors in Canton] murdered by "French and British machine gunners." [3] Big Eared Tu and his close drug trafficking sidekick Chiang Kai-shek were on their way to controlling all of China.


  In February 1927 yet another worker’s strike took place in Shanghai and along with them student supporters were passing out leaflets on city streets. As Sterling Seagrave informs us in his valuable book The Soong Dynasty, "Police and soldiers fell upon them, dragging them into the middle of streets and beheading them on the spot. In the presumed sanctuary of the International Settlement and French Concession, British, American and French police arrested students handing out leaflets, and expelled them from the barricades into the waiting arms of warlord soldiers—who immediately beheaded them. Two hundred were decapitated that day...In an act of calculated treachery, Chiang ordered his army vanguard [alleged rescuers] to stop twenty-five miles outside Shanghai...The man whose troops carried out these beheadings, Li Pao-chang, was rewarded by Chiang a few weeks later with the command of the Eighth Nationalist Army." [4]

  1927年2月,在上海发作了别的一路工人歇工运动,学生撑持者同时沿街散发传单。好像 史特林西格雷在他贵重的著做《宋家王朝》中告诉我们的,“差人和兵士冲向他们,将他们拉到街道的中心,并将他们当场斩首。”在租界假设的出亡所里,英法美差人拘捕分发传单的学生,并摈除他们穿过路障走向期待中的军阀的兵士------那些人立即将他们斩首。那一天有两百人被杀戮......在一次有方案的变节动作中,蒋介石命令他的戎行前锋(所谓的救援人员)停在上海25英里外...... Li Pao-chang(译注:没有查到那小我是谁,熟悉的童鞋告诉一声,谢谢)的队伍施行了斩首动作,数周后蒋介石奖励他为国名党第八军的批示官。“【4】

  By now the Western leaders of the International Settlement were closely aligned with Big Eared Tu and the Green Gang with the French Concession becoming the heart of China’s opium and heroin trade-all of which was controlled by Big-eared Tu, Chiang, and the Green Gang. As Seagrave writes, "Each month Big-eared Tu was realizing profits of $6,500,000 and passing $150,000 of this on to French government officials and concession police to guarantee a happy working relationship between the Concessionaires and the Green Gang." [5] It also helped that the chief of detectives of the narcotics police was Green Gang honcho Pockmarked Huang (Huang Chih-jung). By now Chiang was the undisputed leader of the drug-dealing killer triad, as ruthless as any hoodlum in written history. As Seagrave informs us, "Chiang’s police record in the British-administered International Settlement grew over the years to include murder, extortion, numerous armed robberies, and assorted other crimes. He was indicted on all the listed charges, but was never brought to trial, or jailed." [6]


  Shanghai 1927: Chiang’s execution squad beheading a communist worker


  April 1927 soon became infamous with Chiang’s ‘White Terror’ slaughters of leftists and communists (massacres that would accompany Chiang throughout his murderous career). Throughout April more than 12,000 were killed in Shanghai alone. Two Chinese scholars write that, "In the year after 1927, over 300,000 people died across China in anti-communist suppression campaigns executed by the KMT." [7] Other researchers estimate the deaths being in the millions, mostly in the rural areas where communists and leftists had retreated from Chiang’s terror.


  Publisher Henry Booth Luce of Life and Time magazine fame (later the leading light, along with wife Clare Booth Luce, of the ‘China Lobby’) became an early apologist of Chiang’s butcher gang and of Chiang himself. In its April 25 edition of Time, Luce would have Time declare that the Shanghai Massacre was merely an example of Chiang "impeaching" the leftists. [8] As Luce was equally a rabid anti-communist I believe it is accurate to say that he was fully informed of the Generalissimo’s Nazi-like operations and therefore, with his defense of Chiang, approved of the massacres undertaken by Chiang and his KMT armies.


  Chiang, meanwhile, was extorting massive payments from all segments of society and T.V. Soong, Minister of Finance, was aware that virtually none of this money was going to the national treasury, most of it going into Chiang’s endless pockets. T.V. knew that he was "no match for a military man whose troops enjoyed disemboweling young girls and winding their intestines around their naked bodies while they were still conscious." [9]


  The illicit partnership was consummated when T.V.’s sister Mei-ling (Madame Chiang) married the Generalissimo in a royal wedding in Shanghai. Chiang now had an inroad into the wealth of China via T.V.’s role as head of the Central Bank and Soong stood by helplessly as the silver reserves vanished into Chiang’s personal accounts. Another of T.V.’s sisters, Ai-ling, married wealthy industrialist H.H. Kung, principal agent of the Standard Oil Company of China. Both Kung and wife Ai-ling happened to be personal intimates of Big Eared Tu and FBI reports stated that she was responsible for the assassinations of family enemies.


  Now, in the 1930s, Chiang became enamored with Italy’s Benito Mussolini and Germany’s Adolf Hitler. Thus, when Hitler came to power in 1933 Chiang asked him for help in his ongoing war with Mao Tse-tung and the communists fighting against the massive corruption of Chiang and his warlord armies. Hitler dispatched his top military strategist, General Hans von Seect and his aide Lieutenant General George Wetzell. Together they devised a ‘Scorched earth’ policy for Chiang and the KMT, which brought famine to the mountain populations that provided shelter for the communists. Historian Edgar Snow estimated that "in all a million people were killed or starved to death." [10]

  1930年,蒋介石变得迷信意大利的墨索里尼和德国的希特勒。因而,当希特勒1933年掌权时,蒋介石向他恳求搀扶帮助,搀扶帮助他战胜和毛泽东正在停止的,共产党人反对蒋介石及其军阀大规模陈旧迂腐的斗争。希特勒派出了他的高级军事战术家, Hans von Seect 将军和他的助手 George Wetzell 中将。他们为蒋介石和他的国民党戎行设想了一个“焦土战策”,那给为共产党供给出亡所的山区人民带往了饥荒。汗青学家埃德加·斯诺估量,“总共有一百万人被杀或因饥饿而死。“【10】



美国几十年如一日的对中战争,未完待续.中国汗青你领会么?(转载) 期待您的回复!
