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【全球首发】4701套PPT设想计划+2277套CAD施工图 +3647套顶级 品牌家具

+14780套顶尖巨匠案例.无与伦比— 史上最强 最全 最新 室内硬拆软拆设想材料库 !




以怀旧主题开启对将来生活的想像。项目位于深圳,与香港仅是一河之隔,阿谁港风流行的黄金年代是岁月翻腾中的瑰宝,透过近期热火的《声生不息》等类似节目,不难看出人们热衷于情怀的逃溯,那是不成磨灭的把戏韶华。 The nostalgic theme opens the imagination of future life. The project is located in Shenzhen, just across the river from Hong Kong. The golden age when Hong Kong was popular is a treasure in the tumbling years.

以治愈与温热、关心与陪同搭建实在生活场景,把戏韶华、西部牛仔和深夜食堂,通过怀旧新海潮丰富社区的内容,构建精神世界的乌托邦,让情怀与文化成为社区生长的土壤。 Build a real life scene with healing and warmth, care and companionship, and enrich the content of the community through nostalgia for Sina Tide, so that feelings and culture become the soil for community growth.

从把戏韶华起头讲述现代的花YOUNG生活,踏上拾光之旅的那一刻,每小我都手持一张通往将来的车票。 The story starts with the life of contemporary flower YOUNG. At the moment of the journey of light gathering, everyone holds a ticket to the future.

以拾光为起点,花艺安装始末贯串空间的故事线,从朝花夕拾的气氛营造天然地将人们带进到当下情境中,在情怀的逃溯中找到将来的花YOUNG生活。 With light gathering as the starting point, flower art installations always run through the story line of the space, creating a natural atmosphere from day to day to bring people into the current situation.

在那场拾光之旅,ENJOY邀请到三位在餐饮行业中担任着差别角色的逃梦人,从他们的视角解读生活与美食、地区与文化的联络, 在他们的履历中会碰见哪些有趣的工作呢?

“ 从酒类的抉择衍生到调酒背后的在地文化或是日常的冷暄等等...在刚好的气氛和放松的社交,给人的觉得就很nice, 他们在享受生活的同时,我也是。”

通过社区与品牌的连系召唤过往的黄金时代,不但是情怀的拜托,而是让人们在觥筹交织间找回记忆里的温度与情面味,在小酌的微醺后让心里沉浸在精神的乌托邦。 The combination of community and brand calls up the golden age of the past, which is not only the sustenance of feelings, but also allows people to find the temperature and human feelings in their memory when they are drinking, and immerse their hearts in spiritual utopia after a small drink.

复古的花砖、高饱和度的红色以及存于影像里的中古家具,似乎走进了王家卫的片子。 The retro tiles, high saturation red and medieval furniture in the image seem to have entered Wong Kar wai's film.

在怀旧的底色展叙中,鲜花的绽放唤应着唤醒的记忆,人们来到那里会有一种说不清、道不明的熟悉感,能够快速进进松弛的形态,对社区产生依靠与回属的感情。 In the background of nostalgia, the blooming of flowers echoes the awakened memory. When people come here, they will have a sense of familiarity that is unclear and unclear.

见微知著,于气氛的衬托中彰显对感情节拍的把控。置于过道、走廊的水晶壁灯,酷似老式香水瓶的形态,任流光溢彩游走在差别的切面,折射出点点星光,照亮了回忆的角落。 It shows the control of emotional rhythm in the contrast of atmosphere. The crystal wall lamp placed in the passageway and corridor resembles the shape of an old perfume bottle.

“想要传达一种讯息,对食物的尊重。群众对西餐厅的印象大多都是精致和仪式感之类,而往往漠视了对美食的重视。 我期看人们在我的餐厅能够静下心来享受美食,和它所带来的美妙光阴。”

从片子中吸收灵感,突破西餐厅的固有印象,让精致的仪式感融进朴实的气氛中,并通过插画形式阐释饮食文化的精华,让门客在品尝美食也能更懂美食,构成一个知味觅味的良性互动。 Draw inspiration from the film, break the inherent impression of the western restaurant, let the refined sense of ritual into the simple atmosphere, and explain the essence of the food culture through the form of illustrations。

丰富的木色纹理、编织皮革的触感、极富年代感的中古家具,透过眼眸的感知是朴实的底色,如诗一般的语境论述着关于西部牛仔的憧憬,是天然中别具特色的粗暴诗意。 The rich wood color texture, the touch of woven leather, and the medieval furniture with a sense of age are the plain background color through the eyes.

“ 既走胃也走心。在各类餐饮店兴起的当下,人们起头驰念平易近人的大排档,不但是亲民的价格,还有广东人经常提起的镬气,以及陪伴炊火气而升温的情面味。”

空间的规划摘取了与门客面临面的形式,消弭店员与客人之间的目生感,好似市井里的人世炊火。 The layout of the space takes the form of face-to-face with the diners to eliminate the strangeness between the clerks and guests, just like the fireworks in the marketplace.

深夜里一碗热火朝天的汤面,不但是味蕾的触动,还非分特别地治愈人心。A bowl of steaming soup noodles in the middle of the night is not only a touch of taste buds, but also a special way to heal people's hearts.

项目名称| 将来之光家园

项目地址| 广东 深圳

项目面积| 约1300㎡(室内设想范畴)

业主单元| 深圳市安万置业有限公司

甲方团队| 吴智彤、张谢鑫、纪惠敏、宋晓月、雷婷、李森

室内/ 软拆 设想| ENJOYDESIGN

花艺设想| 第七庭园花艺空间设想公司

建筑设想| 上海日清建筑设想有限公司(计划)

深圳市天华建筑设想有限公司 (施工图)

景看设想| AN尚源景看

灯光设想| HDA汉都灯光设想

项目摄影| 覃昭量


若何做出优良的设想计划 ?


常言道 巧妇难为无米之炊,










【巨匠新做】1300㎡“怀旧主题”的万科社区营造5.0:把戏韶华! 期待您的回复!
