中国故事 55 Magic Gold and Old Ding Part 1 聚宝盆1 | 传播传统文化(音频版)
55. Magic Gold and Old Ding Part 1
The old man bent over the rice plants struggling to grow in the muddy rice paddy. “I guess I shouldn’t mind that Wang Bapi keeps taking more of our land,” he said to his grandson Lu. “The bigger the farm, the more we have to work. And the more we have to give the magistrate. But I wish we had more rice.”
“Me too,” said Lu. “I’m tired of us being hungry.” Lu’s real name was Zhang Lu, but everyone called him Lu for short.
As they walked back to the house, Grandpa Zhang stepped on something hard. “I think it might be a big piece of rock salt,” he told Lu.
“That would explain why the rice has been dying.” They tried digging it up with their hands.
“The mud keeps covering it up!” said Lu.
“What?” asked Grandpa. He cupped his ears with his muddy hands.
“The mud, it’s all over!” complained Lu.
“What?” asked Grandpa. He rubbed his ears with his muddy hands.
“Grandpa, you have mud in your ears!” said Lu.
“What?” said Grandpa, wiping his ears. “I can’t hear you. I’ve got mud in my ears.”
“Grandpa,” laughed Lu. “Let’s finish the house chores. Then we can get the shovel and try again.”
After cleaning up, they headed inside to the family shrine. They dusted it and bowed to their ancestors.
“I’m sorry, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and all the family,” said Grandpa Zhang. “We don’t have any fruit to share with you today. But we have a little bit of rice and cool water.” His grandson lit the incense and candles.
“Do you really think I’m like your great grandpa?” asked Lu.
“Just as smart,” said the old man, smiling. “And just as big a nose. And if you are just as hardworking, then you’ll be a great man like he was.”
Great Grandpa’s portrait hung over the shrine. He had a serious expression, but his eyes seemed to twinkle in the candlelight.
Wang Bapi was Lu and Grandpa Zhang’s neighbor. His fields began on the other side of their yard. The fields stretched all the way to the river. In his big home, Wang Bapi stacked up the gold yuanbao in front of his family shrine.
“You would be proud of me,” he said to the pictures of his ancestors.
“You gave me a nice farm, and I’ve turned it into a big farm!” He lit a candle. “My neighbors’ farms have all gotten smaller because I am so clever. I move the fences a little bit each night! If anyone notices and complains, I salt their fields. Then nothing grows!” The ancestors’
portraits glimmered darkly in the golden light.
On the other side of the river from Wang Bapi’s fields was the border of the magistrate’s land. His land stretched from the river across a wide valley. It went over a mountain and to the end of another valley. In that green valley, the magistrate lived with his old father.
“Son!” said the magistrate’s father. “You didn’t take care of the shrine while I was sick! The ancestors’ portraits are covered in dust. This peach has a worm in it!”
“Father,” said the magistrate. “I said I’d take care of it. Give me time. You don’t need to nag me!”
“Are you waiting for the rotten peach to become a tree? For the worm to become a butterfly?” scolded the magistrate’s father. He tapped his son with his walking cane.
The magistrate threw away the rotten fruit and rolled his eyes. When his father was sick, the maid had taken care of him. The magistrate had enjoyed a few peaceful days to do as he wished. The magistrate eyed the large pot, called a ding, sitting in front of the shrine. What if his father were to bend over and hit his head on the ding? That would be a shame.
However, the maid would have to take care of him again. Perhaps for a week or more this time! The magistrate was pulled out of his daydream by his father’s harsh voice.
“Son, go get some fresh fruit and drink for our ancestors. You’ll have to go to the store for more incense and candles.”
As the magistrate rode to the store, he went past Grandpa Zhang’s small plot of land. He noticed the grandpa and grandson in the rice paddy, working. The rice didn’t look healthy. “Oh no,” he grumbled. “I bet they won’t want to pay their full share to me next harvest.”
In the rice paddy, Grandpa Zhang and Lu struggled to dig. “Whatever it is, it’s big and heavy!” said Lu.
The End
Question: What do you think they found?
magistrate n. 处所行政官,治安官
shovel n. 铲,铁锹
shrine n. 圣坛,神殿
incense n. 香,(祭供等)焚香时的烟(或香气)
portrait n. 肖像,画像,人像
expression n. 脸色,腔调
twinkle v. (眼睛因欢乐、欣喜等而)闪亮
stretch v. 延续,延伸
stack v. 把……叠成堆,堆放于
glimmer v. 发微光
nag v. 责备不休,絮聒
rotten adj. 腐朽的,发臭的
tap v. 用……悄悄叩击
cane n. 拐杖,竹杖
plot n. (做特定用处的)小块土地
grumble v. 抱怨,发牢骚
paddy n. 稻田,水田
The bigger the farm, the more we have to work. And the more
we have to give the magistrate.农田越大,我们的工做就越多。
我们给县官的粮食也就越多。本句的句式为 the+比力级,the+比力级,表达越……越……
Are you waiting for the rotten peach to become a tree? For theworm to become a butterfly?”你是在等烂桃子酿成树么?在等虫子酿成蝴蝶么?第二句为省略句,省略了 Are you waiting.
What if his father were to bend over and hit his head on theding?假设他的父亲哈腰的时候头碰着鼎上怎么办?本句句式为what if+句子,表达假设……会如何?
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