中国故事 57 Magic Gold and Old Ding Part 3 聚宝盆 | 传播传统文化(音频版)

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57 Magic Gold and Old Ding Part3



The next day, Wang Bapi told the magistrate that Grandpa Zhang hadstolen the ding from him. The magistrate ordered the two neighbors tobring the pot to him and tell their stories. Grandpa Zhang and Lu placedthe magical ding in front of the magistrate’s family shrine. After themagistrate heard the stories, he tossed a gold yuanbao into the pot. Thepot filled with gold and his eyes bugged out. Everyone gazed inamazement and clapped. Even the eyes of the ancestors in the portraitsabove the shrine seemed to grow wide with wonder and amusement.

“My lost ding!” cried the magistrate. “It’s been in my family forgenerations! At last you have found it!” he said, nodding to GrandpaZhang. He tossed him a gold yuanbao in thanks.

The magistrate congratulated himself. He would be able to hire manymaids to watch his father and take care of the shrine! He was rich andsoon to be free of his nagging father!

Walking slowly with his cane, the magistrate’s father headed toward theshrine. “I want to try it!” he said.

“Father! Let me help you!” the magistrate cried.“

Don’t try to fool me, Sonny!” the old man said, laughing bitterly.He staggered forward, his cane leading the way. “You want all the goldfor yourself! You don’t want to share it with your poor old dad!” The oldman moved with surprising speed to the family shrine.

The magistrate hurried to stop his father. The old man lifted his cane andpushed it against his son’s chest. The magistrate stumbled backwardand fell on his bottom.


Laughter erupted from the family shrine. Were theancestors mocking him? The magistrate wondered. In shock, he lookedat the paintings of his grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather. The fat one was holding his stomach and bouncingwithlaughter. The skinny one had thrown his head back, chuckling. The onewith the long beard was slapping his knee with glee.

The magistrate’s father cradled a gold yuanbao that he had just takenfrom the shrine. The old man struggled to carry it and use his cane. Hestumbled. Did an unseen hand give him a push? The old man fell headfirst into the big, magical clay ding. The gold yuanbao clattered onto thefloor.

The ancestors in the paintings cackled with triumph. The magistratedidn’t rush to see if his father was all right. Instead, he rubbed his facewith his hands and groaned. He knew what was going to happen. Hismouth flapped open in dismay as his life got worse before his eyes.

His smiling father stepped out of the huge pot, swinging his cane anddoing a happy dance. Then another father stepped out, tossing his canein the air and catching it with one hand. More and more dancing fathersrose from the pot. Each one was identical to the others.

“Which one of you is my father?” cried the magistrate.

“Me!” all ten fathers answered in a chorus.

The End

Question: If there were ten of you, what would you do?


toss v. 扔,抛,掷

bug out (眼睛)凸起,张大

stagger v. 扭捏,蹒跚

chest n. (人或动物的)胸,胸腔

stumble v. 跌跌碰碰地走,蹒跚而行

erupt v. 突然冒出,突然发作

mock v. 讪笑,嘲笑

bounce v. 跳,跃,弹起

chuckle v. 窃笑,咯咯地轻声笑

cradle v. (放在摇篮里般地)抱

clatter v. 发哐啷声

cackle v. 咯咯地笑

rub v. 摩擦,揉擦

groan v. 嗟叹,发哼声

dismay n. 惊慌,惊愕,失看

identical adj. (完全)不异的,一模一样的
















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标签:英语 中国故事 中国传统文化


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中国故事 57 Magic Gold and Old Ding Part 3 聚宝盆 | 传播传统文化(音频版) 期待您的回复!
